Fragments & Memories

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"He have retrograde amnesia." Doc Zico said and silence filled the white hallways of the hospital.

"That's impossible... right?" I hesitantly asked.

"I wish it's not true. But his amnesia was caused by the concussion he attained during the accident. He remember who his members are, and the girls from Twice. All except for Mina-ssi." -Doc

"But how come he remembers all of us but not Mina? Are you sure you're telling the truth doc?" Tzuyu asked as if she's trying to read his mind.

Doc Zico explained to us the causes of Retrograde amnesia, it's effects and how long it would last

"Usually retrograde amnesia lasts for a couple of months up to 1 year. Depends on the treatment given to him." Doc Zico said as he looked at Ash behind that glass window before continuing. "He also remembers how he got casted to be an idol. How he first debuted as a solo artist and how he met his members and their debut. Most likely he forgot what happened after those events."

I looked at Ash from the glass window of his room and watch him play with a fidget spinner.

"Uhm doc, why is he playing with a spinner?"

"Oh that? We had to since he was panicking a bit when he woke up a while ago. Spinners can help calm the nerves of one person." -Doc

Ash seemed to be having fun with that spinner.

*sighs* it's been 3 weeks ever since he woke up. He finally got out of the hospital. And he's back at the dorm now. Jihyo somehow managed to convince him to stay with us since she told him that even before the accident, he used to stay with us. I actually missed being around him. We all do. But...

I miss the real him the most. The Ash that I fell inlove with.

"Uhm, hey Ash?" I peeked through the door to see if he's in and he's actually reading a book.

He closed the book, looked up to me and adjusted his glasses. "Yes, Mina-ssi?"

"Wanna go for a walk? It's kinda boring here." I said with a pout. Ugh. This is embarrassing. -_-

"Sure. I was actually planning to go since I just finished the book." He giggled and stood up, grabbing 2 jackets and masks. "Here." He said as he handed me my jacket and mask.

"Thanks." I faked a smile.

It's hard pretending that I'm alright. He have no idea how I cry every night. Wishing for the old him to be back.

"Let's go?" He said and I nodded.

We both walked downstairs and caught attentions of the unnie line.

"Where are you two going?" -Momo unnie.

"We're just going for a quick walk." Ash said smiling like a little kid.

"Be safe you two! And call us right away if anything happens okay?" -Jihyo

"Arraseo, unnie!" Ash smiled before walking out of the house with me behind him.


The walk with Mina-ssi is silent. And it's an awkward one.*sigh* Every night, I can hear her crying. In the kitchen. Sometimes at the living room that I even came to a conclusion that she's watching a sad movie or something unil one time, I heard her mention my name between her sobs. I wish I could remember more about her. It's seriously confusing since I know the 8 girls very well but I have no fuckig damn idea about her. 😕

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