Chapter 21

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Previously on Chapter 20

"Y/N... Please hang on.... Don't leave me...." I plead. The nurse have her hand on my back. I start wailing. More and more tears streaming down my face.

Please... Don't leave me, Y/N... Please...


Hiro P.O.V

As soon as we made it to the hospital. They push her towards the emergency room. Everyone makes way so we could easily get through. "Y/N... Please hang on... Don't leave me... Please..." I plead.

I held her hand in mine. I don't care if I got blood in it. All I could care about is she's okay... That's all I could care about. Nothing else... Y/N is my world... Without her, I don't know how I would carry on.

We finally made it to the emergency room. The nurse push me. "You can't get in there, sir. You need to give the doctor some space..." She said. "P-please save her..." I said. "We'll try our best" she said. Then she turns around, she enters the room and close the door.

I lean my back against the wall. It happen all over again. I'm experiencing this horrible event all over again. Y/N is in there, dying. While all I could do is wait outside the room, weeping.

With shaky hand, I take out my phone. I start to press on the number and put the phone in my ear. After 3 rings, someone picked up. "H-Hello *sniff* a-aunt Cass?" I said. "Hiro? Are you okay? Why are you crying, sweetie?" She said. I can hear the worry in her tone.

"CCan you c-come to the hospital, a-aunt Cass? P-please... I n-need you r-right now..." I cried. "Okay... Tell me the address..." She said. I told her the address and hang up.

She arrives 20 minutes later, with the rest of the gang following behind her. I can see her looking around the corridor, until she saw me. "Hiro!" She exclaim. Then she hurried her way over to me.

I force myself to get up. She finally reached me. Her eyes widened when she saw the blood in my hands. She hold them and looks at me. "Hiro... W-What's wrong, sweetie? Who's blood is this?" She asks. I didn't say anything and just hug her, tightly. She hugs me back and didn't say a thing. I start wailing even more.

"H-Hiro... Please tell me what's wrong? You're scaring me..." She said. The rest of the gang is looking at me, worried. I pull away to look at her, then I turn to look at everyone.

I turn my head towards the room that held Y/N. "S-she's in t-there... Y/N... She's d-dying..." I cried. "W-what?" She said. I stare at my hands, which is still covered in blood.... Y/N's blood. I begin to cry even more. "Shh... Y/N is a strong girl... She'll hold on" she said, pulling me into another hug. "But w-what if s-she d-didn't? W-what if she l-leaves me t-this time? A-All this is happening a-all over again..." I cried. She shake her head and pulls me into another hug. "No... No negative thought... Don't think like that... She made it out alive before, she'll made it out alive again" she said. That calms me down, but not too much.

We wait in silent as the doctor continues to work in there. 'Y/N.... Please hang in there... Don't leave me...' I thought to myself. Tears won't stop pouring out from my eyes.

After about 2 hours. The door finally opens to reveal the doctor, with a sorrow look on his face. I practically jump from my seat and make my way towards him. "D-doctor... H-How's my g-girlfriend? S-she's okay... R-Right?" I asks. "I'm really sorry..." He said. "No... She can't be!" I cut in. He shakes his head, stating he's not done talking. I stayed silent, waiting for him to continue. "No.... She's not gone... She's still alive.... But barely holding on. she's in a really critical condition... Her life is on the line... She takes too much pill and her veins are cut of.... I don't know how much longer she'll be able to hold on..." He said.

My heart shattered into million of pieces. She can't be. Y/N can't be dying. She can't leave me! No... I refuse to let her die!

I brush past him and enters the room. He tries to stop me, but Aunt Cass told him to let me be. The doctor gives in and let me have my time with Y/N... Which probably gonna be my last time. The thought of it kills me. The thought of loosing her.

I enters the room. There she is... Laying on the bed motionlessly. I slowly make my way over to her, until I'm standing right next to her bed. I feel my heart shatter even more, when I see the state she's in.

I lean down and kiss her forehead. Then I keep my forehead on hers. One of my hand is place on her head. "Y-Y/N..." I cried. Tears begin to stream down my eyes and some fell onto her cheeks. "W-why.... Why would you d-do that?" I continue to cry. She didn't respond.

I close my eyes as more tears starts to flow. I choke a sob. "P-please Y/N... Please... Don't leave me... D-Don't let me get t-through this again... Y-You almost leave me b-back then... D-don't let me g-get through this a-again... P-please..." I plead. I start crying harder.

"Y/N... Wake up...." I plead more. Someone place a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see Aunt Cass. "Hiro..." She said. "A-aunt Cass... This is n-not happening, r-right? S-she's j-just asleep, r-right? Or i-is this a n-nightmare?" I cried. She just stayed silent as she looks at me with her own teary eyes. The rest of the gang is standing behind her near the door.

I shake my head. "This is just a nightmare... She's just sleeping... She's not dying..." I said. "Hiro... You have to let her go... Let her be at peace..." Wasabi said. I turn to him and glare "don't you dare say that! She's just sleeping! She's not gonna leave me! She promised!" I yell.

"Hiro... You need to accept... Y/N's been suffering enough... Let her rest..." Gogo said. I turn to her and about to say something, when a long beep was heard. My heart stop as I turn to look at Y/N. Her heart rate is in a straight line. I shake my head "n-no... S-She's not.." I place my hands on her shoulder "open your eyes, Y/N! You're not leaving me! Open your eyes!!" I yelled. "P-please... Come back to me..." I plead. Placing my head on her chest. I didn't hear any heartbeat neither do I feel her chest rise and fall from her breathing.

I can't believe this... She can't be leaving me

*to be continued*

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