Chapter 22

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Previously on Chapter 21

"Hiro... You need to accept... Y/N's been suffering enough... Let her rest..." Gogo said. I turn to her and about to say something, when a long beep was heard. My heart stop as I turn to look at Y/N. Her heart rate is in a straight line. I shake my head "n-no... S-She's not.." I place my hands on her shoulder "open your eyes, Y/N! You're not leaving me! Open your eyes!!" I yelled. "P-please... Come back to me..." I plead. Placing my head on her chest. I didn't hear any heartbeat neither do I feel her chest rise and fall from her breathing.

I can't believe this... She can't be leaving me

-Come Back to Me-

Hiro P.O.V

I continue to cry, with my head on her chest. She can't be leaving me... She can't be. Please tell me this is a nightmare.

I start sobbing harder. "Y/N... P-Please tell me this a nightmare... Please... D-Don't leave me alone. I-I'm begging you, Y-Y/N..." I pleads. I lift her body slowly and hug her close to my chest. "Y/N..." I cried out. The others just stand there, not daring to say a thing. Everyone have tears in their eyes. "Wake up, Y/N... Please..." I cried more.

I was starting to loose hope. Someone place a hand on my shoulder. "Hiro... You should let her go... She needs to rest..." Aunt Cass said. I turn to her. "If I let her go... What am I gonna do with myself?" I said. "Live on... Move on for her... That's what she wants, right?" She said. I look at her, then back at Y/N.

Then I look back at Aunt Cass. I nod my head "you're right... I can't be selfish..." I said, tears still flowing down my cheeks. She pulls me into a hug.

I pull away and turn to Y/N. I lean down and place a soft kiss on her lips. I pull away and place another soft kiss on her forehead. I place my forehead on hers. "H-hey Y/N... I-I would b-be really h-happy if you'd stay... But i-if you really want to go... I-It's o-okay... If t-that's what you really wanted... I-I'll let you go..." I cried.

The doctor came in to take care of her. I step back to give them some space. But as they are about to unplug the one on her chest, which is monitoring her heartbeat. Her heart began to beat again.

I turn to her heart monitor to see its working. "She's back! This is a miracle!" The doctor exclaimed. A smile comes to my face. She's not gone! She came back! She's back!

The doctor told us to get out, so he can check on her. I just walk out silently. I take a seat on the bench. I place my head on my hands. "She came back... That's what matters..." I muttered. Aunt Cass sat next to me, wrapping her arms around me, to keep me calm. The rest of the gang, either sitting down or passing back and forth in front of me as we all wait anxiously.

Soon enough the doctor walks out. I instantly get up to my feet. Then he looks at me. "There's good news and bad news... Which one do you want to hear first?" He asks. "G-good news..." I stutter. He nods his head. "The good news is... She's starting to stabilise. But she appear to be in a coma. The bad news is.. Even in a stable condition... her heart rate is not strong enough, so her condition could drop any moment. So all we can do is... we need to keep full attention on her and constantly try to talk to her. They believe that... the voice of the love ones can give a person a strength to fight back... Even fight the death itself" He said. I just nod my head. She's alive... That's all that matters. The doctor walks left, along with aunt Cass and the gang. The doctor only allows one visitors at the time.

I walk over to her and take a seat on the chair. I held her hand in mine. I place a soft kiss on her hand. "Y/N... Thank you... Thank you so much for not giving up... For not leaving me..." I said. I place my head on the bed. I close my eyes as exhaustion starts to consume me. "Please wake up soon..." I say, slowly drift of to sleep.


I open my eyes to find myself in an empty room. What is this place? Why is it so dark? There's a light at the end of this place.

I was about to run there. "If you past there... You won't be able to go back to the living..." I heard someone said behind me. I instantly stop and turn around, but no one is around. "Who's there?" I call out, still looking around. "No use in trying to look for me... I'm in your head" the voice said.

"What is this place? Why is it so dark in here?" I said. "This place is where someone is on the verge of death..." The voice said. "You mean this place is between both world?" I asks. "Yeah..." The voice said. "Then why am I here? Am I dying?" I asks again. "You are... You try to end yourself..." The voice answered. Then the room changed. It's my bathroom. I saw myself taking pills and cutting my hands. "What am I doing here? Shouldn't I passed on?" I asks again. "No... This is where you will decide wether you want to continue your way to eternity or come back to the land of living. But remember... Once the decision is made... You won't be able to return..." The voice said.

What should I do... Should I stay? Or should I leave. But if I stay... And my condition is the same. I would start attacking Hiro again. He won't be safe. But if I leave... He would be heart broken... That would hurt him a lot. What do I do?

Stay or leave... Which one should I choose?

*to be continued*

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