Chapter 15

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Previously on Chapter 14

Then the door opens and the doctor walks out. I instantly makes my way over to him. "How is she? How's my girlfriend?" I asks. He looks at me. "We manage to get her to stabilised. But..." He stops. Then the next words makes me feel as if my whole world is crumbling.

She's on a coma

-Please... Wake Up-

Hiro P.O.V

I don't know how to express what I felt right now... When those words leaves the doctor's lips, I feel like my whole world has fallen into pieces.

A lot of things going on in my head... Y/N is in a coma. 'What if she died?' 'What if she leaves me?' 'What would I do without her?' And more questions is clouding inside my head.

I shake my head hard. "No... No... No! This can't be real... This can't be happening... She can't be! She's not in coma... Tell me this is just a joke! It's just a joke, right? She's okay and she will wake up soon, right? Right?!" I scream at the doctor. I refuse to accept the fact that Y/N is in a coma. That there are chances for her to leave this world... To leave me.

I grab the doctor by his shoulder. I continue to yell at him. Shaking him. But he just stand there in silent as he just stare at me with a sad expression.

I feel someone place a hand on my shoulder. I turn my head to see Honey Lemon. "Hiro... We are sad too.... It's hard for us to know that Y/N is in a coma... But we gotta stay strong! For Y/N... She wouldn't want to see us like this" she said, gently.

I wipe my tears away. Honey Lemon is right... I have to stay strong for Y/N. I need to believe that she will wake up. I don't know when... But she will. I need to have fate. Y/N would never leave us. She would never leave me.

The doctor allows us to enter the room and check on her. I decide to go last. I wanna have more time with her. One by one, they enters the room. I just seat in the waiting room in silent. I wait, until soon enough it was finally my turn.

I got up from the bench. Then I walk towards the door to her room. I take a deep breath. Then I open the door.

There she laid, in the hospital bed. Looking as if she's only sleeping. Oh... How I wish she is just laying there asleep. Tears begin to pool up inside my eyes, as I look at her weak figure.

Slowly, I make my way towards her. I take a seat on the chair next to her bed. I lean forward and held her hand gently. "H-hey... Baby" I say. My voice is croaked. Tears begin to stream down my eyes.

There's a moment of silent. "How are you?" I asks again. I didn't expect an answer at all. I choke a sob. "Please... Wake up... I can't do this without you..." I said, as I starts to cry. I get up, then I lean down and place my forehead on her cold one. A tear escape my eyes and drop on her cheek. Another choked sobs escape my lips.

"Y/N... I need you with me... You can't leave me like this... Please... Tell me you're okay... Please baby... I'm begging you... Wake up... Baby please..." I cried more.

Nothing happens so far. I just wish that she'll wake up soon. She's the reason I kept going. Without her... I don't know what to do.... I might be lost... No... I WILL be lost. She's my way of life.

2 weeks later

Two weeks have past, and Y/N still hasn't show any sign of waking up. I'm starting to feel that all hopes is gone.

I still wait in her room every day. Without Y/N, I can't concentrate in anything. Even my job as the leader of Big Hero 7 is messed up. A lot of criminal have been lurking around. I can't do a thing to stop them. I don't have the power to do so.

I arrive at the hospital after college. Yes... I still when for college. Y/N would be mad if I stop studying. I make my way towards her room. I enter the room and look at her. Still no sign of her waking up.

I sigh and walk over to her bed, taking a seat on the usual spot. Tears begin to pool up in my eyes as I watch her sleeping form.

I get up slowly. Then trying to be as gentle as possible, I pick up her fragile body and hug her close to me "Y/N... I don't know if you can hear me right now... But if you do... Please wake up. I've lost my brother... I've lost my parents... I can't loose you too... Please Y/N" I cry. All the days since Y/N is in coma. Not a day past without me crying and wishing that she'd wake up from her temporary sleep. But seeing that she's still not showing any sign of waking up, it makes me slowly loosing my hope. Now I'm feeling desperate. I need her to wake up now, or I will go insane.

"I need you Y/N... I'm lost without you... Please I'm begging you... Please wake up" I begged. I continue to cry as I hug her closer.


All I could hear was the sound of crying. I don't know why, but the person crying makes me feel sad. It must be someone close to me.

My whole body feels warm... As if someone is holding me. I can feel my shoulder is getting soaked from this person's tears.

I recognise the voice.... It's Hiro. I need to wake up... He's in pain enough. I can't do this to him. I need to wake up. Come on... Wake up! Open your eyes Y/N! Wake up!!

Lights fills my eyes as I finally manage to open my eyes. Someone is hugging me. It's Hiro. Just as I thought. Slowly... I move my arms and wrap it around his torso.

His head turns to look at me. His eyes widened as he stares at me. "Y/N... Y-you're awake" he cried out. Then he pulls me into a tight hug. "Finally... I thought I was gonna loose you for good... Y/N... Please don't scare me like that again... I'm starting to loose hope, when you're not showing any sign of waking up" he cried in my shoulder.

I rub his back softly. "Shh... I'm sorry that I worry you so much... I won't leave you... Don't worry" I said. He just hugs me closer and continue to cry.

He pulls back and kisses me. I smile into the kiss as I kiss him back. Then he pulls away and place his forehead on mine. "I love you, Y/N... Please don't ever leave me" he said. I smile "I promise Hiro... I won't ever leave you" I said.

*to be continued*

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