You're My Deja Vu (Part 1)

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After 4 years...

"DAAAAAAAAD!! Hoshi took my neck pillow again!!" Woozi complained to me while pouting.

"Behave yourselves you two. We're on the plane, not at home."

"Woozi and Hoshi Tachibana, sit down and behave yourselves." Elkie glared at the boys and they immediately followed her.

"Wow, El. They really are scared of you." I chuckled.


Ask yourself not me! -.-

(Author: that's why I'm asking you cause you're me! Wait. Seriously what am I doing with my life? 😂😂😂 okay back to the story.)

Anyways... we are on a plane bound for Korea. It's almost 5 years ever since I left Korea. TWICE is more famous than before. I can still see her smiling on TV. But it wasn't real. Unlike before. Her gummy smile is a proof that her smiles are true. The memory of me leaving her for good was still fresh. Atleast she's in a happy relationship with Jimin-sunbaenim now. Soompi posted an update 11 months ago that Mina and Jimin are dating. When I read that article, I was devastated. Who wouldn't? I love her. Until now. I wouldn't lie to that fact. Ever since I read that article online, I didn't bother to touch SNS accounts ever again. I deactivated my Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, SnapChat every single SNS app that I have.

After what feels like a 24 hour trip back to Korea, we have finally landed.

--After 1 week--

I'm at the mall with Elkie and the Twins. They're happily shopping with their mom while I'm just here to chill and be their bodyguard. -.- I was walking around while Elkie and the boys are on a botique. Seriously, they're probably the first person I know who loves shopping with the fact that they're boys.

Well aside from male idols though. Me and my former members do it all the time when we were still all together. A complete OT9. I heard they never bothered to look for another member to replace me. Kai became the leader of the group. Kai can be a bit stupid sometimes but he can actually lead a group too.

I wasn't paying much attention to where I was walking since I was very lost in thoughts until I bumped into someone.

"Ah." I heard a... how should I say it? A squeal? Yeah let's go with squeal. So yeah... I heard a 'squeal' and I suddenly looked at the owner of the voice and saw a girl with a hoodie and a mask on, flat on her ass and with a couple of notebooks beside her.

"Shit. Sorry, Miss. I wasn't watching where I was going." I immediately knelt down to help her pick the scattered notebooks and she also did the same.

We were picking the last few notebooks until I saw something familiar. The... the ring. That's the exact ring Mina gave me before. No exaggeration. It really is the ring!

The girl's mask fell on the top of the notebook and I slowly looked up to who she is.


We said our names at the same time.

"H-how are y—"

"Daaaaad!!" She was cut off when the twins came running towards me bringing a new toy car with them.

"Dad? You have a son? W-Wow. Congratulations. Your wife must be really lucky." Her voice was shaky. She is about to cry.

"Hi, unnie!! Are you Dad's friend? I am Woozi! And this is Hoshi! We're twins!" Woozi happily said while grinning.

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