Chapter 14

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Previously on Chapter 13

Fred seems to notice something, as he run towards a certain direction where Y/N runs of. Then he bend down and pick up something. "Hiro... Y/N is giving us a clue" he said. I walk over to him and take it from him. It's a tube with a little amount of liquid inside of it. My eyes widened in surprise. I grin "You're right! This must be the serum! We can work on the antidote now" I said happily.

Don't worry Y/N... We'll get you back. Just hang in there


Hiro P.O.V

It's hard for me to focus without Y/N with me. But I have to do this... For her. I need to save her and release her from that serum control.

After what seems like forever. I think I finally have the antidote. I just wish it would work. This is gonna be my first antidote that I have created. If it didn't work, Y/N's life would be in danger. I don't want that. But we don't have a choice.

Now all I need to do is go search for Y/N and inject this serum to her. I need to do this quick, I need her back. I miss her so much.

"Alright! All ready to go?" I asks them. A chorus of 'I'm ready' is heard from them. I take a deep breath. "Let's go! Baymax!" I said. Then we take off flying.

After a while of flying. We finally get to Regina's base. We land smoothly on the ground slowly. After I made sure that we are securely on the ground, I slid off Baymax's back. Then I look around at the group. All of us gives each other a curt nod.

"Regina!!!" I scream for her. After a while, she came out. "My my... What a pleasant surprise. How nice of you to come and visit me" she said, with that hideous smirk on her face.

"Y/N! Come here, darling" she said. She lands from the sky. It's most likely that she's been flying around since we've got here. She looks even paler.

I glare at Regina. "What have you done to her?" I asks her in a harsh tone. "I'm just making the dose stronger" she said. My eyes widened. This might not work... The antidote we made. But we don't have a choice. It's now or never. I need to get her back to normal before she's too long gone.

"Destroy him for me" Regina said, pointing her finger at me. "As you wish, master" Y/N said as she slowly makes her way over to me. I step back. "Y/N... I don't wanna hurt you... Please... Wake up! It's me, Y/N... It's Hiro!" I scream at her. She just looks at me emotionlessly.

Then she starts advancing at me. I jump out of the way as she swung her fists brutally at me. I stop for a moment and just looks at her.

"Gogo! Honey Lemon! Try to get her to stop moving too much" I instruct my two friends. "Got it!" They say. But they are struggling. Y/N is too strong.

"Honey Lemon! Create a sleeping serum" I said. "Okay!" She replies. She use her purse and create what I told her to. She throws it towards Y/N. Then Y/N's movements starts to slow down. Then she collapse on the ground.

I cautiously walks over to her. I kneel down next to her and check on her. "It works... She's sleeping" I said, looking at them. They walk over to me.

Honey Lemon hands the antidote serum to me. I take it from her. "Do it now, Hiro... We don't have much time... She'll wake up anytime soon. We need to be hurry" she said. I look at her and nod my head.

I look down at Y/N and gulps. "Please work... I need you back, Y/N... I miss you so much" I said. Then I inject the antidote to her. It took a moment. Then her eyes snap open and she starts screaming, as if she is in pain. It's really pains me to hear her screams.

She slowly opens her eyes. "Hiro..." She said. Then her eyes roll back to the back of her skull as she falls unconscious. "Y/N?" I call out. I shake her gently, trying to get her to wake up. I check her pulse. My eyes widened. "We need to get her to the hospital, now!" I yelled in panic. I pick her up and get on Baymax. We head to the hospital at full speed.

We have change into our normal outfit. I flung the entrance door opens and start screaming for help. "Help! I need help! It's an emergency. Hurry!!" I scream. Nurses and doctor starts running towards me. I laid her on the hospital bed and we start making our way to the ICU.

They enters the room. I was about to enter, when a nurse turns around and gently push me back. "Sir... You can't be in there... The doctor needs space to treat the girl" she said. "Please save her!" I yelled as the nurse close the door.

It's been hours. The doctor has yet to come out. 'Please be okay... Please, Y/N...' I thought, as I mentally begs that she'd be okay. I really can't imagine if I have to loose her. I pace back and forth.

"Calm down, Hiro" Wasabi told me. I turn to him. "I can't calm down! Not until I know wether my girlfriend is alright or not in there! Her live is on the line" I yell at him. Everyone is looking at me, but I couldn't care less. I need to make sure Y/N is alright.

Gogo walks over to me and pulls me into a hug. "I know you can't relax Hiro... But you can't do this to yourself... If she sees you like this... She would be upset" she said in a shooting voice. I sigh and relax a little.

Then the door opens and the doctor walks out. I instantly makes my way over to him. "How is she? How's my girlfriend?" I asks. He looks at me. "We manage to get her to stabilised. But..."  He stops. Then the next words makes me feel as if my whole world is crumbling.

She's on a coma

*to be continued*

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