Chapter 8 - Vengeance (Edited)

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Kariah-Belle Nadire sat on the back of a dragon that flew through the sky as she helped Akio tend to Mae Lu and Jet. The dragon belonged to none other than Star Titannia.

To own a dragon was an amazing feat. Even the Drakon race had trouble taming them, and they were basically kin.

Kariah-Belle would be marveling at the mighty creature if not for her concern for her two friends. Tonight had been a frightening night for her. She had watched a friend lose an arm and was almost kidnapped by a terrifying creature. She didn't want to imagine what that thing might have done to her if Aya hadn't been there.

After they wrapped bandages around Jet's stub, he looked at her with great appreciation and respect. "You were willing to risk your life for us," he said. "Thank you."

She grinned. "Do go on." she said jokingly in an attempt to brighten the tense atmosphere. He chuckled and winced in pain, Akio shook her head side to side. She was amused. "No seriously though, you would've done the same for me."

Mae Lu hugged her tightly, sobbing hard. "Thank you so much. I'll never forget this."

Kariah-Belle smiled as she thought of how proud her mother and father would've been. She hugged her back tightly. She didn't have many memories of them but she knew they greatly valued camaraderie "You're welcome Mae. It's what comrades do."

Once they separated, Kariah-Belle noticed the fresh scars on the young woman's face again and anger burned within her. She rubbed them lightly and said, "next time we see that bastard we'll make him pay."

"Count me in." Lax-Rim interjected. He had been quiet for some time and could tell he was upset with his uselessness.

"So, it's settled. We're rearranging that guy's face," Kariah-Belle added.

Oh how Kariah-Belle loved her teammates.

"Look alive, greenhorns," Iris called as the dragon started to slow. "We're approaching the capital."

Kariah-Belle made her way near the head of the dragon and sat crossed leg. "Thanks again for saving me," she told Aya. "I owe you one."

Without breaking form or opening her eyes Aya responded. "Don't mention it. It would've been a shame to let such potential and courage go to waste."

Kariah-Belle blinked in surprise. "You think I have potential?" She asked, a bit enthusiastic. The young woman was thrilled to receive a compliment from one of her idols. She grinned from ear to ear. "Thank you."

"Overconfidence can be a dangerous thing. Do not let it get to your head." Aya warned.

"Yeah!" Chimed Lax-Rim. "It's big enough as is."

"Uuhh. This is an A and B conversation so C your way out of it." Kariah-Belle said giving him a rude gesture.

Finally, the dragon descended, landing on a tall building. They could already see the havoc. Buildings lay in ruins, bodies scattered about. Vympiri, Kariah-Belle noted a number of evilarers running around looking for something to kill.

"This can't be real can it?" Mae Lu asked as she dismounted. Her voice was soft with anguish from the sight of seeing her home capital in shambles.

"Dammit! This is that Bentil's fault!" Lax-Rim spoke angrily.

"Calm yourself, Mr. Col." Professor Mar-Gin told him placing a hand on his shoulder. "Anger will do you no good here. Your focus should lie with getting Jet and Mae Lu to safety. They've had too much Lifeforce drained from them and Jet needs to reattach his ar-"

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