Chapter 12 - Rygilya Semtek(edited)

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Rygilya Semtek knelt before Memphis. His master sat on a throne made of black ice and bones. His slave standing next to him in rags.

A disembodied head lay at Memphis' feet.

His master ordered Rygilya to bring him the head of one of his many enemies, and the young Darkness Tamer did just that. He'd slain this gem trader who'd put a target on Memphis' back after selling him fake gems.

"Good, boy," Memphis said, pleased. He tossed out golden jewels from the pouch he kept on his person. "Your earnings for a job well done. Put him with the others."

"Yes, master," Rygilya said.

He pocketed the gold jewels before he picked up the severed head and hurried out of Memphis' throne room. The man gave him chills.

The young Darkness Tamer walked the halls of the black castle made of ice. Built by Memphis, the castle hid deep within a piece of land named J'covia. The black interior was definitely on the creepy side but Rygilya had gotten used to it.

Finally pushing open double doors, Rygilya found himself in a room with pedestals adorned with the goriest of decorations: heads of Memphis' enemies. Some rival mercenaries. There were also the heads of barons, baronesses, other nobles, Knights and even other lowlives. There were at least forty heads here, though Rygilya knew Memphis had slain way more.

Rygilya didn't know why Memphis would have a room solely for slain enemies and he didn't care. He just hoped he didn't end up like them.

Rygilya placed the head on an empty pedestal. He then pressed a switch and a glass dome encased it.

Turning to leave, he saw Memphis' slave watching him. He walked over to the double doors.

"What is it?" he said, annoyed that the girl was watching him. "Spit it out."

"L-lord Memphis says not to disturb him for the rest of the day." she said softly, suddenly taking an interest in the rags that covered her feet.

Rygilya moved past her. "Understood." He told her as he walked off in the opposite direction.

His trained ear could hear her feet against the icy floor. "Don't follow me." He told her not stopping or slowing down.

"B-but Lord Memphis has not given me any duty's for the day. I..." Her voice trailed off.

Memphis trained his slave girl well. He brainwashed her to believe that a slave is what she was meant to be. All she would ever be.

Rygilya snorted. The young Darkness Tamer felt it served her right for being a weakling.

"I'm heading out into the wild," he said. "Do as I say and don't get in my way. I don't need another beating by Memphis."

"Understood," she said. Rygilya could hear the small hint of joy in her voice.

Rygilya snorted again. She was a pest and often followed behind him when Memphis wasn't working her near death. The girl was several years younger than him and even though Rygilya often gave her a cold shoulder, she still followed behind like a shadow.

The two came upon two large double doors. Rygilya pushed one open with a bit of mana. The slave girl known as Kezell followed him out then tried to close the heavy bone door behind her. She was weak and had very little control over mana. However, using the mana she could muster she could heal and regenerate the life force of others. For someone with as much life force as Memphis, she was priceless. Special skills such as a two-star transcendence would leave him severely hurting for days even with the best of medicines.

An extremely rare trait even among Knights. This was the reason why Memphis kept her close.

Rygilya tsk then moved to close the door behind her. "Why am I bothering to bring you along?" He asked in annoyance. "You'll just get in my way."

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