Chapter 7

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Previously on Chapter 6

When I get to the Cafe. Aunt Cass look up and saw it was me. "Hey, Y/N! What can I get for you today?" She asks. "Um... I'm not here to eat, Aunt Cass. I'm just here to hang out with Hiro... But he said he has something to do, he told me to head here. He'll catch up later" I said. "I see... Then just go upstairs as you wait for him. I'll bring you some snacks later" she said. I smile "thank you, Aunt Cass" I said. I turn around and make my way upstairs to his room.

I just hope when he knew... He wouldn't leave me like everyone else did

-Telling Hiro-


I laid on Hiro's bed as I wait for him to return. I was about to fall asleep, when the door opens and close.

I sit up as Hiro walks in. He takes a seat next to me and turn to face me. He gives me a gentle look. "So, Y/N..... Are you gonna tell me now?" He asks. I look at him, then I look down. I stay silent, not knowing what to say. "Y/N?" He call out again.

I turn to him "if I tell you... You'd probably leave me" I said. "Why would I leave you? I wouldn't just leave you, Y/N. You don't need to have a thought like that" he said. I look at him. Then I look away and get up of the bed.

"Fine... I'll tell you...." I said. He stayed silent as he waits for me to start talking. "I was born with these ability" I said. He looks shock "so you're not scared of heights because you have powers?" He asks. I nod my head. "What can you do?" He asks me.

I sigh and start flying in the room. He gasp "you can fly?!" He exclaimed. I landed in front of him and clasp my hand on his mouth. "Shh! I don't want anyone else to know?!" I whisper-yelled at him. "Somhy..." he said, but it was muffled because my hand is covering his mouth. I pull my hand away "what did you say?" I asks. "I said sorry... For accidentally yell it out" he said. I look at the door for any sign if Aunt Cass would be coming. I sigh in relief when no one comes. I guess the cafe is pretty loud down there.

Then I turn to Hiro. "Please don't tell anyone... I don't want others to know" I said. "Okay... I won't tell" he said, sitting back down on the bed. I move and take a seat next to him. "So... What else can you do?" He asks. I sigh "figured you would say that" I said. I outstretch my hand and start moving things around.

As I did so, Hiro is looking at it with wide-eyes. "Woah..." He breathe out. Then I look around for another thing. Then my eyes landed on the ruins of what seems to be a robot. I get up and make my way over. I point at the robot next to me. "What happen to this robot?" I asks him. I look back to the robot. Wires is everywhere.

Hiro walks over and look down at his robot. "I use to participate in a bot fight. This robot is beaten by my opponent. I try many things to fix it, but it didn't seem to work. I don't know where I did wrong" he said. I look at him in surprise "but, you're a robot prodigy" I said. He rolls his eyes "even so... I'm still a human, I can't always succeed in things, you know" he said.

I giggle and turn to the robot. I wave my hand on top of it and in an instant, everything joins in. "Woah!" Hiro said. "Test it out" I said. He looks at me, then he nods his head.

He takes the remote controller. Then he switch the power on. He gasp when the robot starts to move. "Woah! This is awesome! What is this?" He asks. "Technopath" I said. He looks at me. "What is that?" He ask, confused. "It's what I decided to name it. I can control anything that has a relation to a technology with my mind" I said. "That's awesome!" He said. I looks at him in surprise. "Really? You think it's awesome" I asks.

He looks at me. "It really is! I'm jealous... I wish I could do it too" he said. I look down him. My bangs is covering my eyes, blocking him from my sight. Then I feel a hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong, Y/N?" He asks. I can heal the worry in his voice.

I sniffled. "Hey... Why are you crying?" He asks. I look at him with tears in my eyes. "You are the first to accepts this difference in me" I said. He looks at me with a frown. He wrap his arms around me, pulling me into a comforting hug. He wraps my hand around him, accepting the comforting gesture. I start to cry harder as I clutch his shirt in my hand. Hiro stayed silent and wait for me to calm down.

Once I'm calm, I pull away from him. "Thank you... I feel better now" I said. He smiles "no need to thank me, that's what's friends are for" he said. I smile at him, then my smile turns to a frown. "So you don't hate me... Scared?" I said.

He shook his head "no... Why would I hate or be scared of the girl I'm in love with?" He asks, then he quickly covers his mouth. "I... uh... I... Um.." He stutters. My cheeks are red from the blush that's been growing after he said that. He looks anywhere but me, clearly nervous.

Then I giggle. His head snap into me. "Why are you laughing?" He manage to say without any stutter. "You're cute..." I said. He blushed even more. "I like it..." I said. He turns to look at me. Then I notice he starts leaning in. "So... D-Does  that mean... You like me back?" He asks. I look deep in his eyes as I start to lean in as well. "I do..." I said. He beams and leans in to kiss me. I kiss him back softly. This kiss is so innocent, it's obvious that neither of us ever have our kiss. But I'm glad that it's Hiro to have my first kiss.

We need to pull away for air. He smiles at me. He places his forehead on mine. He cups my cheek and starts caressing it softly. "I love you, Y/N... Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks. I smile back and nod my head "I would love to... and I love you too" I said. He grins and hugs me, then he kisses me again in a passionate kiss.

*to be continued*

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