You're My Deja Vu (Part 2)

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I immediately got up and walked over to her and gently dragged her inside before closing the door behind her.

"Mina what's wro—"

She cut me off by suddenly hugging me tight while crying on my chest. She grabbed the hem of my shirt while crying.

My heart tightened hearing those cries from her. I gently placed my left hand on her head and my right hand on her back.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She muttered between her sobs.

"Shhh." I hushed her while rubbing her back. "I-it's kinda tiring in this position, Mina." I gently walked backwards to my bed with us on that position.

I made her sit down before sitting next to her and faced her. She looked down while tears are falling from her eyes.

"Stop crying, Mina. Your eyes will get puffy tomorrow." I wiped her tears gently. I can't stand seeing her like this.

"You don't have to apologize for everything, Mina. I should be the one apologizing to you." I said. "If I never lied about my memories, this wouldn't have—"

"If only I had realized your true worth back then, we would be so happy right now. I told myself I will be fine without you." Mina cut me off again as she leaned her head on my chest, placing her left hand on my neck. I can smell the amazing scent of her shampoo and her perfume.

You smell so amazing. I thought to myself.

"But you're happy with Jimin-sunbaenim now, aren't you?" I felt jealous knowing she's with Jimin.

"Where did you get that information? From Soompi?" She looked at me with her left eyebrow up. I nodded.

"Pabo. That was a hoax. Jimin and I were never in a relationship. After our dating ban ended, Bambam, Jin-ah and Jimin tried courting me. The girls said it might be a good idea for me to give them a chance. That it was time for me to accept the truth that you're never coming back. So I did it. I gave them a chance to help me forget about you. I chose to let Jimin court me. I wouldn't deny the fact that he made me smile. But no matter how hard I try to, I can't forget you. Everywhere I look, it's always you. That's where I realized that I couldn't stand it without you. That no one can make me smile like you do. That no one can make me happy like you do. That no one can love me like you do. I can't live without you by my side." She hid her face on my chest again.

I don't even know what to say. All those years, she was suffering. Well... she's not the only one suffering all those years. I was suffering too.

"Well that makes the both of us. I tried my best to forget you but no matter how hard I try, my mind and my heart would always long for you. When I read that article about you and Jimin being in a relationship, it was the most devastating day of my life. But I told myself 'hey, atleast she's finally happy. And if she's happy, then I'm happy. Her happiness matters the most for me.' It was painful that I never bothered to open any of my SNS accounts."

"Yeah cause you deactivated them." She said with a frown.

"How did you...?"

"I made a dummy account to see updates about you."

"Smart ass." I said.

We both stayed in silence for a few minutes. It wasn't an awkward one but a comforting silence until she spoke up again.

"When are you going back to Japan again?"

"The next day after tomorrow."

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