Chapter 29 - The Knight and the terrorist's apprentice(edited)

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Rygilya Semtek dropped to one knee panting. He decided since with Mana he couldn't destroy his cell, he'd use it as a way to increase his Lifeforce. He maxed out his physical strength and attack the incredibly dense crystal wall. It had been nearly two hours ago since he had started.

Now he began to meditate, focusing on getting a feel for his limit. Then began the battle of tug of war. It was as if Rygilya was mentally trying to expand his Lifeforce. This feat was much easier said than done. Even the strongest of minds would have a tough time​ expanding their limit far in one hour.

A hour and several minutes went by when his eyes flew open to find the brown haired girl staring at him curiously. Her head tilted slightly.

He glared, she peered.

This annoyed the hell out of him.

"What?" He snapped.

"Were you and Aya a thing?" She asked.

"Tsk. Stupid." He went back to meditation.

"Because you two would've been cute together."

"If you want to escape you should get back to training." He told her.

Several seconds went by when she asked, "Why'd you kill her? You're sister I mean."

"Screw off." He said. "Like you care."

"If I didn't care, I wouldn't ask, asshole."

"Call me that again and I'll kill you." He threatened.

"Asshole. Asshole. Asshole. Ass...hole-ah"

Rygilya growled in rage.

Kariah-Belle feigned fear saying, "Ooooooh. I'm so scared." She then laughed. "What ya gonna do? Reach through the bars?"

In that moment she reminded him of Kaden. The way he'd tease whenever he one uped him. The way he laughed when he knew he was getting under someone's skin. It was all there. They were so similar, even down to thier appearance.

He peered at her. "What are you to Kaden?"

She crossed her arms. "What are YOU to Kaden?" She asked.

Yeah this girl was related to Kaden. Could she be his sister? No. Couldn't be. Kaden had never mentioned one. Then again, Kaden had once told him that he had missing memories. If he hadn't been lying then she could be apart of those missing memories.

"You're his sister." He stated.

He took her silence as a yes.

"Does he know?"

She raised an eyebrow. "You guys were close huh?"

So she guessed Kaden had told me. Never seemed like the type to lie, that crybaby.

It seemed that her mind worked fast like Kaden when he isn't furious.

"What does Dracula want with you?" He asked her.

"In the words of a shitty person, ' It's none of your business.'" she quoted him.

Rygilya growled.

"What are you? A mutt?"

"Just answer the question." Rygilya snapped.

"Answer mine first. Ya'know, the one from two days ago."

"We both work under Memphis." He answered plainly.

She looked at Kezell who looked at Rygilya. Rygilya nodded.

"I... I'm not allowed to speak to anyone without master Memphis' or Rygilya's permission."

"A slave?" The brown haired knight said glaring daggers at Rygilya.

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