chapter 28 - Emerald Flower(edited)

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It was the next day when Akio Stoneheart found herself helping the inhabitants of a small village board the large airship. Monty, herself and more Knights were placed under Holy Knight: Six Guns Zero for the evacuation of Zyran. This was her platoon's fourth stop in the past couple days.

Akio wondered the grounds of the village, helping stragglers and patrolling the area. Things were relatively quiet here. The village was far from Zyran's capital. It was surprising to the emerald haired knight that the place hadn't been destroyed by bandits or the like.

"Ma'am." Said a small child. She had dirt on her face and clothes. She held an old looking toy in her hand, tears flowed down her cheek. "My mommy isn't moving anymore. She won't say anything neither."

Akio guessed the worst.

"Show me where she is little one." She told the child.

The girl led the way to a small cottage. Like the others houses in the village, it wasn't much to look at. It was run down and made of wood instead of the chrome like material used for the houses closer to the capital.

Once inside, Akio saw an elderly woman laying on a bed, eyes closed. She could not see the heaving of her chest that indicated she was breathing. She checked her pulse to be sure. Akio suspected she died from some kind of illness. Being out this far from modern medicine was a frightening thing for those with low reserves of Lifeforce.

The Stoneheart turned to the young woman. "I'm sorry little one. You're mother has left the living."

The little girl face held confusion. Then it seemed as if understanding hit her hard. She began to cry and clutch her toy to her chest.

Akio knelt down and petted the girl's head. The girl looked into Akio's eyes, her own still overflowing with tears. Akio embraced the girl tightly, rubbing the back of her head. Comforting Kariah-Belle had given her the training she needed to be a shoulder to cry on. Aside from that, she still remembered the pain of losing her own family.

Nearly thirty minutes had passed and Akio was now sitting on the floor. Her back against a wall as she held the young child in her lap, rocking gentle. The child had stopped crying but Akio knew inside she was still hurting.

"Akio Stoneheart." Said a divine knight of her platoon. He looked at the lifeless body then to the young girl in Akio's arms. His face said he understood the situation. "We've gathered all the villagers. Captian Himeko wants us all on the airship in ten for the drop."

Akio nodded. The man nodded back before leaving.

The young woman looked down at the girl. "Say your good-byes." She told her.

The girl nodded. She then got up and went over to the corpse that was her mother. The girl said a silent prayer to the goddess of light then said a last goodbye while hugging the corpse.

She then went back to Akio. The little girl took her hand and the two left the small cottage. Akio wished she could give the woman a proper burial but there was no time. She squeezed the little girl's hand gently.

Akio decided no matter what she would see to it herself that this little girl was safe.

Hours went by as the airship flew through the sky. Out the window, Akio could see another airship beside them. Their had to be at least one hundred and fifty people on the ship each ship These ships were used for carrying an army of three hundred into battle so their was still plenty of room.

"Who'd have thought we'd meet another holy knight so soon." Monty said beside her. "Six Guns Zero no less. We get to work alonside so many big names. We must be lucky."

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