Chapter 8: Reunited

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"What, where?!" Max questioned quickly.

Her excitement started to build up. "Over there." Chloe pointed. The two women looked at a lone figure sitting at a bench with their back turned to them. "I... I don't know..." Max said. They both studied the figure. He stood up, revealing he had a skateboard in hand. "That's him." Chloe said. Max's eyes widen and she let out a gasp as a bright smile spread across her face.

She quickly stood up and started running over to him. Chloe smiled as well as she quickly ran behind Max. "Oh my GOOOOD!" Max shouted. Heads turned to them. The figure turned his head as well. And it was him.

Daniel Connors.

A surprised expression quickly spread on his face as Max ran into him and hugged him tightly. "Hey there, skater boy!" Chloe said, joining the hug. Eyes from all over eyed at them.

"Max! Chloe! What is this?!" Daniel said. "This is us hugging you, man!" Chloe told him. "Oh my god! What are you doing here?" Max asked him, a wide smile spread across her face. "My mom and I are visiting my grandmother." Daniel told us, a smile forming on his face.

"Emily is here too?!" Max questioned. "Yeah, she is." Daniel told her. "Wowser, no way! We should go see her!" She said. "Hella yes, let's do it!" Chloe added. "Cool, man. She'll be stoked to see you again!" Daniel said. "Let's go! Right now!" Max said, excitement running through her body.

Daniel had looked much the same as he did in May. But he had longer hair, which flowed and brushed back nicely and curved over at the sides and over his ears and down his neck, and was flicking off at the bottom of his neck. He still wore skater like clothes. A black hoodie and dark blue jeans and his DC Shoes branded high tops. He also still had his old skateboard.

Max's POV

I'm so, so happy to see Daniel. And he does look good, not going to lie. Chloe would kill me if I said that out loud.

"So, Daniel. Got any girlfriends yet?" Chloe asked, bumping her shoulder to his. "Nah, man. Not yet." He said. "Really? Come on, dude. Stop being a wuss and find yourself a woman!" Chloe told him. "Would if I could, Chloe." He replied. "So, how've you been, Daniel?" I asked. "All good, dude. Hitting the rails, that kinda stuff." He said.

"Got quite the hair going there, man. Surprised that itself didn't get you any hos." Chloe said. I hit her arm and she laughed. Daniel ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm not desperate, to say the least." He said. "Taylor was." Chloe said. "Dammit, don't bring that shit up." He said and we started laughing. Daniel just stood there. Shaking his head.

"Just admit you liked having her bothering you." Chloe said. "She's hot, but she was way out of my league. She was in the Vortex Club, dude! I'm a skater. That's an awkward couple." Daniel said.

"Last I heard, she, Courtney, and Victoria were on a road trip." I said. "No surprise there." Chloe said. "Max, didn't you say you splashed paint over them once?" Daniel asked me. A grin formed on my face. "Yeah. They wouldn't move so I... improvised." I told them. Chloe and Daniel laughed.

"But, I truly think Victoria is improving. She did apologize to us..." I said. "She did?" Daniel asked. "Yeah, we actually met up with them a while back." Chloe told him. "Oh, really? How'd that go?" He asked. "Honestly, not too bad." I told him. "Victoria feels bad about everything she did at Blackwell. I think she's trying to turn over a new leaf."

The cold air hit as we left the doors. "Dude, did you seriously skate from your grandma's house to the mall?" Chloe asked. "Hell yeah I did! I'll skate in a fucking blizzard." He said. "You sound confident." I told him. "Yeah, I take it back." He said.

Chloe's POV

It's hella badass to see Daniel again. Max was super excited and happy to see him. I'm almost jealous. If I wasn't gay and in a relationship with Max, Daniel's looking pretty hot. Can't let Max know that, she'll freak. With that fancy looking hair, I just don't understand chicks aren't all over him already.

"Oh, watch out when we get to the driveway. I nearly busted my ass from the goddamn ice." Daniel told us. I grinned widely and said, "Well that'll be fun!" "Of course Chloe would think that. But I don't want to get a broken nose..." Max said.

"I'll take care of you if you do..." I said, grabbing her hand. "Should've known you'd be all feisty with each other..." Daniel said. "How can you turn down someone as hot as Max?" I said. Causing her to start blushing which was so cute.

Daniel shrugged. "Well, no judging from me." He said. "Cool. Because then we'd have a problem." I told him with a smug look on my face. "Hey, gay or not, you guys are cool. I don't care about that, man." He said. And that means a lot. It really does.

"Did you know Warren's in Dellwood?" Max asked. "No shit, he is?" Daniel said. "He's here for a convention." I told him. "Last I saw that kid was when we all hung out in May." He said. "We can probably say hey later, if you'd like?" Max said. "Cool. I'm down." Daniel replied. Max smiled happily. "This is the best trip ever! Hurry, let's get to Daniel's grandma's!!!" Max said. "Slow down there, Maximus." I said and ran after her. "Try to keep up, skater boy!" I said over my shoulder.

"You're going the wrong way!" Daniel said to us. We quickly turned and ran towards Daniel. Quickly passing him. And I should have known he would have dropped his skateboard and pass by us soon enough.

After a few minutes of running, I stopped and placed my hands on my knees. Panting for air. "We gotta stop!" I said. My chest felt like it was on fire. "Daniel, wait up!" Max called. "You serious?" He said over his shoulder. He skidded to a stop and grabbed his skateboard. "You can only go that long?" He said. "Hey, not all of us are in good shape..." I told him. "I knew buying you those donuts was a bad idea." He said.

"That was a long time ago dude." I told him.

"Yeah, a year ago?" Daniel said to me. "How many donuts have you had since then?" He asked. "A shit load?" I replied. "That explains it." He said.

"Hey, you calling me fat?" I questioned. Max wrapped her arms around my waist. Resting her chin on my shoulder. "No. You're hot and sexy." She said. "Thanks, babe. Unlike skater boy here, you actually understand." I said.

I turned in her arms and kissed her. Daniel can watch us all he wants. I don't care what anyone thinks. I moaned against our kiss, hoping to tease Daniel and make him extremely uncomfortable.

And it worked as I heard Daniel uncomfortably clear his throat. "Yeah, I'll just be on my way..." He said. "Don't deny it, Daniel. You like what you're seeing." I said as I turned to him. He shrugged. "Hey, I'm a guy. Seeing two girls make out, what else can I think?" He said.

As we walked behind Daniel, I slid my hand down Max's back and squeezed her ass. Max looked at me and made 'come hither eyes' at me. She looked so hot like that. "We're going to need some alone time later..." I whispered in her ear. Max grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "I like the sound of that." She whispered back. We followed Daniel the rest of the way to his grandmas house.

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