Chapter 17

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Previously on Chapter 16

Hiro stays with me the whole time. We talk about many things. We talk, laugh and just enjoy each other's company. I'm so glad to have someone as sweet as Hiro. I love him so much.

-Discharge From the Hospital-


Hiro is with me in the hospital room. We are talking about random stuff. Then throughout the conversation, I let out a huffed. Hiro looks at me and chuckles. "What's wrong? You seem out of it..." He said. I turn my head to look at him. I sigh "I'm bored... When can I leave this hospital?" I asks him. "Soon..." He said. I roll my eyes "you said that everytime..." I said in annoyance. He laughs and kiss my forehead "patience baby... You probably still need to rest" he said.

I was about to say something, when there's a knock on the door. "Come in..." I said. The door opens to reveal a doctor, followed by a nurse.

"I would like to check on you" the doctor said. "Okay..." I respond. The doctor ask Hiro to leave the room. Then he starts checking my condition.

After a few test. The doctor looks at me with a smile. "It seems like your condition has been stable" he said. My eyes lit up "does that mean I could finally go?" I said, excitedly. He smiles "seems so... There's nothing wrong with you, every test result is in a good condition... You've recover" he said. I cheers in respond. The doctor told the nurse to call for Hiro. She did as told and come back with Hiro trailing behind her.

"So... How is she?" Hiro asks. The doctor smile "Ms. L/N is stable Mr. Hamada, so she could leave the hospital today" he said. Hiro turns to me and smile. Then the doctor excuse himself and leave the room, with the nurse following behind him.

Hiro walks over to me and hugs me softly. "I told you, you'd be out soon" he said. I smile and hug him back. Then he pulls away "I'm gonna call Aunt Cass and told her that you'd be able to leave today" he said. I nod my head and he leaves the room to make a call.

After a while, he came back. "Aunt Cass said she's happy that you can finally leave the hospital, she'll be here later in the evening" he said. "Alright" I said, smiling at him. He smiles back and take a seat on his usual spot on the chair next to the hospital bed.

We talk about random things. Then I decide to ask about something. "Hiro... What happen to Regina?" I asks, remembering what she did to me. Hiro's face turns into an angry one. "She manage to escape! But I swear... Next time I see her, I will capture her and send her to jail" Hiro said, with anger laced in each words. I take his hand in mine. "I know you will Hiro... But don't think too much about it. I'm sorry I asks" I said.

Hiro looks at me. Then he gets up and cup my cheeks. "No need to apologise... If anything... I should be the one apologising to you. If only I was careful enough... You wouldn't get kidnap and she wouldn't have injected you with that mind control serum" he said. Then he leans in and kisses me softly. I close my eyes as I kiss him back.


Aunt Cass came at exactly 4 P.M. She brought some clothes to me. My mom? She left for a job, I don't know when she would be back.

So Aunt Cass insist that I should stay with her. I try to argue, but in the end I give up. So after I change my clothes. Hiro guide me to their car. Then we start making our way to the cafe.

I would be staying in Hiro's Brother room. He help me up the stairs and lead me to the bed. I laid down. "Do I really have to rest?" I said. He looks at me "of course... You just got out of the hospital... You still need to rest for at least a week, before doing anything" he said. I huffed in respond.

I heard him chuckle, then I feel the bed dip. "I know you're bored, Y/N... But I just wanna make sure that you're fully recovered" he said. "I get it..." I said. Then he gets up, he leans down and kiss the my forehead softly. "You should get some sleep" he said. I just nod my head without opening my eyes.

I woke up 2 hours later, because someone is shaking me awake. I open my eyes to meet with a pair of eyes that I grew to love. "It's time for dinner... Get up, Y/N" he said. I yawn and sit up.

He offers his hand for me to take. I gladly accept it. Then he guide me to the dining room, downstairs.

Aunt Cass turns to us as we enters the room. "Hey Y/N... How are you doing?" She asks, with the same caring smile on her face. I smile at her "I'm doing fine..." I said. She smiles and continue to cook.

I turn to see Hiro is only standing there. I nudge him. "Oww..." He said. "Go help your aunt" I said. "But.." He said. "Just help her. I would help her if I'm not sick" I said. "Fine..." He grumbles. Which makes me giggle in respond. He just roll his eyes and playfully glare at me. Then he walks over to help Aunt Cass.

They cook for a while. Then Hiro come over to set up the table. Then Aunt Cass walks over with the dishes in her hands. "Here you go... Eat up Y/N... Make sure to eat a lot, so you'll recover faster" she said. "Okay Aunt Cass" I said with a smile. Then we start eating our meal.

The rest of the night, Hiro and I just hangs out in our room. Until both of us starts to feel really sleepy. Then we said goodnight and went to sleep.

*to be continued*

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