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Hi! I'm Y/N. I was born with an ability. I can fly, I can control elements, telepathy, technopath.

Some people might think being born with powers might be awesome. But trust me... It's not. People around you would see you differently. They would see you as a freak.

In The Past

Being called names, pushed around, thrown things. That's exactly what happens to me during my time as a student. Every time I walk pass people, I would always hear what they thought about me. People would also talk bad about me. They throw things at me.


I'm walking in the school hall. Trying to get to my class. When out of no where, an empty can is thrown my way. I jump in shock because of it. The students around me would laugh.

Then I'm being pushed around, until I fall to the ground. I hear people talking about me. "Get lost freak!" "Yeah! You're not needed here!" "You're just a waste of space" "just kill yourself" more and more hurtful things would came out of their mouths. All I could do I just sit there with my head down. But they didn't stop. They continue to throw things and makes fun of me.

End of Flashback

Mom and I would often move from place to place. My mom always gets fired from her job because of her me. Sometimes I overheard their convo on phone. I heard the words like. "Witch" "Monster" "Freak" "Demon!" In between lines. I could only assume they don't want to hire someone who raised a freak like me. But Mom would try and assure me that its not the reason.

There are one time, I would come to her while crying. She would crouch down and place her hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong, sweetie?" She asks, with a worried expression. I keep my head down "Mom... You get fired again.... I'm sorry for being a freak" I say.  "No, sweetie.... Don't say that. It's not your fault.... maybe it's just not the right job for me... Don't worry, Sweetie. I'll find a better job for our living" she said, as she hugs me and caressing my head. She would always do that.

I never ask to be born this way. But fate made me. All this caused me to have no friends. The only people that truly accepts me is my mom. My dad? He left, even before I was born. Why would he left? I don't know... But one thing for sure, he didn't want me as a child.

Having to live with no friends, made me turn into a cold person. I would only show emotion at home, when my mom is around. She would always be by my side and comfort me.

From time to time... I would sit in my room. Not doing anything at all. I wish someone would just understand me and not judge me because of my difference. Will there be someone? Is there someone out there, like me?

Sometime I want to end this. I'm tired of living this way. But just as I was about to take the action, memories about my mom would come. It makes me think... How is she if I left? Will she be heart break? Many thoughts would come in mind when I try to attempt a suicide. After all... I'm the only one left to be there for my Mom.

So now.... I erase the thought of suiciding away and focus on living. I'll try not to think about what people thought of me and focus on what I care.

I'm a 13 years old girl. I've graduate High School. I'm an excel in technology... Thanks to on of my ability, Technopath. If any of you are wondering what Technopath is.... It's basically a power that allows you to control anything to do with technology with your mind. You can only make it, you can't use it to destroy things.

I'm from a small country, Y/C/N (your country name). I've just been accepted in an elite University in San Fransokyo. San Fransokyo Institute of Technology. So we'll be moving there tomorrow.

I've packed up all I need to move there. Maybe I could start fresh. I won't use my power in front of anyone. It'll be easier to blend in. I'm not doing it for me... I'm doing it for my Mom. Even though she didn't tell me. But I can read her mind, that she's tired of moving around so much.

Present Time

It's dinner time. My mom makes simple dinner tonight. I don't care what kind of meal she makes. It will always taste good. Mom turns to me. "Sweetie?" She said. I look up to her "yes, Mom?" I said. She smile "You have to sleep early tonight, 'Kay? We'll be leaving for San Fransokyo first thing in the morning" she said. I nod my head "yeah... I got it" I say.

I'm done eating and gets up from my seat. Taking the dirty plates and walk over to the sink. I placed it there and was about to wash it, but the voice from my mom stops me. "I'll wash it... Just go to bed, Sweetie" Mom said. I turn to her "are you sure, Mom? I could help you know" I said. "Yes, I'm sure. Just leave it there and go to bed" she said. Then she use her hand and shooed me. I giggle in respond, I walk towards her and place a kiss on her cheeks "alright... Gnight Mom, I love you" I say. "Gnight sweetie... I love you too" she said.

Then I start making my way to my room. I laid on my bed and turn so I'm laying on my side. 'I'll be moving to San Fransokyo tomorrow, I hope it will be different this time. I don't want to have to move again.... I feel bad for Mom' was the last thought in my mind as I drift of to sleep.

*to be continued*

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