Chapter 16

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Previously on Chapter 15

He pulls back and kisses me. I smile into the kiss as I kiss him back. Then he pulls away and place his forehead on mine. "I love you, Y/N... Please don't ever leave me" he said. I smile "I promise Hiro... I won't ever leave you" I said.



Hiro start to cry. I look at him with a worried expression. "Hiro... Why are you crying?" I asks him. He looks at me with those endless tears flowing down his cheeks. "I really thought that I would loose you, Y/N..." He said, as he choke on a sob.

I frown and opens my arms to him. He wraps his arms around my waist. I wrap mine around his shoulder. I gently caress his head. "Shh... You needn't to worry anymore, Hiro... I'm right here... I won't leave you..." I said, softly. He tightens his grip around me. "P-promise?" He asks. "I promise..." I said.

Then the door opens. Then I hear a chorus of gasp. I turn my head to see the rest of the group.

They run over to my side. "Guys... This is the hospital, no running" I scold them. "Sorry... It's just... We're so happy to see you're finally awake... It really hurts to see you lay there motionlessly... In a coma" Fred said, tears starts to stream down from his cheeks. The rest of them have tears in their eyes as well. I smile at them. "I'm so sorry to worry you guys... But don't worry anymore... I'm right here... I'm okay" I said, softly at them. They give me a grin, then they walk over to me. They give me a group hug. "Welcome back, Y/N" they said together.

1 week later

It's been a week since I woke up from my coma. My body still felt a bit weak, so the doctor told me to stay for another week.

I just laid in my bed. There isn't anything to do. So I'm really bored. But there's nothing I can do.

All I could remember, is after I got inject with a serum that Regina gives me. Then everything else is a blur.... That's why I need Hiro to tell me everything. But he told me that I don't need to think about it right now, he wants me to focus on recovering.

Hiro and the others is still in college. They have things to do. But they promise to come and visit me later in the evening.

I'm reading a book, Hiro brought for me. Then there is a knock on the door. "Come on in..." I said, softly. Then the door opens to reveal Aunt Cass. I smile at her "hey Aunt Cass..." I greet her.

She smiles at me, then she makes her way over to me. She place her hand on my head, then she start caressing my head softly. "How are you feeling, sweetie?" She asks. I nod my head "I'm okay, Aunt Cass" I said, smiling at her.

She takes a seat on the chair. Then we start talking for a while. Then something come in my mind. "Hey Aunt Cass..." I said. "Hm?" She respond. "If you're here... What about your cafe?" I asks. "Today is my lucky day! I manage to sell everything" she exclaim, excited. My eyes widened "really?! That fast? Awesome!" I said, happily.

Then she got a call. I stayed silent as she walks further from me. It sure is something private. I lay on my back. Then she comes back. She leans down and kiss my forehead softly. "It's my friend... She wants to meet up. She said she have something important to tell me, so I gotta go now... Take care, sweetheart" she said. "I will. Bye Aunt Cass" I said. She smiles at me and leave the room.

I sigh and lay back down. I close my eyes as I feel a bit tired. Then slowly I start to drift off to sleep.

2 Hours Later

I woke up to someone caressing my head. I open my eyes to meet with a pair of black orbs. "Hey... Baby" Hiro said. I smile and sit up. "Hi Hiro" I said, hugging him. He hugs me back softly.

Then we pull away. "When can I leave? I'm bored being in the hospital for so long... I wanna go out" I whined. Hiro chuckles and kiss my head softly. "Soon baby... Soon... You need to rest" he said. "But I'm fine..." I whined more. "I'll ask the doctor later, 'kay?" He said. I sigh "Okay" I said. He smiles, and leans down to kiss me.

Then we pulls away for air. He looks at me. Then he seems to remember something. "Oh right! I bought you something" he said. "What is it?" I asks. He gives me a bag. "Here... Take a look" he said.

I accept the bag and opens it. My eyes lit up. "This is so cute!" I said, happily. He bought me a teddy bear.

I smile at him

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I smile at him. "Thank you, Hiro" I said. He smiles "I always thought you might be lonely. So I buy this teddy bear for you" he said. "You don't have to, you know... I already have you... It's all enough for me, but I'm happy you give this teddy bear for me... It's really cute... I never had a toy" I said.

"Are you hungry?" He asks. "Kinda" I said. He took another back from the counter. "I brought you some meal too" he said.

"Aunt Cass made it

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"Aunt Cass made it... She told me to bring it for you. It's well balance. You need it to recover faster" he said. I smile "tell her I said thanks" I said. "I will..." He replied. "And thank you for bringing them to me" I said. He nods "eat up, babe" he said. I smile and nod my head. Then I start eating. "This is really good!" I said. Then I continue to eat.

Hiro stays with me the whole time. We talk about many things. We talk, laugh and just enjoy each other's company. I'm so glad to have someone as sweet as Hiro. I love him so much.

*to be continued*

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