Chapter 12

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Previously on Chapter 11

We head to the dining room and have some breakfast together. Then we spend the entire day filled with laughter, chatter and some jokes. The joke is pretty lame, but we don't care. As long as we can spend our time together as friends.



I'm walking alone to SFIT, Hiro is busy with something he needs to do to upgrade our group. I told him that I'd be okay.

But before I could reach to SFIT, I could hear a loud scream. Someone needs help! I instantly starts running towards the source of sound.

When I get there, I can see a girl being surrounded by a group of bandits. I need to help her. I can't let this slide that easily. I run towards them. "Hey!" I yelled, which makes them stop and turns towards me.

One of them smirks. "Well... What do we have here? Another cute girl" one of them said. "Let the girl go!" I demand, completely ignoring what they have said earlier. They starts walking towards me, while one of them is holding the girl by her wrist. It must be really tight, since the girl seems to be in pain.

One of them starts to caress my cheek. I smack his hand away. "Ooo~ feisty! I like it" he said. I glare at him. "Don't you dare touch me!" I scream at them.

One of them swing a fist at me. I duck down with ease. Then I kick his stomach. Another one attacks from behind me. I jump above him and kick upside his head, causing him to drop on his knees.

I smirk, then turn to them. "What a joke! You call yourself the most fear bandit, when you can't even fight against me" I mock them. They look angry. "Now you've done it!" One of them said. They starts attacking me all at once.

One of them swung a fist from behind me. I catch it with ease. I twist it behind his back. Then another one attempt to attack me. I move the person I'm holding, causing the one trying an attack to punch him. "Hey! Why are you attacking your own friend?" I said, laughing.

After a while, they are all laying on the ground. Completely exhausted. I laugh at them. "Oh my! Pathetic! You seriously think you deserve the title of a bandits? More like a bunch of morons" I said, laughing. They scramble on their feet and run away. "Hey!! Coward!!" I yell.

Once they are out of my sight, I shake my head and turn towards the girl. I offer my hand to her. She looks up at me. Then she starts to smirk. She grabs my hand but she electrocute me using a stunt gun. I feel the electric shock flowing through my body. Then everything turns black.

"Have a sweet dream... You'd be a great use for me" was the last thing I heard. Then everything turns black.


I woke up in an empty room. 'What is this place?' I thought to myself. I try to sit up only to fall back down. My whole body felt really stiff, must be from the electric shock. My... That was really painful.

Then I notice that I'm chained into the bed. "What the heck is going on?" I grumble to myself.

Then the door opens, revealing the same girl that has electrocute me. "Who are you? Why are you doing this to me? What do you want?" I asks her. "Woah! Woah! Woah! Slow down with the question!" She exclaim, putting her hands up in surrender manner.

"To answer your question! I'm Regina... I kidnapped you, because I think you'd be a good use to me. You see... I've been observing you for quite some time now" she said. "Wow... Stalker alert" I said. She glares at me. "I want you to do something for me" she said. "as if I would actually do anything for you" I said. She smirks "oh... But you will, you'll destroy Big Hero 7 for me" she said. "Like hell I will?!" I scream at her.

She click her tongue and call for someone. A moment after, a guy enters the room with a tray in his hand. Then it's place in front of me, I can see an injection tool with what seems to be a serum. "What the heck are those!" I scream. She pick it up and fill up the syringe, filling it up with the serum. She test it out and gently flick the tube. Then she shows it to me. "This.... Is what will make you do what I want you to do" she said, smirking.

My eyes widened. But before I could move to fight her, one of her minion have me in their grip. Making it impossible for me to move an inch. "Let me go! You sick b*tch" I scream at her. She laugh as she inject those serum on me.

"Soon... You'll forget everything... Then you'll  do everything as I said" she said. That was the last thing I know, then darkness consumes me.

Hiro P.O.V

Y/N should be here by now. Where is she? I take my phone and try calling her. But it goes to voice mail each time. "Y/N? It's Hiro... Can you call me back when you get this message?" I said. Then I hung up.

Maybe she's still at home. I can't concentrate on my work if I'm being a worried mess like this. I need to check on her. I need to make sure she's okay.

I take my phone and call Fred. He picks up after the third ring. "Hello? Fred here" I heard his cheerful voice. "Hey... Could you go to Y/N's house? I've been trying to call her but she's not picking up... I'm really worried" I said. "Sure!" He said. Then the phone call ends.

I take a deep breath "she's okay... She's okay" I keep telling that to myself. I try to continue on my work. But in the end, I shake my head. I can't do this... I need to check on her.

Just as I was about to leave, I got a phone call. I pick it up after checking the caller ID. Fred. "Hello? Is she okay?" I asks. "She's not there!" Fred said. I can hear the worry in his voice. "W-what do you mean?" I asks nervously. "I check her house. Her Mother said she's on her way to the university! She's not there!" He said. "What?!" I scream. My loud scream causing everyone to come to my room.

"What's wrong, Hiro? Why are you yelling?" Gogo ask me. Everyone else is staring at me with worry in their eyes. I look at them with tears in my eyes.

Y/N is missing...

*to be continued*

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