Chapter 10

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Previously on Chapter 8

It's time for us to head for university. We got up and walk to the door. I just stand there as I wait for Aunt Cass and Hiro to share their hugs. I was about to walk away when aunt Cass pulls me into a hug. I laugh and hugs her back. Then we leave for college.



Joining the group of hero is fun. I can use my power freely, without fearing that anyone would be scared of me. Now everyone thinks it's cool. I'm glad of it. I don't have to worry that they would keep their distance from me.

"Hey Y/N..." Hiro said as he enters my room. I turn to him and smile. I smile back at him. "Hello..." I said. My mom knows about Hiro and me being together. She won't shut up about it when I told her.


It's a week after Hiro and I got together. We are hanging out near a park. Walking around as we held each other's hand.

Hiro turns to me and smile. "Y/N... We've been together for a week now.... Aunt Cass knew about us. Shouldn't we tell your mom?" He said. He's right... Aunt Cass knew about us since the first day.

"Are you sure you wanna tell her now?" I asks him. "Yeah... Why not? She deserves to know. You know she needs to know about us soon or later. I need to get her blessing if I wanna marry you" he said. I blushed when he said that. "M-marry me?" I stutter, with a red face. He turns to me "yeah... Why? You don't want to?" He said. "N-not that... I want to... But it's too soon to be talking about it, we're still 14" I said. "What's so wrong about it? Consider it as an early planner" he said. "Are you really sure, you would still love me? I'm just a freak, Hiro" I said as I stop walking at keep my head down.

Hiro stops walking as well and turns to me. I avoid eye contact with him. I can hear his footsteps as he makes his way closer to me. Then I feel his hands on my shoulder "Y/N... Look at me" he said. I slowly move my head upward and look into his eyes. I can see the worry in them. "Why would you think that?" He asks. "I am a freak...." I said. "Stop it... I don't want to hear that, ever. Y/N.... You're not a freak.... You're the girl I love" he said. I look away from him "I still don't understand why you would love someone like me" I said. Hiro sighs and pulls me into a hug. He caress my head gently "please... Don't say something like that. I love you for who you are... Not what you are or what you can do... To me... You're the best girl I've ever know" he said. My heart melt by his words. I just wish he's not only saying that.... That he did mean every word he said.

Then he pulls away and smile at me. "Now... Let's go tell your mom about us" he said. I smile and nod my head.

We reached my home and I enters my house. This will be the first time Hiro meet my mom. "Mom! I'm home... I'm bringing someone with me" I said. "I'm in the kitchen sweetie" I heard her respond. I grab Hiro's hand and drag him with me to the kitchen.

My mom is making something for lunch. Hearing our footsteps entering the kitchen, she turns around and look at us. "Hello... Ma'am. It's good to see you" Hiro said, bowing slightly. "Hello..." My mom said, with a gentle smile on her face.

I push Hiro forward and he stumbles a bit as he look at me with a startled face. Then he walks to my mom. "I'm Hiro... Hiro Hamada. It's a pleasure to meet you, ma'am" Hiro said. He offers a handshake for my Mom. But she shook her head and pulls Hiro into a hug instead. Hiro looks shock by the sudden movements, making me laugh in respond. He glares at me slightly, making me stop laughing. Though I'm still holding myself not to laugh again.

"He's cute, Y/N" my mom said. I just say "yeah..." In respond. "Who is he to you?" My mom asks again. I blushed in respond. Hiro being more confident, walks over to me and wrap his arm around my shoulder. "I'm her boyfriend, ma'am" he said. "B-Boyfriend?" My mom said in shock. "Yeah..." I said. Then out of no where, she starts to squeal and pulls us into a hug.

End of flashback

She keeps on teasing us since then. I just let her, who wouldn't be excited. After all... I've never had a Boyfriend.

Then out of no where, I can hear a sound of explosion which makes me jump in respond. "Hiro... Did you hear that?" I said, turning to look at him. "Yeah... What was it?" He said. I look outside the window "I don't know..." I said. I walk over to the window. I open the window. "Let me check it" I said. I was about to fly, when a hand grabs mine. I turn to Hiro who is holding my hand with a panic expression. "No! It's dangerous" he said. "Hiro... I'd be fine" I said. He shook his head, holding my hand tightly. I argue with him for a bit, until he gives up and lets me go. I wear my mask and fly out the window.

I can see smokes from a far. "What is that?" I said to myself. I land on a field. I can see a hole on the ground, a few feet away from me. Then I hear a loud growl. I turn around only to get hit by a hard force, which cause me to get thrown away.

I hit the tree. I grunt in pain as I try to sit up. My vision is getting blurry and I find it hard to move. I look up trying to see what it was, to only see a blurry silhouette of something really huge. When it clears out, I can see a huge robot hovering above me.

It will take a while for the others to get here. The robot points its hand at me. It transform into a huge gun.

Hiro... Hurry and get here. I need your help!

*to be continued*

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