Chapter 18

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Previously on Chapter 17

The rest of the night, Hiro and I just hangs out in our room. Until both of us starts to feel really sleepy. Then we said goodnight and went to sleep.



I woke up with a weird feeling inside me. It's still early. Hiro is still asleep in his bed. I got up and walk over to him.

I can feel my eyes changing as I look down at his sleeping form. My hand starts moving to his neck. I wrap my hand around his neck.

Kill him. I heard someone whispers in my head. I recognise the voice as Regina. Then I snap out of it. I step back in horror. 'What am I doing? I almost kill him?!' I thought to myself. I shake my head, then I run out of the room.

Hiro P.O.V

I woke up from the sound of front door closing. I turn to where Y/N is suppose to be, but I did not see her there. "Y/N?" I call out. Where is she?

I grab my hoodie and run outside. I start to run around the town to look for her. She could be anywhere. She have those ability. 'Oh God... Where is heck she?She's not fit enough.... She shouldn't be wandering off like this. What was she thinking?!' I thought to myself.

Then I found her next to a lake. I let out a breath of relief. "Y/N... What are you thinking? You're not fit enough! You shouldn't be going around like this" I told her. But she just stayed silent.

I look at her confused. Then I walk towards her and place hand on her shoulder. "Y/N?" I call out.

All the sudden she turns around and starts attacking me. Then she pinned me to the ground, with a knife on her hand. "Y/N! Snap out of it?!" I yell at her. Then she seems awake. "Hiro..." She gasp. Then she steps back from me.

"What have I done... What's going on with me? Hiro... Help me..." She said, clutching her hair. I get up and walk towards her. She steps away from me. "No! Stay away from me! You're not safe around me" she said, frantically.

"Y/N... It's okay! I know you wouldn't hurt me. It's okay..." I said, slowly. She begins to relax. I walk towards her and wrap my arms around her. "Shh... It's okay... Everything with be okay. I'll fix this" I whispers softly to her ear. I can feel her tense muscle relaxing. "Hiro.... What's happening to me? Why can't I seem to control myself" she whispers. "I don't know... But you don't have to worry... I'll find a way to fix this, okay?" I said, pulling away to look at her.

"I heard her..." She said. "What?" I questions. "Regina... I heard her voice inside my head... She's the one controlling me" she tells me. My eyes widened as I pull her into another hug. I glare at the ground. 'She never stop... She always cause trouble. I'll make her pay!' I thought to myself.

Then I heard Y/N's soft snore. I pull away to look at her. She has fallen asleep. I pick her up and carry her back to my house.

When I get there. I try to be quiet. I can't afford getting caught by Aunt Cass. But when I enter, Aunt Cass instantly approach me. "What happen to her?" She asks worriedly. 'Damn it...' I curse mentally. I sigh... I need to come up with a reason and fast. I look at her. "Relax, Aunt Cass... She feels bored staying home all day... So I take her on a walk. She falls asleep" I said. I feel bad for lying, but I couldn't possibly tell her the truth. "I see... Then take her to your room and let her rest" she said, smiling down at Y/N softly. I nod my head and start walking up the stares.

"Hiro! I'm going to buy some supplies for our Cafe and kitchen!" I heard Aunt Cass yelled. I run down the stairs. "Shh!! Keep it down, Y/N is asleep... Okay! Be careful" I said to her. She laughs and nod her head. Then she leave. Once I made sure she was out of sight. I run upstairs.

I activate Baymax. He comes wobbling from his station. "Baymax... Can you scan Y/N and see what happen?" I asks him. He moves to Y/N and scan her. "It seems that there's still a remain serum inside her blood cell" he said. I groan in respond. I thought the antidote would be enough! But apparently the serum is too strong.

I take my phone and call the others, telling them to come. They agree to come and I hung up. As I wait for them, I decide to take care of Y/N. I sit next to her bed and hold her hand.

The gang arrived 15 minutes later. I gather them around and start explaining to them what's happening. A long the explanation, I can see their face getting angrier and angrier. Now we are planning what to do.

Then suddenly, Y/N sprung up and starts attacking us. "Y/N! Stop it! Snap out of it!" I yell at her. Then she stops and drop on her knees.

She clutch her hair in a tight fist. I kneel in front of her. "Hey... Shh.. It's okay... We're planning on how to help you... Don't worry, okay? Everything will be alright" I said, I pull her into a hug. I glance towards the gang to see them looking at Y/N with a sad expression.

"Hiro... I'm scared... What if I hurt you... I'm a Monster" she wailed. "No... Don't say that, Y/N. You're not a monster, you'll never be. This is just a mind control serum. We will find a much better antidote... We will help you. Don't worry okay?" I said softly. I feel her nod and continue to hug me tightly.

I need to come up with a plan soon

*to be continued* 

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