Chapter 22: Avoidance

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Max's POV

I sat down in the bus and plugged in my earbuds and opened Spotify. I started playing some music and looked outside.

My eyebrows furrowed as I remembered the texts I sent to Chloe earlier. I took out my phone and skimmed over them. Wishing Chloe had at least responded to me.

M- Chloe please.
M- I miss you.
M- Please talk to me.

I knew I looked pretty sad. But I can't start crying on the bus. I put my phone away and let the music take me away. My stop soon came and I stepped off the bus. Snow lightly fell from the sky which was dark grey from the coming night. There was always something cool happening at night in Dellwood. Those are one of the perks of a big, fancy city.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Which my hand was gripping. I quickly pulled it out, hoping Chloe has finally responded to my texts. But instead, it was actually Victoria.

V- OMG!!! Taylor just told me she's finally together with Daniel!!!

I was honestly a little disappointed. I totally thought it was Chloe. I thought she was finally talking to me again. But I couldn't ignore Victoria so I texted her back.

M- Wowser really?
V- Yea! Taylor is so happy!
M- Tell her congratulations for me
V- Will do! Luv u Maxi
M- Love you too Vic.

Victoria has come so far from Arcadia Bay. I'm glad I can call her a friend too. I'm not too sure about Courtney though. We still have to get to know each other. I bet Taylor and I will get along through Daniel. I'm really happy for them. I hope I can tell Chloe soon. I'm sure she'll be just as happy for them. She'll definitely tease them. I just really want to see her.

I opened the door to the coffee shop and entered the building. I stood in line behind a few other customers. I was just getting a coffee and maybe a donut. I just needed to get out of the room. I tapped my foot on the floor as I waited for the line to move forward. It was one of those awkward moments where you're in line and it's not moving up and you're making it clear you just want to leave.

But as I looked around, I saw someone that made my heart jump in my chest. I saw my beautiful blue-haired girlfriend sitting at a table.

My eyes and mouth widen and I quickly exited the line and I started walked over to her table. She took noticed when I sat down at her table in front of her. We locked eyes with each other. She looked horrible. She looked really sleep deprived. Her skin was paler than ever. Dark rings circled around her eyes.

"Can we talk?" I asked her. Her eyes were full of heartbreak and devastation. She breathed deeply through her nose and stood up and left me at the table. "Chloe!" She didn't even bother to look back. She just quickly left the building and walked away.

I started choking up. Tears started building in my eyes. I buried my face in my hands and started sobbing.

After few minutes later, I stepped out and walked down the street. I couldn't contain my emotions and I started crying. I sat down at a bench and pulled out my phone to call my mom.

"Hi sweetie. How are you and Chloe? What's Dellwood like?" I didn't respond. "Maxine? What's wrong?" I started crying again. Letting my mom know something was up. "Hey, what's wrong?" She said. "Mom, Chloe's mad at me. She's not talking to me." I told her.

"What? Why?" She asked.

"I was stupid. I got drunk and started kissing someone." I told her. "She saw me and she hasn't spoke to me since. I saw her at the coffee shop and asked if we could talk, but she left."

"Oh, baby girl, I'm so sorry." She said. "Mom, I'm so scared. I can't lose her." I said. I started gasping a little.

"I just don't understand... What am I doing wrong?" I said as I continued crying. "You're not doing anything wrong sweetie." She told me. "Mom, I love her so much. Why can't she understand that?" I cried.

"Maxine, she does understand." Mom said. "But you have to realize that she's going through something too. It may seem like you lost her, but to her, she lost you." Mom said. "But she didn't!" I said. "I still love her."

"I know you do. I'm sure she'll see that soon enough." Mom told me.

"But you also have to realize you drank recklessly. You can't be doing that, Maxine." She said. "Mom, please not now. Just talk to me." I said. "I don't know what else to say Maxine. Just stay strong. I'm sure Chloe will see that you're trying. But please don't drink." She said.

"I promise mom." I said. "Good. I love you." She said. "I love you too, mom." I then remembered I had to tell mom something. "Oh, and mom?" I said. "Yes dear?" She replied. "I don't think we'll make it for Christmas." I told her. "I'm sorry." I added. "You have nothing to be sorry for, honey. I understand completely." She said. That made me feel a whole lot better. After we said our goodbyes, I hung up and put my phone away. I stood up and walked to the bus stop.

Now my mom knows about me and Chloe. I hope she's not too mad at me for drinking. I learned my lesson and am never going to get drunk again. Let alone enter a bar. I know I drank underage, but I just wanted to make Chloe happy. But it ended up hurting us instead. I don't blame Chloe for what happened because all she wanted to do was spend the night with me and have fun.

I'm the one who messed up. I should have stayed sober but I let myself drink and get drunk. And now Chloe's not talking to me and avoiding me. It really hurts. I love her so much. I would never, ever do that to her. I wish she could see that. I tried talking to her but she keeps leaving. Chloe's breaking my heart. I really, really want to see her.

I stepped onto the bus and started my music again and rode back to the hotel. I stepped off the bus and walked to the doors. The hotel clerk greeted me with a welcoming smile. I did my best to smile back at her. I called the elevator and waited. I suddenly got a text from Warren.

W- Kate just told me what's going on. I'm so sorry this is happening.
M- Thanks Warren.
W- Want to hang out later or something?
M- Cool I'll meet you tomorrow.
W- Awesome!

I slid the card through the door and opened it. Being greeted by darkness. I turned on the lights and flopped down onto the bed. I sighed and ran my hands over my face. It was all building up. I can't hold it in much longer. I really need to see Chloe. I pulled out my phone and texted her.

M- I really need to talk to you.

She didn't even want to text me. She wanted nothing to do with me. Why? I wouldn't ever do this to her. Ever. But why can't she just listen to me? Instead of running away. It's getting to the point where the nice Max is going away and the confrontational Max is coming out.

M- I know I messed up but I'm sorry. I love you Chloe. I love you so so much. Please just answer me.

And then finally... Chloe responded.

C- you don't love me
M- Chloe, don't you dare say that! I love you with my whole heart! I really want to see you.

But she didn't respond after that. The tears started rolling down my cheeks.

"Chloe, please..."

I curled up on the bed and let myself cry. I really love Chloe. I love her so much, it hurts. My heart was truly broken. And the only thing that can fix it is the love of my life. But she might not ever want to see me again.

All those bad thoughts disappeared when I fell asleep on the bed.

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