Chapter 2

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Previously on Chapter 1

I get up and laid on my bed. She pulls the blanket to my neck. She leans down and kiss my forehead. "Gnight sweetie. Have a good sleep" she said. "Gnight, Mom" I say, closing my eyes. She get out of my room and turn of the light. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

-First Day of College-


I woke up early. 'First day of college' I thought to myself. Hopefully it'll be different than previous school.

I get up from my bed and start stretching a bit. Then I walk over to the wardrobe and scan the layer of clothing, trying to find the perfect outfit for today.

I laid it on the bed and grab my towel, I head towards the bathroom and start my morning routine. I sigh as I let the water drip from my head. 'I really wish it would be different this time.... I really wish I could finally make friends.... I feel so lonely now' I thought. I shook my head and finish washing myself.

I walk out of the bathroom, then head towards my room. I change my clothes to the ones I pick earlier.

 I change my clothes to the ones I pick earlier

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After I've change my outfit. I walk over to the body length mirror. I give myself a nod of approval. 'It's good enough' I thought to myself. Then I walk over to the dressing desk. I just put a thin layer of make up.

Then I head downstairs and to the kitchen. "Morning Mom. Do you need any help?" I asks. She looks at me and smile "no... I'm almost done" she said. I just nod my head and sit in the dining table.

Mom finished cooking and place a plate of food in front of me. "Here you go, sweetie" she said, kissing my head. "Thanks mom" I said, then I start eating.

After eating, I walk over to the sink and place the empty plate. "I'll get going now Mom" I said. "Do you want me to drop you?" She asks. I shook my head "no... It's okay. It's your first day of work as well. I don't want you to be late for your first day" I said. "Are you sure?" She asks. I nod my head and smile at her "I'll be fine" I said. She nods her head and hug me. I hug her back "see you soon, Mom" I said. I put on my shoes and head to the front door "bye!" I yell out. "Bye!!" I heard her respond.

I get on my bike and start cycling to SFIT. It's a sunny day, a good way to start a day. Most people would be a nervous wreck being in a new school. But not me... I'm use to this kind of situation, I've moved from places to places countless of times.

After a while, I finally reached the University. I park my bicycle. "This building is so huge" I say to myself. "Here goes nothing" I say. I walk towards the university.

I walk around trying to find my lab. After a while I finally found it. I unlock the door and enters the lap. You're probably wondering how I get the key. Mr. Callagan is actually my uncle. He gave me the key not too long ago after I got accepted. He's a great person, he knows everything about me... Except the fact that I'm not a normal human.

I look around the lab and smile

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I look around the lab and smile. This room is really big. It'll be enough room for my work. I walk deeper and close the door. I sat my bag on the table. 'Let's start setting everything' I thought to myself.

As I'm tidying everything. There's a knock on the door. 'Who could that be?' I thought to myself. I walk over the door and opens it. A really tall girl is standing there. "Hi there! I'm Honey Lemon.... Nice to meet you" she said. "Y/N..." I reply quietly. I'm not used being around other people other than my mom. So I don't know how to act.

She smiles at me. "So you're the new student we all heard about" she said. I just nod my head. She looks at me with a raised eyebrows "you don't talk much do you?" She asks. "Not really. I'm not used being around new people" I say. "I see... You're a shy type" she said. "I'm not shy... I... *look down* never have a friend. I don't know how to act around people" I say. "Ooh.." Was all she said. Then I feel something on my wrist, I realise it's her hand. "Don't worry... The people here is friendly. Come on! I'll introduce you to everyone" she beams. "O-okay..." I say. I just let her drag me somewhere.

We enter a room. "Guys!!! Look who's here" Honey Lemon yelled out. I jump at her loudness. 'She's a really energetic girl' I thought to myself.

Then a group of people walks towards us. Feeling nervous, I step behind Honey Lemon. "Hey... It's okay!" Honey Lemon said. "Who is she?" I heard one of them asks. Honey Lemon turn to the others "she's Y/N. The new student we heard about" she said. "Oh! Hello there.... I'm Wasabi" a tan skinned guy say. I just stay silent.

Honey Lemon looks at me briefly, then turn her attention back to the others. "She told me that she never have a friend. That's why she's acting like this" she explain for me. Then a girl with short hair and purple streak "I'm Gogo... Welcome to SFIT" she said. Then a boy around my age come forward, he gives me a toothy grin. "I'm Hiro... Hiro Hamada" he said.

Slowly I step forward "I'm Y/N L/N. Nice to meet you all" I said, with a small smile. They smile warmly at me, making me loosen up slightly. "Gogo... Wasabi... Honey Lemon... Why is your name weird... No offence" I say. "Oh! She asks the same thing as me. Anyway, Fred is the one who came up with all the nicknames" Hiro said. I look at him confused. "Who's Fred?" I asks.

"This guy" I heard someone said next to me. I turn my head only to jump back with a shriek. "A-ah! No need to be alert! This is just a suit" he said, opening the head. Then he slips his arm through the mouth of the suit and shake my hand. "The names Fred. I'm a school mascot by day.... But by night" Then he do a little attraction with the sign board his holding. Then he strike a pose, looking at me "I'm also a school mascot" he said. I giggle slightly. They are pretty welcoming to me.

Maybe... Just maybe. It will be different this time

*to be continued*

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