Chapter 9

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Previously on Chapter 8

"So... What is it then?" Gogo said, breaking the awkward moment. I mentally thanked her. Hiro turn to me and smile. "I'd like to recruit Y/N to join our group" he said.


-Showing the Group-


Everyone stayed silent for a moment when Hiro told them. "What?!" They scream. Hiro and I jump in shock from their sudden outburst. "Geez... you guys, no need to scream. My ears hurt" I grumble.

They ignore me and turn to look at Hiro. "Are you serious, man? Are you really gonna recruit Y/N to our group?" Fred said. Hiro look at him. "Yeah.... Is that something wrong with that?" He asks. "Of course it's wrong? You know what we did is dangerous. You really want to risk her life and drag her to it?" Gogo said. "Listen guys... I know it's dangerous. But I KNOW Y/N can handle it, right?" Hiro said. Then he turns to me.

"Yeah... I can handle it" I said, smiling. "Yeah... But Y/N. Do you know how dangerous it was?" Wasabi asks. "I know..." I said, looking at him. "Then why do you still want to do it?" Honey Lemon ask. I look at Hiro. He nods at me. I nod back at him. Then I turn to look at the others and smile. "Because I can do something that none of you can do" I said. They look at me confused. I gesture them to come with me. Then I run outside.

We are now standing in a field. "So... What was it?" Gogo said. "Well... Some of you might think of it as cool.... While others would most likely to be afraid of me" I said. They look at me confused.

I walk over to the cliff. "Y/N! Don't get to close! What if you fall off?!" Wasabi said in a panic tone. I laugh "why? Are you afraid of height?" I tease him. Then I spread my arms and let myself fall backwards. I can hear them calling my name.

Hiro P.O.V

Everyone looks panicked, while I just stand there with a smirk on my face. Wasabi turns to me with an angry expression. "What the hell?! Why do you look so calm?!" He yelled at me. I just smile "don't worry, she'll be fine" I said. They look at me in shock.

"He's right guys.... I'll be fine" we heard a voice above us. Everyone turns their attention to the source of voice. I can see how their eyes widen and their jaw drops at the sight of Y/N flying above us.


I giggle at their reaction. "What? Surprise?" I said, smirking. They didn't answer and just stare at me with their mouth still open along with their eyes wide like a saucer.

"Woah! You flew?!" Honey Lemon exclaim after a few moments of silent. I laugh "you really think I'd just randomly jump of the cliff? You think I have a death wish?" I said sarcastically. I land in front of them. I continue to laugh when they just stare at me.

"That was awesome?!" Fred said. Well... That's Fred for you, he'd always think everything out of ordinary is awesome.... Even the most weird things. Just like a fire breathing lizard.

"You're not scared?" I asks them. "Nope! Hiro trust you, and so would we" Gogo said. I smile, tears starts to pool in my eyes. "Why are you crying, Y/N?" Hiro asks me. "This... This is the first time someone accepts me. Others would just think of me as a freak" I said, wiping my tears that's falling endlessly.

Hiro walks over to me and pulls me into a hug. "Shh... Of course we would. You're an amazing friend, Y/N. Or in my case... Girlfriend" Hiro said, pulling away and look at me with a gentle smile. I smile back "thank you, guys" I said.

They told me to show them what else that I can do. So that's how we spend the entire day. I'm so happy... I'm finally able to find someone who can accept me for who I am and didn't see my difference as something creepy or dangerous.

The Next Day

We end up having a sleep over. Hiro brings an extra clothes with him. He gives me a pair for me to change in.

We are going to plan on how my suits would be. Since I already have a power. It'll be just a normal suits. I'll be using my own power with no help from the gadgets.

(Just imagine you're wearing a mask)

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(Just imagine you're wearing a mask)

We came up with a hooded style outfit. Since Hiro knew how much I'm into hoodie. I love this outfit so much. It's so comfortable to wear. The style is trendy as well.

"So... Do you like it?" Hiro asks me. "Like it?! I Looove it?!" I exclaimed. Then I glomp Hiro in a tight hug. "Thank you, Hiro?!" I yelled. Hiro blushed red at my sudden movements. I giggle and peck his cheek.

"Awww~" the others cooed at us. I blushed and playfully glare at them. We end up bursting in a fit of laughter in the end.

Then Hiro's tech makes an alarming sound. "Time to get to work!" Hiro said. They hop on Baymax. They were about to fly. Hiro turns to me. "You coming Y/N?" Hiro asks me. "You forgot I could fly?" I said. He rubs his neck in respond. "laugh nervously* right... Sorry about that" he said. I giggle in respond. They took of flying with me following closely behind them.

One Week Later

It's been a week since I've joined them. It's been great. I can finally use my power for something good.

We are now sitting in The Lucky Cat cafe. The news is featuring us. "The group of hero has been seen in the bridge as they help catching a robber. *pointing at the screen* as we all can see, they seem to have a new member. Should we call them Big Hero 7 now? The new member can fly. But we didn't see any rocket in the person's shoes. Is it possible that the new member have an actual power? That would be cool, isn't it?" The reporter said.

"Looks like you've become popular, Y/N" Hiro whispers to me. I turn to him and smile. This is fun. I can finally use my power without fear of people judging me.

It's time for us to head for university. We got up and walk to the door. I just stand there as I wait for Aunt Cass and Hiro to share their hugs. I was about to walk away when aunt Cass pulls me into a hug. I laugh and hugs her back. Then we leave for college.

*to be continued*

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