Chapter 23: The Nerdist

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Monday, December 22nd, 2:45 p.m.

Max's POV

"Hey Max! How's it going?" Warren greeted me. I smiled at him and said, "Nothing much. You?" "Oh, just a little down since the convention ended yesterday. But I finally managed to get Robert Downey Jr's autograph!" He pulled out his Iron Man picture. "See?!" He said, holding it out to me. "Wow. That's really cool Warren." I said.

"Right? RDJ is such a cool person! And he's so funny!"

"RDJ?" I questioned.

"That's what people call him." Warren said with a shrug. "Anyway, I'm sorry to hear what's happening between you and Chloe. Kate called me the other day and told me about it. If you want to talk about it, I'm all ears." He said.

"Maybe later Warren. For now, I just want someone to hang out with." I told him.

"Dr. Warren Graham is in the house." He said.

We started walking side by side. "So how was the convention?" I asked him. Bumping my shoulder against his. "Oh, it was so cool! I hope I can come again next year!" He said. "Really wish you came along. You missed out!" He said. "Maybe next year." I told him. "Is it always here?" I asked. "Yeah, it's a yearly thing that happens in Dellwood." He told me.

"And why not? This place is fancy as hell. I mean just look at the city." Warren said, pointing at all the flashy lights. "Seriously. With the music and lights? It's like this place is a big open party!" I laughed. "Yeah, you'd think that." I said.

We walked around the park and talked for awhile. I really needed this. It's nice that I have friends from Arcadia Bay here. Warren is such a sweet guy. Our friendship means a lot to me. He means a lot to me. I'm glad he's actually taking the time to talk to me.

I am aware he liked me at Arcadia Bay. I liked him too. But not in that way. Chloe had to come first. She always did. Always will. Even now.

Chloe comes first.

If she texted me right now saying she wanted to meet, I would go see her in a heartbeat.

"Well, here we are." Warren said as we neared his grandpas house. "Is your grandpa here?" I questioned. "No, he went out." Warren said. I'm actually a little relieved. I tend to get embarrassingly shy around people.

Warren opened the door and let me in. "It's so damn cold out." Warren said as he closed the door. "I could kill for some hot chocolate." I said. "I can make some?" Warren said. I smiled at him. "I'd appreciate that." I told him. "I'll get that started." Warren said to me.

I sat down at the table and sighed.

It's nice that Warren's hanging out with me. I'd be so lost without him and Kate. I actually haven't seen Daniel yet. I wonder what he thinks. I just hope we can all meet with Chloe soon. I really want to see her. But I am starting to get a little restless. But I can't let that get to me and start getting mad at Chloe. Mom was right. Chloe thinks she lost me. And I'm going to try to prove to her that she hasn't and that I'm still all hers. Chloe still owns me. I will never forget that.

Warren came out with two mugs of hot chocolate and set mine down in front of me. "Thanks Warren. This looks really good." I said to him. "It's nothing, as heroes normally say." He said. I smiled and chuckled a little bit. Warren is such a classic nerd.

I took a sip of my hot chocolate and smiled delightfully. "It's really good." I told him. He smiled at me. "My grandpa helped me learn." He said and drank his. This is what I much rather be drinking than alcohol. Speaking of that, we should probably start talking about it soon.

"Warren, I think I'm ready to talk." I said. He locked eyes with me and nodded. "Start wherever you want, Max. I'm listening." He said. I put the mug on the table and sighed. Pressing my back to the chair. "What did Kate tell you?" I asked him. "Well, just that you and Chloe weren't talking. She said it'd be best to hear it from you." He said.

I nodded and eyed at the table. "Warren. Chloe and I went to a club on Friday. We had a few drinks and just had fun. I had too many and got drunk." I explained to him that I kissed Chloe's old friend and she saw us. Warren's brows furrowed and he nodded.

"She has been avoiding me ever since. She responded to one of my texts last night, but just once." I said. "Warren, I really want to see her. I miss her." He nodded. "That's completely understandable, Max." Warren said as he leaned his arms on the table. "I don't know where Chloe is, but we'll find her. I promise." He assured.

"Please don't make her the bad guy." I told him. "Because she's not. I don't want her to think we're all out to get her. I know how Chloe works. She'll think we're trying to gang up on her."

"Well, we don't want that." Warren said. Just thinking about it. Thinking about Chloe breaks my heart. "Warren... I really, really need to see her. I'm at a breaking point. I can't lose her." I said, on the verge of tears.

"You won't Max. We'll talk to her." Warren told me. I felt the tears coming. It was so hard to contain my emotions.

"She doesn't want to see me Warren." I said as I started crying. "She wants nothing to do with me." Warren frowned at me. "Max, you can't let that take you over. You can't lose hope. I'm sure Chloe misses you just as much as you miss her. I think Kate has a good idea going. We'll talk to Daniel, and we'll try to find and talk to Chloe." He said.

He rubbed my shoulder as I rubbed the tears out of my eyes. "It's very, very hard Warren. Not seeing Chloe beside me when I wake up early in the morning. I can't wrap my arms around her and go back to sleep. I miss her. I just want to hold her and tell her how sorry I am."

It was all weighing down on me. I was starting to break down. I have all these wonderful friends who are trying to help me. But not being able to hold Chloe is so painful.

"Don't worry about that Max. Soon enough, you will. Don't lose hope." He said. I shook my head and stood up. "I'm sorry, but I have to go." I said. "Max, wait-" He called out but I said, "I'm so sorry Warren." I wrapped my bag around my shoulder and walked to the door.

I hated leaving Warren like that. But I just really need to speak to Chloe. I'm going to my room to try to contact her. This can't keep up. She has to talk to me.

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