Chapter 20 - So they return(edited)

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"Monty." Akio said with her arms folded.

The drakon peeled his lips from a young woman to look back at Akio. "Master Van wishes to speak with us."

Monty nodded. He gave the young woman a wink before telling her to be on her way.

Akio gave him a questioning eyebrow as the two made their way through the barracks. Akio normally didn't make other people's business her own but Monty had never seemed the type to sleep around. However the young man made quite a reputation for himself in the barracks of Zexus' capital. Akio's curiosity had peaked.

The Drakon shrugged. "It helps," he said softly. "If I stay occupied, I won't have to think of..." his voice trailed off.

His dead sister was still a sore subject.

Akio nodded. She understood that. She knew everyone coped in their own way. Besides that, it was better to have him kissing his comrades than snapping at them.

At first Monty would snap at the slightest things. He didn't take orders well for the first few weeks but somehow Akio managed to reign him in.

The two were never close back at the University so Akio had to wonder why he'd follow her commands. Maybe it was because they hailed from the same nation. Perhaps it was due to all the times she'd bested him whenever he would challenge her for her spot at Lyzria.

Regardless the reason, Akio didn't mind it. His skills were greatly needed and she was glad to be of use since she no longer had Kariah-Belle and Lax-Rim to look after.

For maybe the millionth time, her mind fell to the two closest to her heart. She hoped they were okay. She hadn't spoken to either of them since the month before.

"Ah, there you two are," said Master Van as Monty and herself entered the briefing room. "Akio, Monty. This is Iris Eloclipse."

The dark skinned woman shook Monty's hand after he bowed his greetings. She then smiled brightly at Akio. "We've met already, haven't we Ms. Stoneheart. I trust you're doing well."

Akio gave her superior a slight bow. "Yes Lady Iris. If you don't mind my asking, how's Kariah-Belle?"

"Oh she's wonderful..." She then glanced over to Van before adding, "It's your friend, Mae Lu who you should be worried about."

A small barely noticeable frown painted itself on Akio's face.

"She's been kidnapped by Vympiri. They plan to use her to get to Kariah-Belle."

"Let me guess." Monty said, interrupting. "Kariah-Belle couldn't help wanting to go rescue her friend." He chuckled. "Even when she knows it's a trap she'll run head first into danger."

"You let her go?" Akio asked.

Iris nodded. "She has Aya and Kaden. Your redhead friend and a divine Knight are accompanying her."

Worry filled Akio's belly.

Kariah-Belle had a tendency to rush things when someone she loves is in danger. If she couldn't keep her composer then she could end up right in their hands. Lax-Rim's temper alone could make him a liability...

"I'm going. Tell me where." Akio demanded.

"Akio, they're in Zexus. It's two days by air craft. The dust would have settled before you get there." Van informed.

Akio knew her master was right. They were in Laviria on a mission. Master Van wanted to stop at the capital to visit his long time friend, Star Titannia.

Iris placed a hand on the young woman's shoulder. "You're more than welcome to stay here and wait for word from them. If your master allows it."

"Of course. We have time to spare. Besides, we have some catching up to do." Van nodded.

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