chapter 15 - Welcome to the family(edited)

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Akio Stoneheart roared as her glowing emerald green fist slammed into a large man's back.

A green explosion of mana boomed to life upon impact. The man was sent flying through a chrome pillar before crashing into a collection of crates. The man groaned but Akio was sure that the last attack was enough to keep him on his back for a while.

She swiftly spun on her heel and swung her jagged dagger to block a sword covered in black mana. The attack took her off her feet.

The black mana user sent a beam of black energy at her. Akio would've been hit if master Van hadn't jumped in front of her and deflected the attack. The beam blew a hole through a wall.

The Stoneheart once again spun on her heel and used her emerald dagger to deflect mana projectiles.

Three mana suit users and one Darklight user surrounded them.

Sweat beaded down her eyebrow. Her breathing was ragged, her lip was busted and her head pounded. Her emerald green armor was dented and her body ached in various places.

They had been battling these Talon members for some time now.

Master Van was sure to keep her from taking serious injuries.

To him, they were low level thugs.

To her, they were fearsome opponents.

Van dashed at the darklight user.

At the same time two mana suit users fired a volley of mana bullets.

Akio hopped around to evade the attack. One of them closed the distance with an axe that was powered by a mana tool. She narrowly ducked the blade aimed for her neck.

His suit differed from the others. The mana suit B-15 was a newer model. Made with Myethrian metal to better channel and conduct mana from the Tylion crystal that powered the suit. The metal was so rare even the Order of Knights had a hard time getting their hands on it.

She was stunned by a knee to the face that knocked her to the ground. She saw stars but shook it off quickly and managed to roll away. The ax dug into the ground where her head had been moments ago.

Her face met the back of his hand. The power from his suit sent her into the air. He then grabbed her leg and slammed her through a stack of crates that held illegal firearms.

She got to her feet. She wasn't beating this guy in a straightforward fight. She would have to be more strategic.

The model B-15 user lunged at her. She sprinted to the other enemies. They fired their weapons, but Akio deflected them before flipping over the Talon members.

Her heart thumped rapidly.

She landed next to one. She snatched a small orb from his belt, then kicked him into his comrade.

She leaped into the air, pressed a button on the orb, and threw it at the B-15 user.

It exploded in colorful mana that shook the old warehouse building.

She felt life force leave her when she forced mana into her emerald-scaled fist.

Akio then pushed off from the ceiling and flew towards him through the smoke.

He didn't see her coming.

The Knight planted her fist into his face. A green explosion of mana sent the Talon member tumbling along the ground.

The man laid there. That attack took the remaining mana the suit had to keep him alive.

The two remaining suit users were cautious as they closed in on her.

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