Chapter 3

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Previously on Chapter 2

"This guy" I heard someone said next to me. I turn my head only to jump back with a shriek. "A-ah! No need to be alert! This is just a suit" he said, opening the head. Then he slips his arm through the mouth of the suit and shake my hand. "The names Fred. I'm a school mascot by day.... But by night" Then he do a little attraction with the sign board his holding. Then he strike a pose, looking at me "I'm also a school mascot" he said. I giggle slightly. They are pretty welcoming to me.

Maybe... Just maybe. It will be different this time



It's been a week since I start taking classes at the University. The group is really welcoming to me. 'But will they act the same, when they find out about me?' This thought would keep coming and haunt my mind.

I don't really make friends for several reasons. 1. Because they are not really a good person. 2. They would always leave me, the minute they find out about my ability because they think of me as a freak. 3. Because they listen to the rumours about me being a monster.

So I don't want to be too attached with this gang. They would probably leave me, just like the others. I don't want to experience the pain when they did.

I'm currently working on my new project. I decide to make a robot, that actually understands how human feels. This robot would make a great friends.

'Alright... So far so good... Now let's see if this works' I thought to myself. I take a deep breath. Holding a board in front of the robot as it records me. "Hi! I'm Y/N... This is the 1st test of my robot project... Let's hope it works" I say. Then I press the power button. It turns on and looks at me. I waited patiently for it to start talking. "Hi... I'm R/N (Robot Name. Make sure it's someone close to you). I'm your robo-" it suddenly shuts down. I sigh I place the board on my table. "Let's not give up now... I'm sure it will work eventually" I say to myself.

I decide to take a break. I don't want to stress myself out, otherwise I won't get anything done.

I take my guitar that I brings with me. Music is what calms me down. When I feel stressed up. I would always play music. I sit on the floor, leaning myself against the wall. I start playing a tune.

This music is what I feel. This music expressed a broken heart. This is what I truly felt. People around me always judge me, just because I have these ability. They would always label me as a freak, a monster, someone who don't belong in this world. Hearing those words coming out from the people around me, hurts my heart.

I keep playing this tune, as tears starts to flow. All I wanted was someone to accept me. Without judging me... Someone who would actually want to know the real me, looking pass my ability and understands me. I never ask to be born like this.

Hiro P.O.V

I'm walking down the corridor of SFIT. As I walk pass Y/N's lab, I could hear a music. Feeling curious, I decide to check it out. Her Lab door is not completely closed. So I can peek through the gap. It was Y/N... She's playing a guitar.

The music she plays, seems like she plays it with her emotion. But it sounds so... Sad. I keep listening to her playing. I observe her face and notice a glisten in them. 'Is she crying?' I thought to myself.

"What are you doing Hiro?" I jump at the sudden voice. I turn around to see the gang. Fred looks at me who is standing next to the door of Y/N's lab, then he looks back at me. "Why are you-" I cover his mouth. "Shh!!!" I shushed him.

Then I gesture with my hand for them to come closer. They come forward and peek through the gab. "Y/N... She's playing guitar" Wasabi said. "Yeah... I never know she could play so well" Honey Lemon said. "Yeah... But it sounds so sad" Gogo say. "Yeah... I noticed that too" I said, looking at the h/c haired girl. "Guys... Is she crying?" Honey Lemon asks. I just nod my head "she seems to be experiencing a pain" I say.

She stops playing her guitar and place it next to her. She pulls her knees close to her chest. She starts crying more. "I just wants to be accepted. I never asks to be born like this. I don't want to be like this..." I heard her talking to herself. I walk in the room. "Y/N..." I call out.


I heard someone called my name. I look up to see Hiro. "H-Hiro..." I said. He moves closer to me and kneel down in front of me. I just look at him with my teary eyes.

"Do you want a hug?" He asks. I slowly nod my head. He moves closer to me, then he wraps his arms around me. I clutch his shirt in my hand as I start crying more. He caress my head gently. I look up slightly to see the rest of the gang coming in. They kneel down around me and hugs me, giving me a group hug.

I start to calm down and pull away. "Sorry... You have to see me being weak" I said, looking away from them. "You're not being weak, Y/N. You're being a human" Honey Lemon said. I smile weakly at her. "Why are you crying Y/N?" Gogo asks. I look at her, then look down and shake my head "I'm sorry... I can't tell you about it... Not now" I say. "We understand... But if you needed someone to talk to, we are here for you, right guys?" Fred said. The others nod their heads in respond. I smile gratefully at them. "Thank you guys..." I said.

*to be continued*

A/N: that's it for this chapter.... I actually tearing up while writing this. Cause I once experience this kind of things. People judging me, without actually knowing me... It really hurts 😭. Thank you for reading... More chapters coming up! Bye

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