Chapter 4

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Previously on Chapter 3

I start to calm down and pull away. "Sorry... You have to see me being weak" I said, looking away from them. "You're not being weak, Y/N. You're being a human" Honey Lemon said. I smile weakly at her. "Why are you crying Y/N?" Gogo asks. I look at her, then look down and shake my head "I'm sorry... I can't tell you about it... Not now" I say. "We understand... But if you needed someone to talk to, we are here for you, right guys?" Fred said. The others nod their heads in respond. I smile gratefully at them. "Thank you guys..." I said.

-Lucky Cat Cafe-


They are so welcoming for me. They really comforts me, when I needed someone. 'But will they really stay when they know the truth?' This very question, keeps haunting my mind.

I'm in my lap as I work on my robot. I'm about to test it out again. "Hi Y/N here... This is my 7th test of my robotic project" I said. Then I turn the camera on. "Hi.... I'm R/N (Robot Name). I'm your robot-" then it started shaking. I turn it off, this is so hard.

I heard a knock on the door. "Come in" I said. The door opens to reveal Hiro. "Hey Y/N" he said, smiling. "Hey..." I said. "What's wrong? You seem upset" he said. I gesture my robot "I can't seem to get her to work" I said. He walks over to me and place his hand on my shoulder "don't worry... You'll get it work someday, just keep trying" he said. I look at him and smile "thanks Hiro" I said.

He grab my hand and starts pulling me. "Hiro... Where are you taking me?" I said. "To my Aunt's cafe" he said. "Bu-" I said but he cuts me off. "No buts! You need to take a break. You've been working so hard. Chillax a little" he said. "Fine..." I said, giving in.

We continue walking towards his Aunt's Cafe. Hiro still have my hand in his. I don't try to pull away. It feels nice. Maybe I'm falling for him. 'No... You can't fall for him, Y/N. He'll just leave you... He'll just see you as a freak.... They all will. Just like everyone else' I thought to myself.

After a while of walking. We finally reach a cafe. I look up to see Lucky Cat Cafe. "Cute name... This you Aunt's Cafe?" I ask Hiro. He turns to me and grin "yupp!" He said, happily.

"Come on!" He said, pulling me in. A woman with short brown hair, turn her attention towards us as the bell rings. "Welcome to- oh! Hiro!" She said, walking over to us. She pulls Hiro into a hug. After she pulls away, her attention turns to me. "Who is she Hiro?" She ask, then squeal. "Don't tell me! She's your Girlfriend!" She said in a pitch tone. "N-no..." Hiro stutter with a red faced. "But you're holding her hand" she said, pointing towards our hand. Hiro looks down as I did the same, realise we are indeed... Still holding hands. We let go of each other's hand with a red faced. "N-no... Aunt Cass, she's just a Friend" Hiro said.

For some reason, my heart ache when Hiro said were only friends. 'What's happening to me?' I thought. I'm not paying attention to my surrounding. I didn't realise Hiro's Aunt is trying to get my attention.

I jump when Hiro nudge me. "Ow... What's that for" I said. "Aunt Cass is trying to talk to you" he said. "O-oh.." I said. I turn to his aunt and bow. "Sorry... I didn't mean to ignore you, ma'am" I said. She smiles "don't call me ma'am. Just call me Aunt Cass. Welcome to the Lucky Cat Cafe" she said. I smile at her "okay Aunt Cass and thank you for accepting me here" I said. "Of course! Hiro's friends is always welcome here" she said, cheerfully.

"Come! Let's get you a seat. What would you like to have?" She asks. "Anything is fine..." I said. "Alright... I'll give you some f/p (fav pastry)" she said. I beam "yes please!" I said. She giggles "looks like I offered the right one" she said. Then she turn around and walk away.

She come back not long after. She place the treat in front of me. "Enjoy! It's on the house" she said. "Really? Thank you" I said, gratefully. Then I start eating. "Wow!! It taste amazing" I said. Aunt Cass laugh and walk away to take care of the other costumer.

Hiro took a seat next to me. "So how's the cafe?" He ask. "It's perfect... I would come here more often. I'd bring my Mom with me" I said. Hiro smile in respond. Then there's a moment of silent as I continue to eat the delicious treat.

"Hey... Do you want to come up stairs, to my room. We could maybe hang out. Maybe... Get to know each other" he said. I didn't notice the blush he have in his cheeks. I smile "Sure!" I said.

Hiro P.O.V

I'm so glad she agrees. I really want to get to know her more. Maybe even get closer to her. I know it's stupid... That we just know each other. But I can feel myself falling for her. Her bright personality. Even though I'm kinda curious, why she's crying that day.

Maybe I can help with her problem. But to help her, first I need to know what the problem is. I hope she'll be willing to tell me later.


I finished eating the pastry. "You've done eating... Let's go upstairs" Hiro said. I nod at him. "Aunt Cass! I'm taking Y/N upstairs" he said. "Alright! Have fun... But not too much fun" she said.

Hiro just grab my hand and pull me upstairs. "This is my room" he said. I smile as I look around. Then I notice there's another room on the other side. "Who's room is that?" I asks. After I asks that, Hiro's face turns into a sad one. "That's my Brother's room" he said. "Where's your Brother?" I asks. "He's... Gone.." He reply, looking down. "Oh.. I'm sorry... I shouldn't have asks" I said. He looks up and smile "it's okay!" He said.

Hiro asks if I want to play video game with him. I agree and we starts playing multiple type of games.

"It's getting late!" I said, looking out the window. I gather my things "I should probably get going now... Bye Hiro" I said. I was about to leave when a hand grab mine. I turn to see Hiro, looking down. "What's wrong?" I asks. "Can you stay here tonight?" He asks, I can see his face is slightly red. "Okay... I'll tell my mom" I said. He nods his head. I took out my phone and starts calling.

I end the phone call. I turn to Hiro "she said it was fine... So I guess I'll be staying here. But where would I be sleeping?" I asks. Hiro points to his brother's room. "Are you sure?" I asks. He nod his head. "Okay... But I don't have spare clothes" I said. "Don't worry... You can wear mine. We are about the same size" he said.

I don't wanna get too close with him... He would just leave me... I don't want to feel the pain when he did

*to be continued*

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