Chapter 16 - Bad News(edited)

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Iris Eloclipse walked through the rocky corridor. Kariah-Belle, Aya, and Kaden followed behind her, the hoods of their cloaks pulled over their heads as they observed their surroundings.

Kaden and Aya had been here​ before. Kariah-Belle on the other hand took in everything with curiosity.

Twelve months had passed since Kariah-Belle had taken the gauntlet. Nearly a year since she became a Knight. She had completed many missions and proved herself time and time again. Now Iris thought she'd introduce her to a place she'd have to visit often during her career.

The Underground.

A place where all creatures meet to do business both legal and illegal. The place where heroes and lowlifes alike gather for various reasons. Drifters, mercenaries, Knights, even Vympiri gathered here under one law.

No violence.

Of course, The Order wanted to raid this place. With so many enemies of the Order in one place, it would make for the biggest bust in history. Luckily she and the other Seven Swords were able to convince the council it would be a valuable place to gather intel. Not only that but it would be like kicking a hornets nest. The criminal underbelly would not that so retaliation would be inevitable.

The four walked the corridor. Torches lit the long walkway walls. Along either side were booths dug into the rocks. Vendors and merchant sold weapons, tools, and other rare goods. Some selling illegal merchandise​. Others offered mercenary work. There was also trading for information.

Which was what Iris was here for.

She looked among the faces of vendors until she spotted a familiar elderly man with salt and pepper hair. His skin was dark and his eyes a deep blue.

The old man smiled at Iris once she grew closer. He stood with his arms outstretched.

"Iris my old friend. It's been too long."

Iris returned his smile. "Jaheb." she said reaching over his worn wooden table to wrap her arms around the old man in a hug. "Indeed it has. Life treating you good?" She added as she pulled away to look at him.

"As good as it can for someone of my age." The two sat and Iris noticed Jaheb watching the three master Knights position themselves around the back of her chair.

"Young Kaden. Young Aya." The man greeted. "Good seeing​ you alive and well."

"Thanks, old-timer." said Kaden. "Nice to see you haven't bit the dust."

Jaheb laughed at that. "Oh, not yet my young friend. Hopefully, I have a few more good years left in me."

Aya nodded her greetings. "Likewise." Her sharp silver eyes still scanning her surroundings.

Violence wasn't permitted here unless one wanted to face a fatal consequence. Still, Iris knew Aya didn't feel comfortable letting her guard down in a place full of criminals and bounty hunters. Iris didn't blame her. Both Aya and herself had large bounties on their heads.

Iris looked to Kariah-Belle who was still taking the place in. Iris knew seeing Vympiri here had to be a both frightening and hard on her. Vympiri had attacked her home after all. It probably didn't help that every Vympiri had their eyes on her. Iris figured it was time to get down to business.

She turned her attention back to the elderly man in front of her, her expression was serious. "Okay, Jaheb." Iris said placing a wanted poster on the table. "Tell me what you know about this man."

Jaheb picked up the piece of paper and scanned it. "Tyrule Culdan." The elder man thought for a moment before speaking again. "As you surely know this man is an ex-Knight. After being imprisoned for smuggling weapons to a small time gang, he escaped. Now he often does work for gangs."

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