Chapter 1

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Previously on Prologue

Then I start making my way to my room. I laid on my bed and turn so I'm laying on my side. 'I'll be moving to San Fransokyo tomorrow, I hope it will be different this time. I don't want to have to move again.... I feel bad for Mom' was the last thought in my mind as I drift of to sleep.

-Moving to San Fransokyo-


*knock* *knock* *knock*

I woke up to the sound of knocking door. I rub my eyes "yeah?" I respond. "Y/N, sweetie... Get up, it's almost time for us to leave" I heard my mom said, from the other side of the door. "Okay Mom..." I respond. I sit up in my bed and start stretching as I let out a yawn.

I move to my side and place my feet on the tiled floor. I get up and grab everything I need, then I head to the bathroom and start my morning routine.

Once I'm done, I head outside and make my way to the kitchen. When I get there, my mom is making breakfast. "Good morning mom" I say, taking a seat in the dining table. She turns around and smile at me. "Morning sweetie" she said.

She finished cooking and I got up. I help her setting up the table. Once we're done, she takes a seat across from me. "Let's pray before we start eating" mom said. I nod my head and close my eyes. Thank you for the food... I hope in my new home, people would accept my difference and actually be friends with me. I don't wanna be alone anymore. After that, we starts eating.

"Sweetie... Are you excited for our new home?" Mom asks me. after a few moments of silent. I shrug my shoulder "I don't know, Mom... It will probably be the same" I say, looking down at my food. I heard the chair creak as my Mom stands up. She walks around the table and stood next to me. Then she wrap her arms around me. "Shh... I know it's hard for you to be born like this. I'm sure someday... There will be people that will accept you" Mom said, softly. I nod my head "I hope so, Mom" I say in a hush tone. She pulls away and seat herself back.

Once we're done eating, I place the dirty dishes on the sink. "I'll wash them, just check your belongings... Make sure you don't leave anything" Mom said. I turn to her and nod my head "alright Mom" I say. I turn around and make my way to my room.

When I get to my room, I look around. Stacks of boxes filled my room. "We're moving... Again" I say to myself. I start opening the drawer, wardrobe and my bathroom to make sure nothing is left behind. Once I'm positive that I've packed everything. I head downstairs and told Mom that I'm good to go.

We got a taxi for us. I enter the taxi and lean myself against the window. I just watch as building passed by.

We are now in the airport. I just sit in the waiting bench. My mom is loading our belongings. After she's done, she makes her way over to me. She place her hand on my hair. "We'll be boarding soon. Do you wanna get anything for us in the plane?" She asks. I shook my head as a no. The plane will have what we need.

Soon the announcer rings off, telling us it was time for boarding our tickets to the plane. I grab my backpack and sling it over my shoulder. I get up from my seat and make my way over. I hand the worker my ticket and passport. The person nods in approval as she check them. "Alright... You may enter. Have a nice trip" she said. "Thank you..." I say, softly. I start walking and search for our seat. Mine is close to the window. I take a seat and place my backpack on my lap. Mom joins me after a few minutes. Soon we take off.

I took out my earphone and smartphone. I lean myself on the window as I listen to my music. I close my eyes and drift of to sleep.


It took us 6 hours to reach San-Fransokyo. But we've arrived there. It's beautiful.... I really hope I won't have to move from this place. I won't have to, if I'm careful not to use my ability in public.

The get of the plane and went over to the luggage claim for our things. I went to take a cart to help us take the luggages.

Mom called for a taxi. We loaded the taxi, then enter the passengers seat. I just look out the window as sight seeing around the town. 'This place looks peaceful' I thought. The people looks friendly as well. Maybe... Just maybe, I'd be able to blend in here.

After a while of Taxi ride, we finally reach our new home. I help Mom carry the luggage. Then we enter the house.

"Sweetie... If you want to see your room. It's on the second floor on your right" Mom said. "Yes Mom" I said. I take my luggage with me and carry them upstairs. I follow mom's direction and soon enough I found my new room. I open the door and smile.


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'Simple... Just the way I like it' I thought. "Do you like it?" I heard mom's voice behind me. I turn to her and smile "I love it... Thanks Mom" I say, hugging her. "You're welcome, sweetie... I'm so happy you like it. I'm gonna start unpacking my stuff. You could do that too, or if you want to rest first" she said. "I'll start unpack too... Tomorrow is my first day for class at SFIT. It'll be better to get it done today... So I don't have to do it tomorrow" I say. She smiles and kiss my head. She turns around and head towards her room.

I enter my room, dragging my luggage with me. I lay it down and unzipped it. I start unpacking them.

It took me a while to get it done. When it is, I'm exhausted. I heard a knock on the door way, I look up to see my Mom leaning against the door frame. "Oh... Hey Mom" I said, smiling back at her. She smiles back as she looks around my organised room"I see that you've finished unpacking" she said. "Yeah... It's tiring" I say. "Good... Do you want anything to eat" she asks. "No, thank you... I'm tired. I think I'm going to bed" I say. She smiles and walk over to me, giving me a hug.

I get up and laid on my bed. She pulls the blanket to my neck. She leans down and kiss my forehead. "Gnight sweetie. Have a good sleep" she said. "Gnight, Mom" I say, closing my eyes. She get out of my room and turn of the light. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

*to be continued*

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