Chapter 5

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Previously on Chapter 4

I end the phone call. I turn to Hiro "she said it was fine... So I guess I'll be staying here. But where would I be sleeping?" I asks. Hiro points to his brother's room. "Are you sure?" I asks. He nod his head. "Okay... But I don't have spare clothes" I said. "Don't worry... You can wear mine. We are about the same size" he said.

I don't wanna get too close with him... He would just leave me... I don't want to feel the pain when he did

-Hiro's Identity-


I woke up in the morning. I sit up in my bed and look at the time. Looks like it's time for class' I thought to myself. I get up from the bed and stretch.

I walk over to the bathroom. I turn on the water and wait until it's the right heat. I start to strip of my clothes, then I enter the shower.

Once I'm done showering, I walk out of the bathroom. I walk to the wardrobe and pick out which outfit to wear. I scan my eyes through the layer of clothes, until my eyes settles on one.

(I personally choose the one on the left

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(I personally choose the one on the left. But it's up to you)

I give my self a nod. 'This is the outfit for today' I thought, smiling slightly. Then I walk out of my bedroom, heading towards the kitchen. My mom is cooking breakfast. "Morning, Mom" I said. She turns to me and smile "morning sweetie... How's your sleep?" She said. "Good... I sleep well" I say. She hums "that's good to hear" she said.

She places a plate in front of me. "Enjoy your breakfast, sweetie" she said, kissing the top of my head. "Thanks mom" I said. She nods her head, smiling. I smile back, then I start eating.

After eating, I get up and walk over to Mom. I kiss her cheek. Then I head towards the front door. "Bye Mom! Love you" I said. "I love you too, sweetie. Have a good day at college" she said. 'Yeah... Totally...' I thought to myself. I got on my bike and starts making my way to SFIT.

After a while of riding. I finally reach the University. I got off my bike and head inside the building. I start making my way to my lab.

I place my backpack on the table. "Okay... Time to start working" I say to myself. I walk over to my on progress robot and take my tools. Then I start working.

"Alright... Let's see if this works" I say to myself. "Alright Y/N here... This is the 17th test of my robotics project" I say. But the robot just act up. "Oh God! Looks like I never will get this thing work" I say, frustrated. 'I need a break' I thought, then I walk out of my lab.

'Where is Hiro?' I thought. Well.. come to think about it... I haven't seen any of the gang. Then I just walk out of the lab and decide to take a walk.

While I was walking. Out of no where, something is attacking me. I jump out of the way from reflect. It's a giant robot. 'Woah.... What's that thing?' I thought to myself. The robot walk over to me. I curse under my breath, then I turn around running.

"There! I see it... Oh no it's chasing someone. Come on we need to help" I heard someone yelling. Then someone appear and pick me up. "Woah! Who are you?! Put me down?!" I yelled. "Relax! I'm not an enemy, I'm trying to save you" she yelled back at me. She sounds familiar "Wait... Gogo!" I said in realisation. She just turn her head to look at me.

"Alright it's far enough now... You can put me down" I said. She place me down on my feet. I take a deep breath, since it's hard to breathe with that speed. "You okay?" She asks. I give her a thumbs up.

Then the rest of the group came. Then there's a boy with a purple suit. "Who are you?" I asks. He took of his helmet. My eyes widened when I see who it was. "Hiro?!" I exclaim out of shock. "I-is this... Some kind of a prank? What are you guys doing... wearing costume like this?" I said. "No... This isn't a prank... This is not a costume. This is our suits" he said as he walk over to me. I take a step back "y-you're saying t-that you're the Big Hero 6 everyone is talking about?" I said. Hiro nod his head. "Okay... So you're the one who has been getting rid of the bad guys?" I said again. He nod again.

"Y/N... I wanted to tell you... But I don't know how.... Please don't be mad" he said. "Mad? Why would I be?" I asks. "I've been keeping this secret from you" he said. 'Oh Hiro... If only you'd know, I've been keeping a bigger secret from you and the others' I thought, but I can't tell him that. At least... Not now. I shook my head "No... I'm not mad.... I'm just shocked" I said. He let out a breath of relief. "You didn't think it's a bit freaky or something?" He said. I shook my head "no... I've seen worse" I said. "Really? Like what?" He asks. "I won't tell you" I said. He groans "oh come on! Please?" He said. I turn around and run away. "Hey! Y/N!!! Tell me" he yelled and start running after me. I just ignore him and keep running.

I got to the University. I enter my lab. 'Woah... Hiro turns out to be the superhero I've always heard about' I thought to myself. Well... I don't think it's freaky. If anything... I'm the freak one. Hiro became a hero from the tech he create. But me... I'm a real freak who's born with all this ability. But still... Finding out that I've been friends with a group of superhero is really shocking. I didn't expect that one bit.

This people are different... Maybe they will actually accepts my difference

*to be continued*

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