chapter 24 - The cycle of vengance(Edited)

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Rygilya Semtek trudged through the Iryvirian swamps. Anogi walked beside him while the rest of Medusa's soldiers followed behind.

The serpent queen's​ informant had been tracking the Devil Huntress and her apprentices for some time. They were recently spotted in these swamps, searching for Medusa's hideout. Rygilya knew it wouldn't be long before they crossed paths.

"So, why'd you do it?" Anogi asked. "Why'd you kill your sister?"

Rygilya cursed inwardly. He hated that the incident with his sister was known to most of Lore. He'd killed monarchs, assassinated Knights and diplomats, destroyed villages but the one thing he was most known for was murdering his elder sister.

He had the supreme council to thank for that. The scum announced his deeds to the whole of Lore to cover their own tracks.

"What's it to you?" He didn't bother to look at her.

She moved in front of him and glared him down. Her silver eyes matched her hair.

"Listen," she began. "I need to know you won't betray me and my sisters. I need to know you won't turn on us like you turned on your sister."

Rygilya gave the young woman a bored look. "You really want to know?"

Anogi nodded.

"That sounds like a personal problem." he said. Then brushed past her. "Outta my way."

He trudged on but he could feel Anogi's eyes on him. Rygilya knew the woman didn't trust him. He didn't trust her either.

He didn't trust anyone anymore.

Well almost anyone. Two people held a piece of his trust. The very person he was going to rescue.

The other, he planned to kill.

Rygilya got an ominous feeling in his gut. Something was coming.

He scanned his surroundings but only saw tall, leafless trees and swampy waters.

Anogi must have sensed something too because her guard was up.

A high-pitched wail could be heard in the distance.

"Wailers!" One of the women shouted just as Rygilya saw a creature swinging from the tall trees.

Rygilya's arm became surrounded by black lightning as a pack of them appeared. They used tentacles on their backs to swing from branch to branch.

"Prepare for battle!" Anogi commanded. Pulling free her sword from its sheathe and a pistol from its holster on her side.

The others did as they were told. All drawing their weapons and creating mana skeletons. Some used mana powered suits. Rygilya was told the Medusa was resourceful.

The beasts descended. Now closer, Rygilya could see looked like canines that could stand upright. They had four tentacles on their backs with no arms. Their teeth were razor sharp.

The creatures fell on the group and all hell broke loose.

Rygilya didn't know much about wailers. This was his first encounter with them. He was not expecting the creatures to use mana so effectively​. They were fast and swift being able to dodge gun fire.

Rygilya cut the numbers in half in under two minutes. With the help of Anogi and her sisters, the wailers were finished off in a matter of minutes.

Rygilya hardly broke a sweat. It appears Anogi had little difficulty as well. He was slightly impressed.

"Anogi!" One of the women called. "Tylum is dying!"

Anogi dropped her weapons, swearing as she rushed over to the injured. All the women gathered around. They watched as their best healer tried to stop the bleeding but the wound was too deep. The injured woman wouldn't survive. Anogi spoke a rites of some sorts.

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