chapter 25 - The Request(edited)

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Iris Eloclipse scanned her surroundings as she kept watch in a patch of gravel. The Master Knights sat around the campfire fire. Kaden strummed on his guitar while Aya sang. Her cadence matched the soft vibrations of the instruments.

Kaden loved music. He could play a plethora of instruments. Iris knew the guitar was his go to whenever he was distraught.

The song was about a girl lost from her home. She never makes it back. She makes herself a new home in the woods.

The group had left Katrina and entered the swamps of Kryvirian in search of Medusa's hideout only a day before with great haste. There was to be a gathering of high ranking Knights on order of the Supreme Council in two days.

A plan of action would be decided on what to do about that Darkness champion's warning.

Iris gritted her teeth and clenched her fist. She and Van had trouble dealing with two champions respectively. They were nearly killed.

If an army of those things appeared, Iris was sure Laviria or any other nation would fall.

Even with the looming threat of The Darkness Iris put rescuing Kariah-Belle as first priority. If her hunch was right and Lilith really did bequeath Kul to the young woman, Dracula would be coming up with a plan to extract the goddess. If her hunch was wrong then Kariah-Belle would most likely be kept to feed Dracula, which may just be worse than death.

Just then Van returned from scouting the area. "Wailers are indigenous to this area of Zexus yet I haven't seen any, surely they'd sense our life force by now."

His silver and hazel eyes scanned the area.

"Let's not look a gift horse in the mouth," Iris said. "The fewer obstacles, the better."

"Agreed," Van said with a nod. He then looked at her, his eyes asking a question.

"I'm fine." She gave him a reassuring smile. "I believe we'll get Kariah-Belle back."

"Have you thought how you're gonna persuade Medusa to give you Dracula's whereabouts?"

"Yes." She stated plainly.

"Keep me in suspense why don't you." playful sarcasm in his voice. 

"I have no idea how I'm going to bargain with her. Medusa is a force all her own so I doubt there's anything I could get her. I'll just have to hope for the best." She paused then added, "If that doesn't work, I'll just have to beat it out of her."

Van laughed. "Good ol' Iry. Let's just hope it doesn't come to that though."

Iris glanced back at their sleeping students and wondered if bringing them was the right move.

She couldn't leave Kaden alone with suspicion of a mole in their ranks. She was certain that he was what the Darkness were after and someone had tipped them off. If he hadn't been on that rescue mission, they would've had him.

"We won't let them get him." Van sensed her concern. "The Council will come up with a way to keep him safe."

Iris shook her head. "That's just it, Van. I'm not sure the Council can be trusted."

Van nodded his agreement. "For now, we'll just have to wait to see what plan of action we'll take during the gathering."

"Right." Iris said with a nod trying to reassure herself.

The other holy Knight placed a hand on her shoulder. "Get some rest. I'll take over from here. I'll wake up Akio and Aya to keep watch after."

He then pulled out a deck of cards and began shuffling.

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