chapter 30 - Crystal Oblivion(edited)

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Aya Felicity sat in the airship along with everyone else. As the white haired girl suspected, her master would have them continue to Dracula's fortress.

"So where do ya think Memphis ran off too?" Kaden asked her.

"It's possible he is searching for Rygilya and whatever he lost." She responded.

Aya wondered if her father had heard of the return of the Darkness and fled somewhere safer. Maybe he went out to do more dark deeds a mist the chaos.

Aya knew if she killed him for vengeance, she would undoubtedly enter the Fallen Place. She despised her father for what he had done all those years ago. She hurt for all of the people he's wronged. The young woman often searched her heart for forgiveness. There was none to be found.

"So master Van and Akio tells me this girl were rescuing is something special." Kyanè said making her way over.

Kaden thought as he said, "Special? Maybe. Annoying? Definitely." He chuckled to himself.

Aya couldn't help giggling a bit. Before the truth about their origins was brought to light, Kaden and Kariah-Belle had developed a bond of siblings. When not on assignments the two would wear each other's nerves and compete over the smallest of things. Yet when they fought together, the two were in sync even without a nurolink.

"Ha! I know two master Knights who'd say the same of me." Kyanè said giggling.

Her expression became somber as she stared out the window over Aya's head. Aya figured she was thinking of her two juniors. Aya herself wondered how the evacuation was going.

"Kaden!" Sir Jericho called loudly as he made his way over. A big smile plastered across his face. "I hear you've learned a few new skills."

Kaden grinned as he stood to shake the larger man's hand saying, "Keep an eye on me old timer and ya just might learn a thing or two."

The elder man laughed. "What of you Frozen Gun? Do you plan on showing me up as well?"

Aya chuckled. "No sir. I leave the showboating to Kaden."

The man chuckled then looked to Kyanè. He extended his hand. "Kyanè Laveil, I have heard a lot about you. I've been told your skills rival Aya here."

Kyanè shook the man's hand with a modest smile. "It's thanks to Master Van's training that I've come so far."

"Hahaha! You are as modest as Van says. Word is you were chalk full of potential during your university days."

Pride showed on Kyanè's face. "So I was told."

"I look forward to seeing what the three of you can do." The Divine Knight said. His demeanor turned to something more serious. Placing a hand on Kaden's shoulder, he spoke. "We will get your sister back young man."

Kaden nodded. "Don't plan on leaving without her."

The man nodded back. A silent agreement between men.

"Alright everyone!" Iris shouted loud enough to be heard throughout the air ship. She stood in the center of a crowd of Knights. "We'll be over Dracula's Crystal City in a matter of minutes. No doubt there will be mature vympiri. As you know they are frighteningly strong. If you aren't careful you can end up dead in the blink of an eye."

"There's also Dracula's Royal Guard." Van chimed in. "They are handpicked by Dracula as the strongest of his kin. Be wary of them."

Iris nodded and continued. "Some of us won't survive. In truth this may just be a death march for a young woman who may not even have Kul within her. If you wish to back out now, no one would blame you."

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