Chapter 23 (Sad Ending)

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A/N: this book almost reach the end. I hope you enjoy this book! Please continue to vote and support me, cause that's what keeps me going.

Warning: really sad chapter. Prepare a tissue and loooots of it... You might start crying.

Previously on Chapter 22

What should I do... Should I stay? Or should I leave. But if I stay... And my condition is the same. I would start attacking Hiro again. He won't be safe. But if I leave... He would be heart broken... That would hurt him a lot. What do I do?

Stay or leave... Which one should I choose?

-Goodbye Hiro-

Hiro P.O.V

It's been months since Y/N is in coma once again. I always come to visit her everyday. Each day with the same hope that she would open her eyes again. But each day passing without any sign of her waking up, it makes me starts to loose hope. Will she ever wake up? Or will she leave me? I don't want to think about it... I just want to have her back... I need her to come back.

Today is just another day. I'm on my way to the hospital to check on her. A lot of thoughts is swarming in my head. Hopefully today would be different.

After a while of walking, I finally reach the hospital. The nurse smiles at me. She's the nurse in charge of Y/N. They know that I've been here all the time. I just give her a nod, without showing any emotion.

I continue my way to her room. I enter the room. She's still laying there with all the machine connected to her body. It's a horrid sight. I much prefer to see her running around with me. Not here, fighting for her life.

I take a huge deep breath in and out. I wipe a tear that manage to come out. Then I make my way over to her side, sitting down in my usual spot. I held her hand in mine. "Y/N... Hello... How have you been?" I asks, trying to speak in a steady voice. Of course... I got no answer. I sigh and place a soft kiss on her hand.

This has been going on for a while. She's been fighting for too long. Even the doctor have come a while ago, saying that it's time for me to start making a decision. Let her rest or let her suffer.

Tears begin to pool in my eyes. I stand up and lean down, so my lips is close to her ear. "Y-Y/N... Baby... You've been fighting for too long...." I start. The tears I've been fighting have finally slip and it fall to her cheek. I choke a sob "i-if you want to g-go... It's o-okay... Y-you d-don't have to f-fight a-anymore..." I cried. I place my forehead on hers. "Y-you can g-go, Y-Y/N..." I said, tears begin to stream down even more. I pull away from her forehead and place a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Y-you can go... D-don't f-fight it anymore..." I continue. I notice her lips form a smile, as if saying she's happy that I have allowed her to rest. Then it turn into a frown. As if saying she is upset that she have to leave me.

I place my hand on her cheek. "Y-you don't h-have to w-worry about me... I'll be o-okay... I w-will move on... That's what you w-wanted, right?" I said. Of course I receive no answer. I choke on another sob. "E-even when you're g-gone... Y-you'll always l-live..." I said. I take her hand and place it on my chest, where my heart is. "...In here..." I finish. Then I place a kiss on her lips.

I pull away to see a tear escaping her eyes. I wipe it away. "I-it's okay..." I said. I place my forehead back on hers. "J-just go... Y/N..." I cried. Her heart monitor starts to beep slowly. I look at it, then back at her. I cup her cheek in mine and place another soft kiss. "R-Rest in p-peace, baby" I said. Right after I said that, the line went straight... And this time... It'll stay like that. She's gone... Y/N is gone... This time, she's not coming back...

I pull away from her. I drop to the floor on my back and begin to cry harder. I cover my face with my hands. More and more tears begin to flow. The girl I love with all my heart, finally left me forever.

The doctor comes in and took care of her. I just stayed on the floor crying my heart out. S-She's gone... She's really gone.... I know I said that I will be okay. But it still hurts so much.

I call aunt Cass and the gang to tell them the news. They come 20 minutes after. Aunt Cass instantly went to me and pulls me into a hug. I continue to cry harder on her shoulder. While rest of the gang just stand where they are, each one with their own tears.

2 Weeks Later

Every human will die at one point. None of us will live forever. But I never thought that she will be leaving me so soon. Just like Tadashi. Even Baymax said that he's in a great health condition and should live longer... But he still dies.

Today is the day of her funeral. I'm standing in front of my mirror. My eyes are bloodshot from all the crying. Once again... I'm going through grieving. This time... I lost the girl I love with all my heart, the pain is just the same. I don't know... if I ever will love someone as much as I love her.

The door to my room opens to reveal aunt Cass dressing in all black. "Are you ready, sweetie?" She asks. It's been a while since I last talk, I don't trust my voice right now so I just nod my head.

She smiles sadly at me. She pulls me into a hug. I just close my eyes as tears starts to stream down my cheek.


We are now standing in front of her coffin. She is laying there, as beautiful as ever. Even when there is no life in her anymore. 

The priest is talking on her behalf, but I can't hear anything. My eyes is focus on her lifeless form. "w-why is everyone leaving m-me, Aunt Cass?" I finally asks. My voice is surprisingly steadier than I thought.

She looks at me in shock. Probably because that's the first sentence I've said in two weeks. She smiles sadly at me. She drape her arm around my shoulder. "Sweetie... That is how life works... People born... People grow... People die... It's the cycle of life..." She said. I just stayed silent after that.

Soon after her funeral ends. Everyone starts leaving the spot. But I just stand there. I walk towards her tomb and kneel down in front of it. "Y-Y/N... You've given me so m-much this past f-few years... I-I'm so h-happy that I get to k-know s-someone as amazing as you... I l-love you, Y-Y/N... S-so much" I said, fresh tears stream down my cheek. I shut my eyes tightly as I continue to cry.

Then I feel something caressing my cheeks. My eyes snap open when I look up. I can see her... Y/N... In a spirit form. She smiles sadly at me. "Hiro... I'm sorry that I have to leave you so soon... But please remember... That I will always love you. Now... I may not be there with you... But I will be watching you from now on... Please don't mourn over me... And move on for me..." She said. I nod my head "okay... I will... For you... I love you baby..." She said. She kiss my lips. It's almost like she's really here. She pulls away only to place another soft kiss on my forehead. I close my eyes and just savouring the feeling.

When I open my eyes. She was no longer in sight. I look at her gravestone and smile sadly. Then I feel a soft breeze flowing past me. I look up at the sky. "Goodbye... My Hiro... I love you" I heard her voice. I smile, this time a genuine smile.

Goodbye... Y/N...

The End

A/N: that's it for the sad ending! Happy ending coming soon! Gosh my eyes is tearing up. What about you? Did this chapter make you cry? Let me know in the comment. Thank you for all the vote and positive comments. Bye!

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