chapter 22 - The lost girl(edited)

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Three days have passed when Aya Felicity and the others made it back to Katrina. The capital was still being rebuilt.

Aya was told that there were four pods that fell from the massive air ship. Only at least sixty or so enemies yet they manage to wreck large chunks of the capital. Aya was surprised that a small force could cause so much damage. If there hadn't been any holy Knights around things would've been much worse.

Aya, Kaden, and Lax-Rim stood in the briefing room of one of the barracks that survived the attack. Akio, a Drakon, a biohuman, Sir Van, Master Iris, and Queen Ahmeal stood with them. All of them gathered around a chrome table.

Everyone was silent.

Mae Lu went into critical care as soon as they reached the capital. The Vympiri had been leeching her life force at an alarming rate. She now had clots in her flow of life force. Doctors were tending to her wounds and working to unblock the clog.

Lax-Rim faced the wall, trying to fight back tears. Aya had just debriefed the others.

Gloom befell the room.

Akio despite her calm exterior had rivers flowing down both cheeks.

Kariah-Belle would talk about the Stoneheart woman often. The two were like sisters so Aya knew the news was chewing her up inside.

The image of Kariah-Belle's being carried off replayed over in her mind. She closed her eyes when her scream sounded in her head.

The Felicity felt sick.

"Master," Aya started as guilt gripping her. "I apologize. I was careless."

Iris raised a hand in dismissal. "If anyone's at fault here it's me. I didn't expect one of Dracula's Royal guard to make an appearance. Nonetheless, the mission was a success."

"A success?" The green-haired young woman was irritable. "My friend is in the hands of those monsters and you call that a success." She peered at master Iris. "Are you sure you aren't working for the Vympiri?"

"Akio," Van said, moving closer to the young Knight. His voice was stern.

"I understand your frustration, Akio," Iris commented, gesturing for Van to back off. "But fighting amongst ourselves will solve nothing. We will come up with a plan. We will get her back."

"What if it's too late?" Akio questioned. "What if they've already killed her?"

Ahmeal and Iris exchanged looks. Aya was around long enough to know that when her superiors did that, they knew something and weren't going to spill the beans.

"They won't," Iris said confidently.

"How can you be so sure."

"Let's just say, some things are best kept for a later date." Iris folded her arms and raised an eyebrow. An indication that this conversation was over.

Akio looked as if she wasn't finished. She clenched her first then signed in defeat. She wiped a tear and relaxed.

Iris gave a small smirk to Van. He grinned then shrugged. Her master was impressed by the boldness of Akio. Aya was impressed as well. Iris regularly gave out harsh punishments to those who challenged her.

"Master..." Kaden finally spoke. "I... I transformed but... Memphis, he was nowhere to be found. At least I don't think he was. The only thing I remember before blacking out is the feeling that came with seeing Kariah-Belle's lifeless body. When I thought she had died it felt as if my heart had stopped. I thought I would die too."

Aya saw the three higher ranking Knights exchange glances. Aya chewed her bottom lip.

"She's my trigger, isn't she?" He finally asked.

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