Chapter 13

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Previously on Chapter 12

"What's wrong, Hiro? Why are you yelling?" Gogo ask me. Everyone else is staring at me with worry in their eyes. I look at them with tears in my eyes.

Y/N is missing...


Hiro P.O.V

We try everything we could. But we can't seem to locate Y/N anywhere. Just where did she go? What's happening to her?

I'm flying on Baymax as we roam around the town. Trying our best to look for her, or at least find any clue that would lead us to her location. But we find nothing and it's been more than a week.

'Where are you, Y/N? Where are you baby?' I thought to myself. I haven't been sleeping well. I can't stop thinking about her. I need to find her. To make sure she's alright.

"Baymax, did you find anything?" I ask Baymax. "No... I'm afraid I don't..." Was the respond I get.

An hour have passed. "Come in guys..." I try to contact the others. "I'm here..." I heard Wasabi respond, followed by the others. "Any of you find anything?" I asks. I sigh when they all give the same answer. None of them are able to find her and I'm starting to get really worry. Even more worry than I am for the past week.

"Hiro... I think I found something" I heard Fred said. "Where?" I asks. "Near a lake... There's a person there. But I think it's Y/N" he said. He gives me the exact location of the place. "I got it... I'll be on my way" I said. Then we make our way there.

I land on the ground after we get there. I can see in the distance, someone is standing by the lake.

I approach the figure slowly. "Y/N? Is that you?" I asks her. The person move their head, indicating that he or she is listening to me.

Suddenly the person turns around and starts controlling rocks to fly at me. Only one person I know could do that. That person IS Y/N. "Woah! What are you doing?! Are you crazy?!" I yell. She didn't answer and just continue to attack me. I keep dodging.

She seems different. What's happening. Her eyes seems darker than usual. "Y/N?! Snap out of it?!" I scream. Another person came forward and stand next to Y/N. "Call her all you want... She's not gonna hear you" she said. My eyes widened when I realise who it was. "Regina" I growl her name. She's been trying to get to me. What's her plan this time.

"I inject Y/N with a special serum... Now she can't hear anyone but me. She'll follow every order I said" she said. "What did you do?!" I scream. She smirks and turn to Y/N. "Y/N... Dear.... Do me a favour and..." She turns to me. Her smirk growing bigger as she looks at me with those evil eyes. "...kill Hiro Hamada" she said. "Yes.... Your wish is my command" she said.

Then she makes her way to me. Electricity is emitting from her hands. "No... Y/N! Snap out of it?! It's me, Y/N! It's Hiro!" I yell at her. But her face remain emotionless. She moves her hands and start shooting electric my way.

Baymax came and covers me. "Guys! Come quick! I need your help" I said to the earpiece. "Got it! We'll be on our way" They said.

'What should I do? There's no way I could hurt her. I could never hurt my own girlfriend. What can I do?' I thought to myself.

"Y/N please!" I begged. Regina laughs "scream all you want! She can't hear you" she said. "You will pay for this?!" I scream at her. She just laugh and leave.

The others come not long after that. They look at Y/N, then turn to me looking confused. "What is the problem?" Honey Lemons said. "Yeah... It's Y/N. Shouldn't we be happy to see her?" Fred said. "Yeah! We should be happy to see her. Only that's not her.... She's been in some sort of mind control serum" I said. Their eyes widened.

"What?! Who did this to her?" Gogo said. "Regina" I said. "This is unforgivable! I will not stay silent! Y/N is our best-friend. We need to help her" she said angrily.

Y/N starts attacking more. We jump out of the way each attack. We need to come up with something. We need to stop her without hurting her. But what should we do?

Y/N kept attacking us non-stop. I run towards her. "Hiro! Be careful" everyone yelled at me as a warning. "I know!" I yell back. I catch Y/N, holding her by shoulder. "Y/N... Listen to me... I know you can hear me... Please... Wake up! I know you wouldn't hurt me" I plead. Her eyes turns normal "Hiro..." She said. But it was for a short time, then it turns back to a darker ones.

She jumps back, then she starts clutching her head. She groans, then she looks up at me with a half-lidded eyes. "Hiro! Run away?! You're not safe around me. Please... Safe yourself" she yelled at me. I shake my head "I refuse to go without you! Come with me, Y/N... I can help you" I plead. She shakes her head "you can't help me... This serum is too strong... Please safe yourself" she said as she backs away.

She runs away, but before she's completely out of earshot she turns around. "I love you, Hiro... Please stay safe" she said. Then she's out of my sight. "Y/N!" I yell her name. I was about to run after her, but a hand stops me. "Wasabi! Let me go! I need to go after her" I yell at him. Wasabi ignore my protest. "You heard what she said, Hiro! It's too dangerous" he said. "Wasabi is right Hiro... We need to come up with a plan. But first... We need to make an antidote" Gogo joins in.

I look at them. I was about to argue, but I realise they were right. I sigh "you're right... We need to work on an antidote if we want to get Y/N back... But anyone knows what the serum was? Because we can't take this lightly. If we give her the wrong antidote. It'll risk of her loosing her life" I told them. They just stay silent.

Fred seems to notice something, as he run towards a certain direction where Y/N runs of. Then he bend down and pick up something. "Hiro... Y/N is giving us a clue" he said. I walk over to him and take it from him. It's a tube with a little amount of liquid inside of it. My eyes widened in surprise. I grin "You're right! This must be the serum! We can work on the antidote now" I said happily.

Don't worry Y/N... We'll get you back. Just hang in there

*to be continued*

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