Chapter 28: Making The Plans

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Wednesday, December 24th, 9:20 a.m.

Chloe's POV

My eyes slowly opened. Feeling my arm wrapped around Max's waist was a feeling I missed so much. I always loved waking up to Max's messy bed hair. A tired smile grew on my face and I pressed a kiss to Max's head. I softly rubbed her freckled shoulder. "Hey..." I said gently. Max moaned softly. "Max..." She stirred a little and woke up. She turned her head and smiled at me.

"Hey." She greeted tiredly. I pressed a kiss to her lips. After a few kisses on her lips, I kissed her cheek and lied down next to her. Max turned and smiled at me. I missed that beautiful smile.

"You're so beautiful." I told her. Stroking her cheek. "So are you." Max said back. "Hey... isn't tomorrow Christmas?" I asked her. "Yeah, I believe so." Max said. I smiled and kissed her. I laid my hand on her shoulder as we kissed. Max moaned against our kiss and we parted.

"We should get up soon." I said. Max breathed deeply through her nose and clutched the blankets tightly in her arms. "I don't want to." She said as she closed her eyes. I smiled down at her and kissed her cheek. "You still want to hang out with everyone later?" I asked her. "Mmmm... yeah..." Max said. I chuckled and rolled her over.

"Maaax! Get up!" I told her. "Get lost, Chloe." She said. "Excuse me?" I said to her. I crawled on top of her and pinned her wrists down. "What did you say?" I said. "I'm sorry Chloe!" Max laughed. "Nu-uh, Max. You're not getting out of this one that easy!" I said and started tickling her. "Chloe, no!" Max laughed. "Apologize!" I told her.

Max laughed as I tickled her. "I'm so sorry, Chloe!" She said. "That's better." I said and sat up. Still sitting on top of her naked waist. "Come on. Let's take a shower." I said. Max lied her hands behind her head and smiled at me.

"Can we wash each other?" She asked. I grinned at her and pressed my hands to her breasts. I started slowly sliding my hands down her exposed body. Max closed her eyes and mumbled, "Mmmmm..." I smiled at her. "We can definitely wash each other." I told her. Max smiled at me and I took her hand and got off of her. Leading her to the bathroom.

Max's POV

I lied down on the bed and took out my phone. I opened my messages to invite everyone to hang out tonight. "So, who you texting first?" Chloe asked me. "I'm going to see if Kate's good." I told her and started texting Kate a message.

M- Hey Kate. Do you want to meet up with everyone tonight?
K- Sure that sounds like a lot of fun.
M- It will be! Oh by the way. Chloe and I are back together!
K- That's wonderful Max. See you tonight.

"Well, Kate's good." I said. "Awesome. Who's next?" Chloe questioned. "I guess I'll see if Warren's open." I told her and started texting him.

M- Yo Warren. You good to hang out tonight with us?
W- You know I am!
M- Awesome. See you tonight.

"Warren's good to go." I said. "I'll text Daniel to make sure he's not bailing on us." Chloe said. "And I'll text Victoria. Maybe even Caden." I said and started texting Victoria to see if she, Courtney and Taylor were available to hang out tonight.

M- Hey Vic. Want to hang out with me and my friends tonight?
V- Yes that sounds like so much fun. A perfect way to end the road trip! Thanx Max<3
M- Sure thing. See you tonight.

"Victoria says it's the perfect way to end their road trip." I told Chloe. "And Daniel is still good." She said. "Good. Now hopefully Caden is available." I said.

M- Hey Caden. Me and Chloe are hanging out with my friends tonight. You're our friend too. Wanna tag along?
C- That soundz sick! I'll be there!!!
M- I'm glad.

"Caden is on board. So everyone is good." I said. "Awesome! This will be so hella fun." Chloe said back. I put my phone on the end table and held my arms out to Chloe. "Come here, you." I said.

Chloe lied down on top of me and pressed a kiss to my lips. "Excited?" I asked her. "Hella excited." She said. I ran my fingers down her smooth cheek. "I'm so glad to have you back." I said. Chloe smiled at me. "So am I." She told me. I smiled at her and rolled over to where I was on top of her.

"Tonight is going to be so much fun." I said. Chloe smiled brightly at me. "We still have all day to get through." She said. "Well... there's one thing I can remember." I said. Chloe raised her eyebrow.

"And what's that?" She asked.

"Chloe Price... don't tell me you forgot." I said.

"Sorry, you'll have to remind me." She told me. "Actually?" I questioned. Chloe nodded. "You said you wanted me to dye my bangs..." Chloe's face lit up. "Dude, I completely forgot! Please, Max. Please tell me you'll do it!" She said.

I propped myself on my elbow. Stroking my chin thoughtfully. "Mmmm... I don't know..." I teased her.

"Don't do this to me, Max! You promised me!" Chloe told me. "Fiiiine... I'll do it." I told her. Chloe smiled brightly at me. "Yes! Let's go do that right now!" She said. "Before we do..." I said. I leaned down and pressed a kiss to Chloe's lips. She moaned as we parted. "We can do more of that later if you want to." I told her and winked at her. Chloe bit her lip.

"You know me well, Maxine."

"Don't... call me Maxine."

Chloe grinned at me. "Let's go dye your bangs, Maxine..." Chloe said. I got off her and lifted her off the bed. "You're so going to regret that!" I told her. "Save it for later." She said and spanked me.

After helping Max with the steps, Chloe waited anxiously for her to come out of the washroom. Chloe has been asking Max to dye her bangs for a while.

She's gonna look super hot!

Chloe heard the door handle turn and open. She quickly stood up and pressed her hands together with an excited smile on her face. Max came out facing downward. She then looked up at Chloe and smiled shyly.

Revealing the blue highlights in her bangs.

Chloe's POV

My mouth and eyes widen. Max looks so beautiful. She really does. Anyone can look at her and fall in love. But if they do, I'll be there to make them regret it because this woman is all mine.

"I'm in love." I said. Max gripped her hip and smiled. "Like you didn't love me before?" She said. "I'm in more love!" I told her. Max laughed and walked over to me. She brought me in her arms and we kissed.

I melted in her arms as we kissed. Her lips felt so soft. Her arms wrapped around me possessively. Max was marking me as hers. Her kisses were very intimate. Max kissed my nose and hugged me tightly. "Just hold me, Chloe." Max said softly. I kissed her neck and held her tightly in my grasp. This was the best feeling ever.

Nothing could be any better than this.

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