Chapter 26: Final Confrontation

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Max's POV

After stepping on the bus and taking my seat, I plugged my earbuds into my phone and stuck them in my ears. I got comfortable in the seat and I pulled out my phone and opened my pictures. I scrolled through all these pictures of me and Chloe. Some of them bringing a smile to my face. Other pictures with Kate. Some with Warren. Others with Daniel. I love them all so much. I wish I could just go back to those moments.

Well, I probably could by staring into them. But first off, it probably needs to be an actual picture. And second, even if I could go back in time through these pictures, I wouldn't because of the problems it caused at Arcadia Bay.

It's sometimes still hard to process that all of that happened just a year ago. But the worst part is that it's because of me. Chloe always held me in her arms as I cried about it. She would tell me to not beat myself up over it. But it's hard to think everyone who died that day is my fault. And Chloe lost Joyce because of me. That's what kills me the most is that Chloe's mother is dead because of me.

I exited the bus and walked from the bus stop to Grace's house. It wasn't going to be a long walk. I enjoyed the snowflakes peacefully falling from the sky. The beauty of winter. I saw Grace's house in the distance and smiled. Grace was such a nice lady. Daniel is lucky to have her as his grandmother.

My tracks suddenly came to a complete halt when I saw a very familiar vehicle.

Chloe's truck was sitting in the driveway.

Why was Chloe's truck here? Was she here right now? Could this finally be the time we can sit down and talk? I sped my pace to the door. All these thoughts ran through my head. I got to the door and hesitated. I took a deep breath and raised my hand. Knocking softly on the door three times. I locked my hands together and waited. After a few seconds, the door opened.

"Sup, Max?" Daniel greeted. "Hi Daniel. Have you seen Chloe?" I asked him politely. Daniel's lips parted and he smiled nervously at me. Running a hand through his hair. I knew it. Chloe's here. Seeing her truck sitting in the driveway was already enough to tell me she was here. I shook my head.

Max felt a sudden burst of adrenaline.

"Of course you're here." Max said loudly. She pressed her hand against Daniel's chest and started pushing him forward. Letting herself in. "Of course you're here!" She said again. Pushing Daniel out of her way. She turned around the corner and entered the living room. And there she was.

Chloe Price.

Chloe sighed heavily and crossed her arms and turned her back to Max. "Are you serious Chloe?" Max said as she approached her girlfriend. "Please stop doing this to me!" Max said.

"Max, look. This isn't-"

"Stay out of this Daniel!" Max told him. She looked back at Chloe.

"Why do you keep avoiding me? Why do you keep running away instead of talking to me?" Max said. "Chloe, I cry myself to sleep every night because you're not there beside me. Please, Chloe! Please just turn around and look at me!" Max said. Tears now pouring from her eyes.

"Why won't you just TALK to me!?"

"Because you matter a lot to me!" Chloe said. "Okay?" She said, turning around. Her eyes were red and tears leaked down her cheeks. "You mean so much to me, Max! So I avoided you because I thought you didn't love me anymore so I... I..." Chloe couldn't continue and she started breaking down into tears. "Oh Chloe..." Max said and brought Chloe into her arms.

Chloe wrapped her arms around Max and started crying in Max's arms. Making Max cry too. They sat on the couch and cried together. Embracing each other tightly. "You know that's not true!" Max told her, crying in Chloe's grasp. Chloe cried into Max's neck.

"I thought you didn't love me anymore, Max." Chloe said. She tightened her embrace around Max and cried even harder. As Max and Chloe cried together on the couch, Daniel stood there. Not knowing what to do other then just stand there and watch as they cried together.

"I love you so, so much Chloe. I would never do that to you." Max said. "I love you so, so much." Max said again. Clutching Chloe tighter in her arms. Daniel sighed as he sat down in a chair. He slouched in the chair and ran his hands over his face. Letting out a sigh.

"Chloe. Look at me." Max said. Chloe looked at her girlfriend. Max took Chloe's face in her hands. "You mean everything to me. You're the love of my life. You're my girlfriend. I would never, ever do that to you. And I'm so sorry." She said.

Chloe pressed her lips to Max's and kissed her. Chloe wrapped her arms around Max again and they continued to cry together. Daniel sighed and sat forward.

"Guys... look." He said. Max looked at him. Letting Chloe cry in her shoulder. "This... probably isn't the best... place... for..." He said. Clearly uncomfortable. Max nodded at him. "Yeah. Yeah, you're right." She said. Max turned her head to Chloe. "Let's go, Chloe." She said. She wrapped her arms around Chloe and stood up with her.

They slowly made their way to the door. Daniel stood up and watched them slowly walk away. He sighed and crossed his arms. Max looked over her shoulder at Daniel. "Come on, Daniel." She said. He looked at her and uncrossed his arms. He followed them out the door.

Chloe turned to Max and hugged her tightly. "I'm so sorry, Max. I'm so fucking sorry." She said. Max rested her cheek against Chloe's. Running her hand through Chloe's hair. "Shhhh." She softly told Chloe. Daniel watched as they embraced each other. He sighed and buried his hands in his pockets. Looking at the ground.

"I love you." Chloe told her. "And I'm so sorry." She said again. "Hush now, Chloe." Max told her softly. Chloe faced Max and kissed her. She deepened the kiss and parted from her. Max kissed Chloe's nose and looked at her. Running her fingers down her cheek. "Let's go." She whispered softly. Chloe nodded and they walked over to Daniel.

"Let's go for a walk." Max told him. He nodded at her and they walked side by side down the street.

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