Chapter 4: A Surprise for the Hippie

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Sunday, December 14th, 10:34 a.m.

Chloe had kept the trip to Dellwood a secret from Max since she has always wanted to go to the fancy city. Her plan was to tell Max on their date that was currently going on right now. Max and Chloe walked through a park hand in hand. Swinging their hands back and forth.

Max's POV

"So when are you going to tell me this surprise?" I asked her. "Soon, hippie! Have some patients." Chloe told me. "It's hard to be patient when your girlfriend is this excited and has a secret to tell..." I said. "Oh quit whining and have some fun!" Chloe said with a bright smile.

"Besides... We have all the time in the world now that we're jobless. And we literally have all the time in the world. Just keep rewinding to this point once it's over." Chloe said.

"I haven't used my rewind since Arcadia Bay, Chloe. I don't know if I even have it anymore." I told her.

"Why don't we test it out? Catch!" Chloe said and threw a snowball at me. "Ahh!" I shrieked as the snowball struck me. "Oh, you so asked for it." I said. Chloe grinned and raised her arms and started backing away slowly. "Rewind and do something about it..." She said.

I hesitantly lifted my hand... and time started reversing.

"Why don't we test it out? Catch!" Chloe said and threw a snowball at me. I dodged it and threw my own snowball at her and it struck Chloe in the chest.

"Argh!" Chloe grunted. I quickly lost my smile. "Oh my god, Chloe, are you okay?" I questioned as I quickly approached her. "I think that one had ice in it." Chloe said, clutching her chest. She crouched low to the ground. "Shit Max, I think I'm bleeding!" She said. My eyes widen. "Chloe, honey, I'm sorry! I am so, so sorry!" I said to her.

I saw a grin form on her face and she whipped up some more snow and it collided into my face.

"Haha! I got you so good there!!!" Chloe said as she started laughing. I wiped the snow off of my face. Chloe was still laughing. "You're hilarious." I said. Making Chloe laugh even harder.

"Oh, you're so adorable when you're mad." She said.

Adorable? Did she just say I was adorable?

"Did you just say I'm adorable?" I questioned. "I did. Deal with it." Chloe said with a confident grin. "I'll show you adorable." I said and ran after her. A happy smile grew on Chloe's face as she turned and ran away through the snow. We chased each other through the park like we used to as kids.

As pirates.

It was a lot of fun. So fun that I had completely forgotten about the surprise Chloe had to tell me.

"How was that for some exercise?" Chloe said as she panted. "Those donuts Daniel got you probably didn't help." I said. "Trust me, Maxi Pad. I can eat boxes upon boxes of donuts." She said. "I don't doubt it, Che." I told her.

Chloe grabbed my hand and we started walking again. She flashed a bright smile towards me. "You ready to hear the surprise?" She asked. "I totally forgot about it! Yes!" I said enthusiastically. Chloe stopped and stood in front of me. She grabbed both of my hands and held them tightly.

Chloe's POV

"Max... it's been a tough week for you. I want that all to disappear. So... I did a little something..." I said to her. Max smiled that beautiful smile of hers. One that could melt anyone's heart. And mine had turned to mush because of it.

"So I booked a hotel... in a small little town called Dellwood." I told her. Max's eyes widen and she lit up. "Oh my god, really?!" She said happily. "Really really." I confirmed. Max's grip tightened on my hands as she jumped up and down.

"OH MY GOOOD!!!" She shouted. Max looked at me with a huge smile and ran toward me. She jumped and wrapped her arms and legs around me. "I love you soooo much!" She said. I wrapped my arms around her waist and spun around with her. I set her down and she kissed me deeply.

"This moment definitely needs to be saved!" Max said and took out her camera from her bag.

She wrapped her arm around me and smiled for the picture. I smiled into the camera as Max took our picture. Once Max put her camera away, she kissed my cheek. "Excited?" I asked her. "Very!" She said. "When are we going?" She asked. I smirked. "How does tomorrow morning sound?" I said. Max smiled widely again. "Of course! Let's pack tonight. Now! Let's start packing right now!" Max said and started dragging me out of the park.

"This will definitely be hella better than that trip to Portland!" Max said. I laughed as she continued to drag me back to my truck. "We never even went on that trip." I told her. "That's why this will be even better!" Max said. She's such an adorable little thing.

I love her so much.

"Hurry Chloe!" Max said as she climbed into the truck. Chloe quickly ran around the truck and got in beside Max. "Hurry! Let's go!" Max said, failing to contain her excitement. "Calm down Maximus..." Chloe laughed. "How can I calm down when we're going to Dellwood tomorrow? This is going to be so much fun!" Max said, smiling widely. Chloe started the truck and drove back to the Caulfield's house.

Damn. Max is a lot more excited than I thought she'd be.

Max looked on with a smile. She was dying to get back and start packing. Max looked at Chloe and placed her hand on her thigh. "I love you Chloe." She said. "You told me that at the park." Chloe said with a chuckle. "Doesn't matter." Max said with a head shake.

"I love you." Max told her.

"I love you too, dork." Chloe said back.

They arrived at the house. Max eagerly exited the truck and ran over to the house. "Max, you didn't even close the door!" Chloe said to her. "Come on!" Max said. She unlocked and ripped open the door to the house. Chloe smiled and shook her head. She closed Max's door and walked to the house.

Max was already rushing up the stairs to their room. "Max, you still have to take your jacket and shoes off!" Chloe said. "No time, Chloe!" Max shouted from her room.

"Max, we still have all night to pack..." Chloe said as she walked up the steps. "I want to leave first thing in the morning!" Max said. She was truly happy and excited for this trip. It was a dream come true for Max.

Chloe leaned on the door frame and watched Max throw all her clothes into a suitcase. "Max, you gotta chill, dude. Take a breather." Chloe said. "How? Chloe, I'm going crazy! I can't sit down!" Max said.

Chloe grinned. "I guess I have no other choice." She said. "What's that mean?" Max asked her. "I'll have to tickle it out of you." Chloe said and dashed toward her.

Max laughed as Chloe tackled her onto the bed. Chloe landed on top of Max and started tickling her. Max kicked her legs as she laughed uncontrollably. "Chloe... please... please stop!" Max laughed. "Make me!" Chloe said.

Max tried rewinding, but the tickles were too much to bear. And she didn't want to risk Chloe tickling her armpits as that's a killer move. The two shared a laugh and looked at each other. "You're so beautiful..." Chloe said. She kissed Max's nose softly and gently pressed her forehead against Max's.

"Let's just relax for a bit..." Chloe said. "I'm fine with that." Max said softly. Chloe lied beside Max and rested her head in her neck.

Max lazily ran her fingers through Chloe's hair. "At least rushing got us here quicker." Chloe muttered. Max smiled tiredly. "Mmmm... Let's nap." She said. Chloe got comfortable and kissed Max's cheek. Max wrapped her arms around Chloe and closed her eyes and the two drifted to sleep together.

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