Chapter 18: The Downfall

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Her worst fear has arrived.

Chloe watched in horror as Eliot left kisses down her girlfriends neck. His hands traveled up and down Max's body. Max embraced Eliot tightly in her arms as he kissed her neck. Eyes closed and smiling wildly. Chloe felt anger burning inside her. Her face scrunched up into a deep glare and she tightly clenched her fists.

An angry Chloe was one thing. But a drunk angry Chloe was another.

She stomped her way over to them. Chloe pushed and shoved people out of her way. There was no stopping an angry Chloe from doing what she wanted. "What the fuck are you doing!?" Chloe shouted at them. Eliot looked at her and smiled smugly.

"Oh. Hey Chloe. Long time no see." Eliot said, having trouble standing straight.

"Fuck you Eliot!" Chloe said and punched him across the jaw. Blood flew out of his mouth and Eliot slammed into the counter unconsciously. Max watched as he slid off the counter and fall to the floor with a thud. She turned her head to look at Chloe.

"Chloe..." Max faintly muttered. Chloe looked into Max's eyes. Tears starting to form in her eyes. Chloe was so hurt, she couldn't even find words to say. Her worst fear became a reality tonight. She was truly devastated. Chloe started backing away from Max.

"Chloe? Babe, what's wrong?" Max questioned. Chloe turned her back on Max and quickly walked to the door. "Chloe, baby wait! Come back!" Max said and ran after Chloe. Even in her current state, Max knew she messed up. Chloe pushed the doors open with a hard shove and turned to her truck down towards the parking lot. Max exited from the two doors and watched Chloe walk down the sidewalk with a quick pace.

"Chloe! Hey. Come back!" Max said. Chloe ignored Max's pleas behind her, continuing her quick pace to her truck.

"Baby!" Max quickly followed Chloe. "Wait, please!" Max gripped her hand around Chloe's wrist. Chloe ripped her wrist out of Max's grasp and turned to her. "How fucking dare you? What gives you the fucking right to even touch me?" Chloe told her.

Chloe's angry tears slid down her face. "How could you do this to me, Max?! You told me that you loved me!" Chloe said.

Max shook her head. "Chloe, I'm sorry, I didn't-" "Shut up!" Chloe said. "I don't ever want to see you again! EVER!" Chloe said loudly. She turned on her heel and left Max behind. Max watched as Chloe walked away from the club.

Because of her drunk state of mind, Max still didn't have a full clue of what happened. All she was aware of is that Chloe punched Eliot and stormed off. But Max did know she did something wrong to anger Chloe.

"Excuse me, miss? Are you okay?" A woman asked. Max looked over her shoulder at the woman. "You don't look so good. Do you want me to call a cab for you?" She asked. Max nodded at her. "Yes, please do." She said. "Okay... hold on." The woman pulled out her phone and called for a cab.

From what Max could gather, she was wearing a light purple hoodie, black leggings and white converse shoes.

"Yes. We're at the Trinity nightclub... Okay, great. Thank you."

The woman put her phone away and turned to Max. "They're on their way. I'll go with you. Where are you going?" She asked. "Uhhh... Triple Peaks Hotel..." Max told her. The woman nodded and gestured toward a bench nearby. "Sit down. It's not good to be standing when you had this many drinks." She said. Max nodded and sat down beside the woman.

"What's your name?"


"Nice to meet you, Max. I'm Anna."

Max looked at Anna's waving face due to her drunk state. Anna was a young caucasian woman with long blonde hair, a pretty face, and turquoise colored eyes. Max smirked and said, "You're pretty." Anna's head slightly jerked back. Surprised at Max's sudden comment. "Oh... thank you." Anna said with a nervous smile.

"But don't get funny with me. I have a girlfriend." Max told her. "Oh, don't worry. I already have a boyfriend." Anna said. "What's your girlfriends name?" She asked. "Chloe." Max said. Her eyebrows furrowed. "I think I made her mad. I don't know why." Max said. "Everything will be okay. Don't worry." Anna assured, not knowing the full story.

Max shrugged silently. "She just left me here." Anna nodded awkwardly. "That's... a shame. I hope you see her soon." She said.

Anna heard the doors open and turned her head. She saw a young man walk out, clutching his jaw with a pained wince. He spit out some blood and turned to his right and stumbled down the sidewalk.

The cab soon arrived. Anna told the driver to head to the Triple Peaks Hotel and they were on their way. Max watched as all the colorful lights passed by them.

They arrived at the hotel. But Max didn't see Chloe's truck anywhere. She frowned as she felt a hand press against her shoulder. "I'll... walk you to your room, Max." Anna said politely. Max nodded and they entered the hotel. The hotel clerk looked up at them and smiled. Anna smiled back as she led Max to the elevator.

"Which floor?" Anna asked. "Uhhh... Fourth?" Max said unsurely. Anna hesitantly hit the button labeled 'four' and the elevator doors closed.

The elevator reached the designated floor and opened its doors. Anna led the drunk Max out of the elevator and to her room. "Here we are." Anna said. "Will you be okay?" She asked Max. "I'll be fine." Max told her.

"Okay. Well, good night Max. It was nice... meeting you..." Anna said awkwardly. Max aimed finger guns at her and said, "Bah-bang!" Anna smiled at her and raised her hand in an awkward wave and started walking down the hall.

Max closed the door and locked it. She turned to the room. "Chloe?" No answer. Max turned on the light and noticed Chloe hasn't even come back to the hotel room yet.

Max walked to the bed and fell down onto it. Not bothering to change into her pyjamas. She grabbed the remote and aimed it at the TV and turned it on. She let her arm drop down onto the bed and soon passed out on the bed. The damage she caused was unknown to her.

The next day wouldn't be a good one.

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