Chapter 14 - The Gauntlet(edited)

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"Damn choke," Aya heard Kaden say as he sheathed his blue and black sword. Aya watched as an ice ogre's headless body fell limp to his knees before falling over off the icy bridge into the chasm below. "Don't get in the way."

Here we go. Thought Aya as she came up behind them placing her SMGs in their holsters.

The group had only been roaming the snowy mountain for little over thirty minutes and this is already the third argument the two had.

Aya was sure if they didn't get on the same page soon, they'd fall behind the other teams. That wouldn't happen anytime soon if Kaden couldn't communicate his feelings effectively.

"I'm in the way?!" Kariah-Belle snapped back. "I'm​ not the one who butted in where I wasn't needed! I was all over that!"

"All over that?" Kaden mimicked in a condescending tone. "Aya and I killed two trolls each in no time. Here you are struggling with one. I mean I know it's chilly in here but it's not enough to give cold feet."

Kariah-Belle crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. "I was trying to come up with a way to dispatch it without​ killing. I had just come up with a strategy before you butted in."

"Without killing it, she says." Kaden shook his head, disappointed. "Ice trolls are vicious creatures. They'll eat you alive without a second thought!"

It was true. The blue, furry creatures were ferocious.

"Well, you ever think about WHY they stay in the mountains, away from humans? They obviously don't want to be bothered with us. I think I'd be pretty vicious too if someone trespassed in my home."

Kaden opened his mouth to speak but closed it.

The younger woman waved her hands mockingly, "You're so big and strong. You could've easily dealt with them without killing."

It definitely impressed Aya. This time, she shut Kaden up without hitting him. Something only accomplished by Iris.

The young man tsked as he moved past her.

"I'm scouting ahead," he called back to them while he walked through an entrance inside the mountain.

Kaden knew their new teammate was right. He was strong and fast enough to knock them unconscious. He simply focused on dispatching it as quickly as possible and hadn't thought about showing the creature mercy.

If she was being honest, the thought had never crossed Aya's mind either. She'd always believed it was 'kill or be killed', even against weaker creatures.

Kariah-Belle Nadire. Aya thought with a small smirk. Interesting choice, master.

"Is he always such an asshole?" Kariah-Belle asked Aya as she watched him disappear through an opening the bridge leads to.

"Only when he cares," Aya said with a small chuckle.

The two began walking after him, being sure to stay vigilant.

"He cares?" Kariah-Belle raised an eyebrow. The look on her face said she found that hard to believe. "He has a funny way of showing it."

"He just doesn't want to see you hurt, is all. Mind you, he didn't get to see you in action back in the jungle."

Kariah-Belle thought for a moment. "I guess I understand. I wouldn't want to have someone I think would freeze in combat watching my back either." Grinning at Aya she added, "Guess I'll have to use this opportunity to shut him up for good."

Aya laughed. "Good luck with that. I'm stronger than him, yet he still finds the audacity to haze me."

"He should ask Lax-Rim about me." she said confidently.

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