Chapter 11

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A/N: sorry for not updating for so long. My Wattpad is really lagging. I don't know why. If you have a solution, please help me! I won't be able to update daily if this goes on. Let's get to the story now.


Previously on Chapter 10

It will take a while for the others to get here. The robot points its hand at me. It transform into a huge gun.

Hiro... Hurry and get here. I need your help!

-Sleep Over-


I close my eyes and waited for the impact to come. But nothing came. I peak with my right eyes only to open both of them in shock. It's my robot, she's shielding me. "R/N...." I call out. She turns to me and smile "are you okay?" She asks. I nod my head. She throw the robot away and turn fully towards me. She offers a hand and pulls me up.

A moment later, the rest of the team came. Hiro ran over to my side. "Are you alright?!" He asks in panic tone. I nod my head "yeah... I'm alright" I said. He let out a breath, as if he hadn't been breathing. He pulls me into a hug. I hug him back.

"Hey... Hate it to break it for you guys. But um... we still have something to do. The robot is still not defeated" Wasabi said. Hiro pulls away from me and we fight the robot.

*After the Fight*

The robot is laying on the ground, broken. We are all breathing heavily. Hiro walks over to me and pulls me into a kiss. Then he kept me in his arms. "Thank God! You're okay..." He whispers in my ear. "Yeah..." I whispers back, laying my head in his shoulder.

Then we head home. The gang decide to hang out with us, since it was still around 5 p.m. We went to Hiro's house.

We starts doing a lot of things. Hanging out with each other. Filled with laughter, joke and random chatters. "Hey! How about we have a sleep over?" I suggest. They agreed, saying it was a great idea. That I will he fun. "But who's house are we gonna stay?" Gogo asks. "Fred's of course" Wasabi said. "Agree!!" Hiro exclaim.

So that is settled. Hiro quickly grab a backpack. Then he walks me to my house. "Mom! I will be having a sleep over at one of my friend's house"  I call out. She turns to me and smile softly at me. "sure, honey... Have fun" she said. I walk over to my house and start packing some outfits for the sleepover.

Then we start heading towards Fred's house. He kept my hand in his. Entwining our hands together. Talking along the way.

After a while, we finally reach there. Hiro knocks on the door. Then we wait for the door to open. We can hear a rapid footsteps coming towards us. Then the door swung open. Fred greets us with a huge grin on his face. "Welcome! Guys" he said. "Thank you Fred" I said. Then he moves aside to let us in.

We walk inside. Fred closes the door and walk behind us. We arrive at the living room, where everyone else is.

I take a sit on the couch, with Hiro sitting next to me. He wraps an arm around my shoulder. I laid my head on his. "Awww.... Looking at this couple makes me jelly" Fred said. Then Fred take a seat next to me.

"Hey Y/N... Go out with me instead" he said. Hiro turns to him and glare. He pulls me closer. "She's mine!" He yells. I laugh in respond. "Yeah, Fred. I'm with Hiro... So yeah" I said still laughing. Fred laughs too "yeah, I know... I'm just joking" he said.

We decide to play some games. Truth or Dare. I turn to Hiro "Hiro! Truth or Dare!" I said. He smirks "Dare!" He said, confidently. I smirk "I dare you to... Run around shirtless, while chanting 'I'm a free man' in front of us!" I said. His smirk waver and he nervously gets up. Then he took his shirt of and start running around. "I'm a free man!!!" He said. We laugh looking at him.

Then he takes a seat next to me. "That was hilarious" I said. He blush and playfully glare at me. "Geez... I didn't expect you to give me that kind of dare" he said. Everyone in the room starts laughing.

We continue to play more games. In the end we watch a movie on the TV. Horror movie to be exact. Hiro's choice. Gosh... He just laugh to see me scared. I'm not watching actually... I hid my face on Hiro's chest, every time there's a jump scare. Oh... How I hate horror movies.

In the end, I fall asleep towards the ending of the movie. I don't really want to watch, only to jump in fright all the times.

Hiro P.O.V

I look down as Y/N starts to let out a soft snore. I smile and caress her head softly. I lean down and place a soft kiss on her forehead. "Goodnight, baby" I whispers. I pull her closer to me and lean my head on the couch arm rest. Then I fall into a deep slumber. With the girl I love, sleeping peacefully in my arms.

The Next Day


When I woke up, it was around 7. I look up to see Hiro's face as he sleeps. I smile and try to move his arms slowly. I didn't want to wake him or anyone up.

I tip toed to the kitchen and start preparing for some breakfast for everyone. After a while, I finally finished cooking.

I prepare everything on the dining table with Headcliff giving me a little hand. After everything is ready the way I want it to be, I walk back to the room, where everyone is still asleep.

I woke everyone up. I woke Hiro last because it took a while to wake him up. "Hiro... Wake up" I said in his ear. He grumbles and pulls me in a hug. "5 more minutes..." He said. "No... Wake up now!" I said. He didn't budge. I huff and starts tickling him. He burst out laughing and pout at me.

We head to the dining room and have some breakfast together. Then we spend the entire day filled with laughter, chatter and some jokes. The joke is pretty lame, but we don't care. As long as we can spend our time together as friends.

*to be continued*

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