chapter 33 - The Rivals(edited)

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Rygilya Semtek was more than scared.
He narrowly dodged the black ax made of ice slicing through the air as Memphis slapped his face.

Pain rippled across his face and the hit sent him tumbling along the ground before he quickly regained his footing.

If he didn't fight back, his master would kill him. He conjured spears made of black lightning in both hands.

A throbbing, stinging sensation spread throughout his abdomen. He doubled over and vomited. He stumbled backwards, holding onto his injury while trying to suck in air.

The young Darkness Tamer felt as if his brain had been slammed against his skull when Memphis knocked him to the ground. His mentor pressed his heavy boot on his chest, and Rygilya struggled to breathe.

Rygilya Semtek was more than scared. He was terrified.

"You almost cost me my treasure, boy!" The older Darkness Tamer spat. "Why didn't you tell me Kezell had been taken?"

"To avoid this, Master," Rygilya blurted out quickly.

Memphis snorted and lifted his foot. "Little good that did you, eh?" He dug his boot into Rygilya's side, sending him sliding along the cold bone surface that felt like glass.

His entire body hurt from the clobbering.

Memphis sat on his throne.

The sound of Rygilya catching his breath kept away the silence before he finally asked, "What's so special about her?"

The older Darkness Tamer went through the trouble of gathering mercenaries and darklings just to save a healer. Sure, they were uncommon but healing items could be brought for the right price.

"She's Nadire blood," Memphis answered plainly.

Rygilya sat up at the mention of Nadire.
"Like... Kaden."

Memphis nodded.

Now Rygilya understood why she had such a high life force even with zero fighting ability. He knew the Nadires were endowed with incredible life force from birth.

It made sense. Kezell's life force would continue to grow even without training. When she reached her prime, she would have the life force of a high-tier Divine Knight, maybe even greater. Memphis planned to kill her then and absorb her life force.


"The history books say you massacred that branch, leaving only one survivor. Why are there three of them?"

"Kezell I kept as a slave, and the other two escaped me that day. To think the boy would be able to tame the dark god just like his father," Memphis added with a far-off look.

Rygilya's eyes grew wide. "He what?"

"It's how he defeated Dracula."
Memphis cackled. "If a child can wield such power, imagine what I could accomplish! Excellent! Kaden Nadire, you are worth killing!"
The Darkness Tamer continued to laugh as if he'd heard the most funniest joke in Lore.

Rygilya couldn't believe his ears. While he stood no chance against the Vympiri lord, Kaden had beaten him.

So, you've mastered that power. Took you long enough, loser.

The young Darkness Tamer fell on his back and a slow smirk formed on his face.

Recollections of fighting alongside and against Kaden flashed in his mind. Eagerness bolded within.

If his rival had control over the dark power then that meant the two could settle things fairly.

Soon, Kaden, Rygilya thought. Soon I'll claim your head and take that power for my own.
Kaden stood in one of the many infirmaries of the underground city. He, along with Aya, Iris, Akio, Lax-Rim, and Mae Lu waited for Kariah-Belle to awake from her coma. Everyone was still in bandages.

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