chapter 13 - The ceremony(edited)

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Kaden stood behind the divine Knights and holy Knights. Aya and other master Knights stood next to him as the recruitment ceremony was underway.

This year the council of four nations decided for the bravery and potential shown, some of this year's advanced course for Lyzria university would become Knights far ahead of schedule. Normally the advanced course students wouldn't graduate until their thirteenth month of the year.

Vyrmm had decorated the school's entrance for the ceremony. Long podiums lined with exotic flowers were set up in front of the school. In between them is where the temporary king stood. With the previous king having been slain, a member of the Supreme Council acted as a fill-in until someone worthy was found.

The Knights who examined the students lined behind him along with their students and squad. In front were the nominees. Behind the nominees were cheering civilians and Knights.

His gaze land on Kariah-Belle. She was staring at him and he stared back wondering if he'd have another vision. He didn't.

He wonder if she was upset with him because he had played a part in destroying her school. Kaden could never remember transforming or what happened after but Iris always filled him in. He had seen the bounty hunter, Memphis and must have been near death. After a sequence of events, Aya was able to revert Kaden back to normal but not before Rygilya had killed a young man who was a friend of Kariah-Belle.

Did she blame him? He pondered but knew she couldn't. It wasn't his fault she choked mid-battle. She was the one who'd gotten cold feet and her friend paid the price because of it. The young man wasn't sure why she'd even be a nominee.

The fill-in king was known as Raphiel Stoneheart. He finished his speech and gestured for the leader of each squad to begin the drafting process.

Before long holy Knight Van Lycanna stepped up but not before he nodded to Iris who nodded back. Kaden wondered what that was about.

"This was a tough decision." Van began speaking into the microphone. "Still, it's one I know I won't regret. Akio Stoneheart. Monty Silvers. Starting from today the three of you are master Knights. Welcome to squad NightWolf."

The crowd behind the nominees cheered. However, the newly appointed Knights seemed indifferent to the matter. Kaden didn't blame their lack of interest. The two lost comrades only a few days ago.

They made their way to Van who gave them their cloaks that bared the master Knight insignia. Then together with Holy Knight: Limbo Wolf, the two fell behind the other Knights who've yet to pick from the nominees.

As the drafting continued, Kaden noticed the way Kariah-Belle beamed at a purple-haired young woman he knew was Mae Lu from the reports. A divine Knight by the name of Amoria had drafted her. The purple-haired girl had lucked out and got a divine Knight that would one day become a powerful holy Knight in the years to come. Ianna and Lax-Rim were also called.

Before long, Iris stepped up to make her pick and Kaden couldn't believe her choice...

"For your bravery and self-sacrifice during the encounter during the initial evaluation as well as your great potential with a sword Kariah-Belle Nadire, you are a master Knight belonging to squad Blazing Star as of today."

Kaden glared daggers at the back of his master's head. Was she serious? Bravery? She had to be kidding?

What was his master thinking? If the newbie got cold feet on the battlefield that could spell disaster for the entire team.

The brown-haired young woman walked up to receive her cloak. She and Iris fell in behind Kaden and Aya.

Not only did she chose the choke. Kaden thought angrily. She ONLY chooses the choke.

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