Chapter 10 - Bonds(edited)

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Within a minute, Iris and Memphis had used up nearly all of lifeforce. They lay in the rain, panting, their armor broken and cracked. Iris had tried to keep the destruction to a minimum but if she held back Memphis would've kill her.

Iris could hear the battle to get the civilians to safety and protect the barrier still raging on some ways away as she lay on a chrome rooftop. The rain soothed her skin. She could also hear sounds of Kaden pounding against her Prison. It wouldn't be long before he would break free. It broke her heart to hear those screeches of rage and hatred.

"Dammit!" Memphis spat blood from a pile of rubble. "Damn you, Iris! Keeping such power for yourself!"

Iris said nothing. She'd never kill Kaden even if it meant her life. Her love for the boy was like a mother's to her child. She promised her best friends she'd to look after him.

Suddenly a black and grey blur flew across Iris's vision and crashed into the side of a taller building.

"Master!" Said a familiar voice.

Iris sighed in relief.

Aya warped next to her, blue rings around her ankles, arms, and crown visible as well as an arsenal made of Stardust.

"Master!" Aya repeated as she knelt down beside her, concern deep in her face. Iris noticed the fresh wounds on her face and arms. She must've been fighting powerful foe for her to be in Stardust mode and be accompanied by such injuries. Through the rain, Iris noticed her eyes were puffy and red and Iris guessed it was about to cry at seeing her in such a state.

"Memphis..." Iris said and pointed weakly.

Aya's head followed and hatred twisted her beautiful features upon laying eyes on her father.

"Monster!" The younger woman yelled in rage.

She moved, but Iris grabbed her ankle.

"You are not ready, my dear," Iris said evenly. It hurt just to breath let alone talk.

"Master!" Aya exclaimed. "That man killed my mother! He hunts you and Kaden like game! This is our chance to be rid of him! Even in the premature stage, my Stardust is more than enough to finish him off in his weakened state!"

Iris coughed up a bit of blood before shaking her head. "My dear Aya. If you kill him with that hatred in her heart, you will surely enter the Fallen Place. What do you think will happen to Kaden if you weren't around?"

Aya gritted her teeth and clenched her fist. The traitor she was forced to call father, was right there. One bullet from her Stardust. That's all it would take, but she knew her master was right. The hatred for that man raged in her heart like a tsunami.

"What's wrong, princess?" Memphis called over. He paused, coughing up blood before continuing with a smirk. "Don't have it in you to kill daddy dearest?"

"Fuck you!" Aya screamed. She snatched her ankle away from Iris who shouted for her to keep a level head.

Aya snapped back to reality once she heard the familiar mix between a cry and a roar. It chilled her bones every time she heard it.

"Kaden?" She remembered. "Master where is he?!" She asked frantically.

"Below," Iris answered. "Hurry, before he breaks free."

Aya nodded, all thoughts of her father flying out the window. She leaped over the building, falling slowly as she scouted the area for her friend. She quickly found him not too far from a battle.

Mar-Gin held Kariah-Belle in his arms as Akio carried Mae Lu, while Lax-Rim carried Jet on his back. The Knights that defended them couldn't seem to create a safe passage. The group of injured Knights appeared to be pinned down for the moment.

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