Chapter 8

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A/N: sorry guys, for not updating for a few days. These days has been hard for me, I recently just broke up with my boyfriend. I feel sad.... Really sad. He begs me to give him a chance, but I don't think I could. And sorry... I can't tell you why I break up with him. It's just between me and him. Let's just get to the story....


Previously on Chapter 7

We need to pull away for air. He smiles at me. He places his forehead on mine. He cups my cheek and starts caressing it softly. "I love you, Y/N... Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks. I smile back and nod my head "I would love to... and I love you too" I said. He grins and hugs me, then he kisses me again in a passionate kiss.

-Joining the Group-


I have a stay over at Hiro's house last night. He lends me his clothes, that's a bit larger than me. When I wear it, he won't shut up about how cute I am in his clothes. I just blush and look away from him, which earns a laugh from him.

It's now early in the morning. I got up from Hiro's older brother's bed. I walk over to Hiro's to see him still asleep. I take a seat on his bed and just watch him as he sleeps.

"Hiro.... Wake up" I said. "Mmm~ it's not school day, Y/N.... Let me sleep some more" he said. "Alright..." I said. I decide to leave him to get some more sleep. I was about to walk away, when his hand grabs mine and pull me down. I landed next to him, on the bed. "Hiro! What are you doing?" I whisper-yelled at him. I try to get up, but his arm made me stay put. I just give up and just snuggle with him. Slowly falling back asleep.


When we woke up, it's already around noon. I look up at Hiro from his chest. "Hiro... Wake up... It's already noon" I whispers. "Hmmm~ 5 more minutes" he whined. "No Hiro... Wake up now" I said, trying to hold back giggle since he is being so cute.

He opens his eyes and look at me with a pout. I smile innocently at him. Then he just sigh and sit up. "Fine... I'm up now" he said. I sit up as well and hug his waist from behind.

I get up as well. "You can use the bathroom first" Hiro said, smiling at me. I smile at him. I walk over to him and kiss his cheek. Then I head to the bathroom and start my morning routine.

After taking a bath. I told Hiro that he can use the bathroom now, then I head downstairs to the kitchen.

When I get there, I see Aunt Cass is making breakfast. "Morning, Aunt Cass" I said. She turns around and smile at me. "Morning" she said. "Do you need help?" I asks. "Sure.... Can you set the table?" She asks. I smile and do as she said.


Hiro and I are walking hand in hand around the town. "You know... With your ability, you could be a hero, like us" Hiro said, after a moment of silent. He say that in a low voice, so no one would hear us.

I turn to him. "I don't know Hiro..." I said. "Y/N... Think about it. This could be the reason for you to be born like this" he said. "You really think so?" I asks him. "Sure I did, then what else would be the reason?" He asks. I think about it. 'Maybe it's time for me to accept my ability and use it for something good' I thought.

"Okay... I'll be a hero" I said, smiling at him. He beams at me. "Come then!" He said, pulling me. "W-wait, H-Hiro!! Where are we going?" I said, I try my best to keep up with him. He looks over his shoulder and smile at me. "To meet up with the gang... You'll be joining us" he said. I just stayed silent and just run along with him.

After a while of running, we reach Fred's mansion. "How do you know they'll be here?" I asks Hiro. He turns to me "of course... This is where we always hang out" he said. "What is this place? Who lived here?" I asks. "This is Fred's house" he said. My eyes widened "are you serious?! I thought he's..." I said. "Yeah... Everyone did the first time Fred led us here" he said, chuckling slightly.

He grabs my hand "come on" he said. I just follow him. We walk up the stair of the front porch. Hiro lift his hand and start knocking on the door.

The door open to reveal a guy with a suit. I'm guessing he's a butler. "Y/N... This is Headcliff. Fred's butler" Hiro said. Yup... I was right after all. "Headcliff, this is Y/N. My girlfriend" Hiro said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I blushed in respond. I'm still not used to the fact that Hiro and I are together now.

Headcliff turn his head to me and bow his head. "Pleasure to meet you, Lady..." He said. "Pleasure to meet you too. No need to call me Lady though" I said, rubbing my neck in a nervous manner.

Hiro leads me in and head to a room. "You're here often... You seem to know where to go in this mansion" I pointed out. Hiro turns to me and smile "Yupp.... Fred have given us a tour around this mansion.... So I know where to go" he said, smiling at me.

We found the gang in the play room. "Hey guys" Hiro said. Every heads in this room turns to us. Fred got up and walk over to us. "Oh hey Hiro! *turns to me* oh Y/N is here too!" Fred said, hugging my side. I heard a cough next to me. "Um.... Mine letting her go... She's mine" Hiro said.

Honey Lemon squealed. "Are you guys together now.... Like a couple?!" She said in a high pitch tone. I blush in respond as Hiro wraps his hand around my waist "Yupp" he said popping the P.

We walk inside the room. Hiro leads me to a couch and take a seat. "Guys... Y/N and I are here not just as a visit. We have something to tell you guys" Hiro said, in a serious tone. "Y/N's pregnant!!" Fred exclaimed, which caused Wasabi to smack him in the head.

"So... What is it then?" Gogo said, breaking the awkward moment. I mentally thanked her. Hiro turn to me and smile. "I'd like to recruit Y/N to join our group" he said.


*to be continued*

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