Chapter 20

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A/N: sorry I haven't updated for a while. But it's here now! I hope you'll enjoy this chapter like you did in previous chapters.


Warning: suicidal attempt!!

Previously on Chapter 19

I finally hear his footstep walking away. I choke as turn and I slid down to the floor, leaning my back against the door.

Oh Hiro... I'm so sorry... But this is
for the best...

-It's Hard to Live Without You-


It's been a month since I push him away. He would always come, but I never open the door for him. It's for the best... I don't want him to come. I don't want to hurt him. But I really miss him.

Today is no different. Hiro would come soon enough. I know he will. He always come by at time like this. Which is around noon.

Just as I thought. I hear knocking sound in the front door. The knocking sound stops, then a voice. His voice. "Y/N... Can you please open the door?" He said. I just stayed silent. Then another knocking sound. "Y/N... I brought you some meal... It's your favourite" he said again. I bit my lips to stop myself from crying.

"Please... Y/N... It's been a month... How much longer are you gonna do this? Please.... Let me in... I miss you, Y/N" I heard his pleads. A sob break through my lips. But I stayed silent. He needs to understand... that he's not safe being here with me.

I heard a sigh, then his footsteps fading away. I get up from my bed, then make my way to the window. I can see his back as he walks away. I can't hold it any longer... The tears begin to stream down my eyes. 'I'm sorry Hiro... I'm so sorry...' I thought, sobbing.

I back away from the window and sit on the floor. I hug my knees as I begin to cry harder. I miss you, Hiro... But you can't be here. You're not safe. Not as long as I still loose control like this.... I don't wanna hurt you. I'm sorry Hiro.

I continue to cry, with my heads on my knees which I hug closely to my chest. Exhaustion from all the crying finally consume me. I fall asleep in that position.


When I wake up. It was around 5 pm. I get up from my spot, feeling all stiff. Probably because I fall asleep in a sitting position for hours. So I try stretching. I let out a breath of relief when I hear a satisfying pop.

Then I head to the bathroom. I look at myself through the mirror. I have bloodshot eyes. I cried a lot since I made Hiro leave. It's hard not being with him. He's my source of happiness. Pushing him away is like pushing myself into desperation.

"Hiro..." I say to myself. My voice is really hoarse. Probably because I didn't talk much. I sound really weak.

I clutch my chest, where my heart is as my eyes begin to pour out with tears. "Hiro... I miss you so much... It's so hard to live on without you" I cried.

Then I look at myself in the mirror once again. It's hard to live without Hiro... So I shall not live at all. Yeah... It's better like this. I need to end my suffering.

I walk over to my room and take out a piece of paper and a pen. I begin to write a letter for him. Then I head back to the bathroom.

I grab a bottle of pills I kept. Then I open the lid. I pour some to my hand. I stare at it with a shaky hand. "I'm sorry, Hiro..." I say to myself. Then I lift it up and take it all in, swallowing it.

Then I take out a blade. I place it in my hand, running it along my arm creating deep cuts in the process. Then I let the blade drop.

I start feeling dizzy from the blood loss and pills. I collapse on the floor and close my eyes. I wait for death to embrace me. "Goodbye, Hiro.. I love you..." I whispers. Then I close my eyes, I start to drift away.

Hiro P.O.V

I start having an uneasy feeling after I left her house. I can't take this anymore. I turn around and start running back to her house. I need to make sure she's alright.

I reach her front door and start banging on it. "Y/N!! Open up now! I know you're in there! If you don't, I'll break this door!" I scream. There is silent. I shake my head. I start banging on it, until it broke open. I quickly run inside with Baymax following behind me.

I run upstairs to her room. I swung the door open. "Y/N!" I yell. But she's no where in sight. 'Gosh... Where is she?' I thought to myself as I start looking for her desperately.

My eyes turns towards her bathroom. The door is open. She must be in there. I quickly make my way over. Then I saw something I wish I never have to see. Y/N... She's laying there in a pool of blood.

I run over to her. I check her pulse. It's there... But it's faint. Then I look at her face. She's really pale. There's foam coming out from  from her mouth. I turn to Baymax. "Baymax! Do something!" I yell desperately. He comes over and scan her.

"It seems that she's overdosed. Then she loses too much blood" he said. He starts tending her. Tears starts to stream down my face. I take out my phone and start calling the hospital.

"H-hello... Please sent an ambulance. At (Your Address). Please hurry... This is an emergency. My Girlfriend looses too much blood and she's overdosed" I said, desperately. I hung up and drop on my knees, clutching my hair tightly. I shouldn't have leave her like this. I should have just force myself in and confront her about all this. Not leaving her. This is all my fault!

The ambulance comes and they instantly take her to the hospital. I sit next to her inside the ambulance, holding her hand in mine. Her hand is really cold. I look at her monitor to see her heart is beating, but barely.

"Y/N... Please hang on.... Don't leave me...." I plead. The nurse have her hand on my back. I start wailing. More and more tears streaming down my face.

Please... Don't leave me, Y/N... Please...

*to be continued*

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