Chapter 7 - The bounty hunter(edited)

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Kaden could tell whoever this guy was, he was extremely dangerous. If the murderous aura wasn't proof enough, then the dead King at his feet would convey the message.

Kaden felt a strong sense of familiarity even though he couldn't remember ever meeting the man. It would be hard to forget someone who looked like that.

Turning to them the figure spoke. "So this was the best Vyrmm had to offer, eh? Not bad."

"Memphis!" Shouted an outraged divine knight and suddenly realization dawned on him.

Kaden remembered everything he was told about the Darkness Tamer. He was a former knight that had turned his back on his nation and daughter. The man Aya called 'father'.

He had one of the largest bounties on the knight's Bingo Dashboard. The two stars that danced on his black armor indicated he was as powerful as a holy knight.

Kaden recalled a time he attacked Iris in the middle of a mission. Hunting for her lifeforce. Kaden wanted to help his master but Aya refused to let him. She'd went so far as to knock him out cold. When he came to he'd been hidden in a cave. He found his teacher nearly a day later carrying Aya and her severed arm. Iris had to be hospitalized for over a week.

He became part of the history books as the man who lead the attack on the Nadire branch. Kaden tried to control his panic. Memphis was why the knight never questioned why Iris gave him a sword with the Nadire crest on the earliest birthday he could remember.

Focus! He remembered his master's voice telling him once on a mission when is sense of justice was getting in the way of their assignment.

Kaden looked around for Rygilya, Memphis' protege and a thorn in his side since they fought on the same team. He was nowhere to be seen.

The divine knights dashed at the darkness tamer. He would have done the same if he saw his queen dead at her murders feet.

The knight who'd saved his skin earlier swung his sword and a large arc of fire rushed the darkness tamer.

Memphis dodged and barely had time to block a barrage from the other divine knight's spear.

The attacks held so much weight that shock waves shock the school grounds. Kaden could feel the thickness of mana in the air.

A divine knight hit Memphis hard, sending him sailing through titanium-4 walls.

Kaden and the other Master knights followed. He looked on in admiration as the divine knights seemed to have the upper hand.

"Iron craft: Sword of the iron giant!" Called out the divine knight with the spear. A large sword made of iron appeared above him.

The mana coming from the attack was incredibly dense. Memphis was forced to dodge which left him open to an attack from from the flame craft user.

With a mighty yell he slammed his flaming back into the darkness tamer's shoulder, forcing Memphis to his knees. A giant pillar made of fire engulfed the darkness tamer. The walls might've melted completely if the flames hadn't disappeared.

Kaden felt the spike in mana coming from Memphis. The air was so heavy with the sinister feel of dark mana it was almost hard to breathe.

Memphis laughed as he stood. The knight struggled to hold him down using his sword.

"That was close! If you'd been faster or I slower, I'd be dead! You are worth absorbing!"

The criminal then proceeded to thrust his mana covered arm through the mana hull and pierced his chest. His hand stuck out of his back. He then yanked he's head from his body almost with ease. A geyser of blood spat from the man's neck.

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