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We stopped by the front door when we can hear the unnies and maknaes panicking. They might've noticed that Mina was gone.

Mina and I took the deepest breath we can before holding the door knob but the door suddenly swung open revealing a worried Jihyo unnie in front of us with the rest of TWICE behind her.

"And where the heck are you girls going?" I asked them making them all look at us with wide eyes.

"Yah!! Pabo Mina! Where were you?! Did you know that we're worried as hell?! We're almost on our way to the police station to have this reported!" Nayeon unnie grabbed Mina into a tight hug almost crying.

"M-mianhe, Unnie. I went out to find Ash." Mina explained everything to them while we were drying ourselves with the towels SaTzu brought out for us.

"Hai, baka." Sana handed me the towel with a pout.

"Gomenasai, Sana-chan." I patted her.

"You're lucky Ash was there to stop the guy just in time. Jesus, Mina you should've told us that you're gonna go out to find him. We could've went with you to prevent that from happening in case Ash wasn't there in time." Jihyo unnie sighed loudly while Mina is just looking down.

"Unnie, don't get mad at her. It was basically my fault. I shouldn't have only let Nayeon unnie know that I'm going out. I should've told you guys about it too especially Minari. And due to my own stupidity, I left my phone that's why I wasn't able to text one of you that I was stranded due to the heavy rain." I told her without breaking eye contact.

She only let out a loud sigh again and nodded.

"But next time, please let everyone know. If PD-nim finds out or if that incident gets out in public, it's a hell of a mess. It could ruin our career, okay?" I only nodded while looking down.

"Yah, Jihyo, don't be so hard on Ash. We all know he didn't mean it." Nayeon unnie and Jeongyeonnie rubbed my back.

I heard footsteps coming to my direction but I didn't bother to look up until I felt a tight hug.

"J-Jihyo unnie..."

"Sorry for yelling at you two earlier. As TWICE's leader, you can't blame me for being too protective of my members." She said softly while running her hand on my hair.

All I responded is a nod.

She also did the same to Mina as soon as she broke our hug.

Once she broke the hug with Mina she went back to me to tend the flesh wound on my cheek. I guess I got this earlier while I was beating the guy up. I didn't even know that I got this wound if Dahyun hadn't noticed. Talk about having eagle eyes.

*30 minutes later*

Everyone went to their respective rooms to get a good night sleep.

Which means I'm also inside the room with Nayeonnie, Jihyo unnie, Sana and Minari.

The 4 girls are talking about girl stuffs with each other while me on the other hand is drying my hair again since I took a shower.

I laid down on Mina's bed but I faced the wall and almost broke my nose in the process since I didn't noticed that I'm already close to the wall. Luckily the girls didn't hear my voice when I cursed. "Fuck my life." I quietly mumbled while rubbing my nose hoping it's not dislocated and yes it wasn't. Phew.

A few minutes more and the lights of the room are turned off and I felt Mina laying down beside me.

They were still talking for a few minutes more until the noise inside our room suddenly died. They're probably all tired from their activities earlier.

I slowly dozed off when I heard her voice.

"Ash? Are you still awake?" I hummed lazily as an answer since I'm already sleepy too.

"Oh, sorry if I woke you up. Just go back to sleep." Her voice seems off so I turned to her.

"What's wrong?" I whispered.

She shook her head.

"Liar. Let me guess... couldn't sleep?" She just nodded at me.

"You're probably feeling awkward cause this is the first time we're sleeping together again after how many years." I chuckled.

"Well sort of. But to be honest, that's not the reason why I can't sleep."

I slightly got up and leaned my head on my hand as I look at her.

"Still thinking about what happened earlier?" She let out a sigh and nodded while putting her hand on her forehead.

I took her hand with my free hand and caressed it gently.

"You do know I won't let anything happen to you, right?" I made her look at me when she was trying to avoid my gaze.

"Mina keep in mind that I will never, ever, ever let anything happen to you. Never. I will always protect you. That's how important you are to me. That's how much I love you." I said without breaking my eye contact with her.


Did I just...



He what? He loves me?

"Y-you what?"

"I mean... that's how I love you. A-as a bestfriend of course." He let out a nervous laughter.

The word 'bestfriend' stung my heart for some reason. Ugh I hate this feeling. Why can't I figure out what this is? *sigh*

"Oh." That's the only thing I can answer.

I snuggled closer to him and wrapped my arm on his side since we're facing each other.

He feels so warm. I wish I can stay in his arms forever. Feeling his warmth. Smelling that perfume of his that I love so much since we were kids.

After a while I felt him do the same to me as he gently run his hand on my hair.

With the job he's doing, it's making my eyes heavy and I let out a yawn.

I heard him chuckle and kept on running his hand on my hair and started to hum the tune of our favorite song, All Of The Stars.

I closed my eyes fully while fighting to stay awake to hear the rest of the tune before dozing off fully.

Before dozing off fully, I felt his lips on my forehead and even heard him whisper.

"Good night, penguin."

To be continued...

Annyeong! Sorry if this update is lame T^T Jonghyun's song Lonely is having it's toll on me. I'm seriously tearing up while I was updating this story 😭😭 but luckily this song just gave me an idea for my next chapter. *sings* Baby I'm so lonely~ ❤️😭


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