Chapter 6

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Previously on Chapter 5

I got to the University. I enter my lab. 'Woah... Hiro turns out to be the superhero I've always heard about' I thought to myself. Well... I don't think it's freaky. If anything... I'm the freak one. Hiro became a hero from the tech he create. But me... I'm a real freak who's born with all this ability. But still... Finding out that I've been friends with a group of superhero is really shocking. I didn't expect that one bit.

This people are different... Maybe they will actually accepts my difference

-I'm So Stupid-


It's been a week since I find out that my friends is the group of Big Hero 6. So that's why they often to be away, they're fighting bad guys.

Right now I'm working on my lab. Trying to get my robot to work. I sigh, I can't seem to get it to work. I really wanna get it done.

Peek through the door to make sure no one is around. 'Okay... Looks like it's safe' I thought to myself. I close the door and walk back to the robot. I outstretch my hand and slowly every tech is floating and start going into their places in the robot.

'Lets see if it works now...' I thought. I pick my board. "Alright... Y/N here, this is my 70th attempt of my robotic project" I said. Then I turn it on. "Hi... I'm R/N. Your best robot friends... Let's have some fun!" She said. "It works! Yes!" I cheer. Looks like my ability does have a positive side, after all.

Then there's a knock on my door. "Come on in" I said. The door open to reveal Hiro. I turn around and smile at him. "Hey Hiro..." I said. He smiles back and walk over until he's standing next to me. "Did you manage to get it done?" He asks. "Yeah... She finally operated" I said. "I know you could do it..." He said, placing his hand on my shoulder. I just smile at him. I turn to the robot.

"R/N... Let's play hide and seek" I said. The robot nod her head "it will be fun" she said. The robot cover her eyes and start counting. I smile, then I turn to Hiro, to see him just staring at the robot in awe. I giggle at him "What are you gawking about? Let's start hiding!" I said. He snap out of it and bolted off to go hiding. I giggle and went away to start hiding too.

It's been going on for hours. Hiro keep being the one who get caught easily. It's been a fun day. My robot would make a great friends for kids.

"You suck at this game, Hiro" I said, mockingly as I look at Hiro. He just pouts and look away from me. "Awww... Is Hiro maaaddd~" I cooed. He just blushed in respond. I giggle and kiss his cheek. My sudden action make his cheeks turn even more red. "W-w-what was t-that f-for?" He stutter. "For being a great friend for me" I said. His face slightly sadden at the mention of friend. 'Why would he be?' I thought. But I just brush it off, probably it's just my imagination.

I sit on the floor of my lab. "I'm tired..." I said. "Me too..." Hiro said, sitting down next to me on the floor.

"I can not deactivate until you say 'I had fun, thank you'" R/N said. I turn to the robot and smile "I had fun, thank you" I said. The robot turn to its charging station and shut down.


Hiro told me that he need to do something with his group. I just nod my head and told him to be careful.

Being bored cause there's nothing to do, I just decide to take a walk around the town. I mean, it's been a while I've lived in San Fransokyo, but I don't really know much place. So I'm just gonna explore a bit.

Then all the sudden, I could hear a loud boom. Then the ground shakes. 'What was that? It sounds like explosion. What's going on?' I thought. I became alarmed at whatever is going on. People around me start running away in panic, except me... I'm just standing there, trying to figure out what's going on.

Then a something huge is coming my way. 'Woah... What the heck is that?!' I thought. It didn't stop and still advancing towards me.

Then out of no where, I was lifted up by someone. It's Hiro as he ride on Baymax. "You really seem to love getting yourself caught in a trouble, don't you?" Hiro said, looking at me. I roll my eyes "I wouldn't do it on purpose" I said. He looks surprise "you're not scared?" He asks. "Of what?" I asks. "We're flying right now" he said, gesturing around him. I look around, then I look back at Hiro. "This is nothing... I've been higher" I said. "Really?" He asks. "Yeah..." I said. "How?" He asks. I gulp 'shit... Why would I say that?! Gosh! I'm so stupid' I thought, scolding myself. "Um... On an airplane of course" I said. "Really? Well I'm gonna put you down now... I have to stop that villain. We'll talk more about it later. Meet me at my house" he said. Then he flew down and place me on the ground. "You can head there now. Don't tell Aunt Cass about this" he said. "As if I would tell anyone" I say, sarcastically. He just chuckle and flew off. Once he was out of sight, I start making my way to his place.

I'm still walking towards The Lucky Cat Cafe. I sigh "I'm so stupid. I should've think before I say something... Looks like I have to tell him. I wouldn't expect much... He would just leave me like everyone else does... This is it..." I say to myself.

When I get to the Cafe. Aunt Cass look up and saw it was me. "Hey, Y/N! What can I get for you today?" She asks. "Um... I'm not here to eat, Aunt Cass. I'm just here to hang out with Hiro... But he said he has something to do, he told me to head here. He'll catch up later" I said. "I see... Then just go upstairs as you wait for him. I'll bring you some snacks later" she said. I smile "thank you, Aunt Cass" I said. I turn around and make my way upstairs to his room.

I just hope when he knew... He wouldn't leave me like everyone else did

*to be continued*

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